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SITools Enhanced Use of Laboratory Services and Data Romain Conseil

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1 SITools Enhanced Use of Laboratory Services and Data Romain Conseil

2 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 2 Objective ■Laboratories often have their own and specific systems to access data and services  maintenance ? Interoperability ? ■SITools is a Research & Development action which aims at :  providing unified access to existing data and services in the laboratories  providing a set of software (a toolbox) installed and managed by the laboratories  creating distributed and interoperable data centres ■SITools has been developed to demonstrate the feasibility of such a tool.

3 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 3 Target concepts ■SITools components must be:  light : easy to install and to maintain by laboratory engineers  portable : can run on various platforms  generic : ability to cope with any type of data and service  modular : easy maintenance and flexible use of already existing components  interoperable : ability to interface other distributed services.

4 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 4 Architecture ■Sitools consists of :  an «open-source » software layer (MySQL/PostgreSQL, Apache, Tomcat)  a set of services (webapps hosted by tomcat) :  highly configurable  interconnected thanks to webservices  accessed by client applications

5 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 5 Database ■Sitools relies on an existing database  the database is seen as a file directory  meta-attributes are attached to each data (file), e.g.  date of recording,  satellite position during recording ■Sitools only needs to add a few generic tables to this database scheme :  to declare « datasets » mapping the existing tables, with related metadata  to describe the existing tables structure, column by column, and define the attributes which are criteria for data search.

6 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 6 Catalog service ■The catalog service  is a tomcat webapp  declares the existing database used by a SITools instance and how to connect to it (login, password)  can reference several databases (hosted by several DBMS) ■A sitools instance can use several catalogs located on different tomcat servers.

7 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 7 Repository Service ■The repository service  is the heart of a SITools instance, configured through XML files  manages user rights  manages the different catalogues used by the instance  declares and manages the added value services related to datasets  manage the synonyms  synonyms are used to link attributes of different datasets which have the same meaning but different names  requests are processed on the synonyms which enables to have the same interface to access different attributes

8 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 8 Order service / User workspace ■The order service :  enables users to download selected data to a workspace ■The workspace consists of a Web-DAV repository on the Apache server  may contain the metadata of the data that were downloaded.

9 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 9 Added value services ■Independent software, interfacing the system, in order to provide additional functions (graphs drawing, datamining, 3D navigation…) ■Implemented via a servlet interface to be integrated in Sitools instances  may be considered as plugins  may be linked to specific datasets through the repository ■No constraint on AVS architecture (web or batch, Linux, Windows), ■Can be dispatched over distant Tomcat servers

10 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 10 WEB Client application ■Provides the basic functions of a data centre :  data and dataset search (according to criteria on attributes)  data order  added value service  user workspace management

11 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 11 Site C Description of services Site B Description of services Client Site A Description of services Connection bus between the various services Internet browser Site A Client Application (Web Server) Site A Repository Site C Added-Value Services 2 Site C User Space Site A Added-Value Services 1 Site A Command Processing Site B AVS 3 Site B Catalog off-line Site N Added-Value Services N Synonyms dictionary Site A Catalog Catalog 1Catalog 2Data 1... Catalog 1Catalog 2Data 1 Service 1 Existing

12 SITools – WGISS, May 2006 12 Conclusion ■You can download SITools fron : Thank You!

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