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How to Use the Career Cluster Inventory on Your Student’s IEPs.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Use the Career Cluster Inventory on Your Student’s IEPs."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Use the Career Cluster Inventory on Your Student’s IEPs

2 Career Cluster Inventory - Scores

3 Read the Overview Have Student Read the overview (use Bing translator if needed)

4 Create Postsecondary Goal After graduating from high school, Jack will live in an apartment near his job while learning how to be a security guard through on-the-job training at a mall in the Oklahoma City area. Where will Jack work? At a mall Where will Jack learn? Through on-the-job training Where will Jack live? An apartment

5 Annual Goals for Jack Annual Employment Goal: Given access to a computer and OKCIS Jack will research skills needed to be a security guard and report at least 5 skills required for this occupation by May. Annual Education/Training Goal: Given information on the Criminal Justice program and guidance, Jack will attend Francis Tuttle Technology Center and complete their criminal Justice program maintaining at least a 70% in all coursework. Annual Independent Living Skills Goal: Given instruction and guidance, Jack will demonstrate the ability to balance a checkbook with at least 80% accuracy.

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