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Medicine Through Time GCSE Support: How do I get the Top grade in Own Knowledge Questions.

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1 Medicine Through Time GCSE Support: How do I get the Top grade in Own Knowledge Questions

2 What shape should my answers be….? 2a) Briefly describe… 2b) Explain why… 2c) Debate…. 2a) Briefly describe… 2b) Explain why… 2c) Debate…. To get the highest marks at GCSE you have to ANSWER the question, demonstrate good subject knowledge and fulfil the requirements of the mark scheme. The guide on the left and the following slides show you how to structure your answers to get the top grade. Task 1 For each question revise the question area using the of the following website… ry/shp/ Task 2 Then complete the questions that follow as practice.

3 Question 3a) Briefly describe important medical developments brought about by great individuals during the time of the Ancient Greeks. What should my answer look like? One paragraph You need 5 key points here. This could be 5 different things or 2-3 explained examples. Note: You could include: The work of Hippocrates and Aristotle – Clinical observation, the four humours, books etc. Remember, write a sentence for each point, NOT just individual words/phrases. Don’t make it too long. 5 marks

4 Question 3b) Explain the importance of Galen. What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Explain one example. Eg: One way in which Galen helped developments in medicine was……. Explain a second example: Eg: Another way in which Galen helped developments in medicine was……. Note: You could include: Galen’s development of the Theory of opposites, his medical books, his experiments. Remember to repeat the words of the question at the beginning and end of your explanations. 7 marks

5 Question 3c) How far is were the Greeks more important than the Romans in the development of Public Health? What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Explain how the Greeks developed public health Eg: In some the Greeks were important in the development of public health, for example they ….. Explain how the Romans were more important Eg: In some ways the Romans were important in the development of public health….. Note: This must be a two sided debate. You could include: Greek regimen, Asclepions versus the Roman Public Health system 8 marks Conclusion Conclude – answer the question directly: Eg: Thus, it can be said that X was more important in the history of medicine because…..

6 Question 3a) Briefly describe medical beliefs in 1665 What should my answer look like? One paragraph You need 5 key points here. This could be 5 different things or 2-3 explained examples. Note: You could include: The Four Humors, Miasma, Astrology, Kings Touch Remember, write a sentence for each point, NOT just individual words/phrases. Don’t make it too long. 5 marks

7 Question 3b) Explain how chance has helped developments in medicine. What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Explain one example. Eg: One way in which chance has helped developments in medicine was……. Explain a second example: Eg: Another way in which chance has helped developments in medicine was……. Note: You could include: Pare’s discovery of the ointment, Fleming’s discovery of Penicillin, Chamberland and the vaccination for chicken cholera. Remember to repeat the words of the question at the beginning and end of your explanations. 7 marks

8 Question 3c) Which is the more important in the history of medicine, religion or government? What should my answer look like? Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Explain 2 ways in which religion was important Eg: In some ways religion was important in the history of medicine, for example….. (x2) Explain 2 ways in which government was important: Eg: In some ways governments were important in the history of medicine, for example….. (x2) Note: This must be a two sided debate. You could include: Religion: the role of monasteries, education, preventing change, impact of the Reformation, opposition to anaesthetics etc. Government: Romans, laissez faire attitude, public health reform, Liberal reforms, NHS etc. 8 marks Conclusion Conclude – answer the question directly: Eg: Thus, it can be said that X was more important in the history of medicine because…..

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