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Presentation for Semi-Annual National Spent Nuclear Fuel Meeting April 14, 2005 Sen Moy, DOE-RL Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation for Semi-Annual National Spent Nuclear Fuel Meeting April 14, 2005 Sen Moy, DOE-RL Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation for Semi-Annual National Spent Nuclear Fuel Meeting April 14, 2005 Sen Moy, DOE-RL Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel

2 Page 2 Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel K Basins Closure Progress –Fuel Removal Status –Remaining Fuel Related Activities Other Fuel Consolidation at Hanford Site –Fast Flux Test Facility Fuel –Oregon State University TRIGA Fuel

3 Page 3 Completed removal of 386 Multi-Canister Overpacks containing spent fuel from K Basins K Basins fuel MCOs now stored at Canister Storage Building –252 Mark IV MCOs 6 contain some Mark IA or SPR fuel 3 “short-stacked” MCOs –133 Mark IA MCOs –1 Single-Pass Production Reactor MCO K Basins Closure Progress Top Right: Empty MCO being prepared for transport; Bottom Right: Mark IV fuel basket with dummy fuel elements

4 Page 4 Scrap inventory in MCOs –Approximately 70,000 pounds of scrap –66 Mark IV scrap baskets used 4 MCOs contain 2 Mark IV scrap baskets 4 Mark IV scrap baskets contain some Mark IA or SPR scrap –1 Mark IA scrap basket used K Basins Closure Progress Left: Mark IA fuel basket and Mark IA scrap basket; Above: Single Pass Reactor fuel basket

5 Page 5 1-2 additional MCO(s) anticipated for fuel and scrap discovered during sludge removal, some found fuel –Fuel inventoried as unknown SPR, likely PRTR fuel –2+ SPR elements at B/C Reactor burial grounds –2 SPR elements and 1 N Fuel element at KW Basin Completed welding of >350 Welded N Stamped MCOs –No defects to date –Scheduled to complete welding of 383 K Basins MCOs and 18 Shippingport MCOs in Fiscal Year 2005 –3 MCOs scheduled to be welded in Fiscal Year 2007 to complete planned 2 year sampling/monitoring period; remaining 1-2 MCOs from K Basins will be welded at that time. K Basins Closure Progress

6 Page 6 K Basins Closure Progress Remaining Fuel Related Activities –Complete MCO Welding –Complete MCO Sampling/Monitoring –Receive B/C Reactor Found Fuel –Package/Process Fuel Recovered from Sludge and Found Fuel

7 Page 7 Fast Flux Test Facility Fuel Right: Interim Storage Cask receipt at 200 Area Interim Storage Area Off-load of fuel at FFTF into Interim Storage Casks (ISCs) over 2/3 complete. Loaded ISCs stored at 200 Area Interim Storage Area and Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP). Off-load of all remaining FFTF spent fuel, including sodium bonded fuel, into ISCs to resume in July, 2005. Transfer of all remaining ISCs from FFTF to 200 Area ISA to complete by March 31, 2006. Plans being modified to extend storage of Hanford slightly irradiated fuel, including FFTF slightly irradiated fuel, with other PFP materials.

8 Page 8 Oregon State University TRIGA Fuel Fuel currently contained in 13 drums, which were buried in 1986 at Low-Level Burial Grounds Evaluating funding to retrieve the 13 drums of fuel in Fiscal Year 2006, then overpack, and store the drums in Rad Vaults at the 200 Area Interim Storage Area RadVault for TRIGA Cask storage(above),

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