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GreatFriends vTalks Seminar #10. XNA Game Programming Supote Phunsakul (ball)

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Presentation on theme: "GreatFriends vTalks Seminar #10. XNA Game Programming Supote Phunsakul (ball)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GreatFriends vTalks Seminar #10

2 XNA Game Programming Supote Phunsakul (ball)

3 What Is the XNA Framework? A.NET game development platform that you use to create games for Xbox 360, Windows and Zune Simplifies cross-platform development Focus on your game, not the platform Consistent, easy-to-use APIs

4 Version XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 XNA Game Studio Express 1.0 Refresh XNA Game Studio 2.0 XNA Game Studio 3.0

5 XNA Game Studio Components Framework Framework

6 Xbox LIVE Marketplace XNA Game Studio Components Framework Framework Xbox LIVE CommunityGames Arcade

7 XNA Game Studio 3.0

8 Visual Studio Visual Studio 2008 Support Includes Visual C# Express 2008 C# 3.0 Query Expressions, Extension Methods, Lambda Expressions, Expression Trees, Partial Methods Windows, Xbox 360, and Zune Cross-platform project synchronization Click-Once deployment support Integrated project upgrade experience

9 Creating Zune Games

10 Games for Zune Goals Enable creation of games on Zune devices Extend XNA Game Studio to additional Microsoft platforms Same developer experience as Windows and Xbox 360 Supports all Zune devices Zune 4, 8, 30, and 80 16 MB RAM 240x230 resolution

11 Games for Zune Graphics 2D SpriteBatch functionality Can access texture buffers directlyInput Zune Pad accessed via Left Thumbstick (for touches) and D-Pad (for presses) A, B, and Back Buttons Create networked multiplayer games Up to 8 Zunes in ad-hoc network Behaves like a “system link” network session

12 FAQ I can develop on a retail Xbox 360? Yes. You will require a subscription to the XNA Creators Club ($99 a year) to do Xbox 360 development, Windows is free. Is it really cross platform? Yes. We had a design goal of > 95% common code C# only? Currently yes.

13 Price Play Station 3 = $10,250 Wii = $2,000 Xbox360 = $99

14 Next Steps Create Your Game Get started using XNA Game Studio 2.0 Visit

15 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. GreatFriends vTalks Seminar #10

16 Formular Pi = 180 degree PiOver2 = 90 degree PiOver4 = 45 degree 1 degree = (Pi/180) Radian Sin(0) = 0, Cos(0) = 1 Sin(Pi/2) = 1, Cos(Pi/2) = 0

17 Function MathHelper.Clamp(value, min, max) MathHelper.Lerp(value1, value2, amount)

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