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The PLASTIC Model to WSDL transformation tool UDA.

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Presentation on theme: "The PLASTIC Model to WSDL transformation tool UDA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The PLASTIC Model to WSDL transformation tool UDA

2 - 2 PLASTIC Development Environment

3 - 3 Contents This tutorial shows how it is possible to use the “PLASTIC Model to WSDL transformation tool” to generate the WSDL descriptions of the PLASTIC services modeled by means of the PLASTIC service editor

4 - 4 Roadmap Create a new Dynamic Web Project Import the model of the PLASTIC service Run the UML2WSDL transformation

5 - 5 Create a new Dynamic Web project (1/6)‏

6 - 6 Create a new Dynamic Web project (2/6)‏

7 - 7 Create a new Dynamic Web project (3/6)‏ 1) Insert the project name... 2)...and click “New” on the Target Runtime

8 - 8 Create a new Dynamic Web project (4/6)‏ Select your installation of the Apache Tomcat server

9 - 9 Create a new Dynamic Web project (5/6)‏ Browse the file system to specify the Apache Tomcat installation directory

10 - 10 Create a new Dynamic Web project (6/6)‏ Click “Finish”

11 - 11 Import the model of the PLASTIC service (1/5)‏ Menu “File” -> “New” -> “Folder” 1) Specify the folder name and... 2) “Finish”

12 - 12 Import the model of the PLASTIC service (2/5)‏ Right click on the created folder Click “Import”

13 - 13 Import the model of the PLASTIC service (3/5)‏ “General” -> “File System” and click “Next”

14 - 14 Import the model of the PLASTIC service (4/5)‏ Click “Browse” to browse the file system and specify the directory containing the EMF UML2 (v2.0) XMI encoding of the PLASTIC service model that has been exported by the “Service model editor” Finally click “Finish”

15 - 15 Import the model of the PLASTIC service (5/5)‏ Expand the previously created directory

16 - 16 Run the UML2WSDL transformation (1/2)‏ Right click on the.uml file of the PLASTIC service model Popmenu “PLASTIC Model Transformations” -> item “uml2wsdl” Popmenu “PLASTIC Model Transformations” -> item “uml2wsdl”

17 - 17 Run the UML2WSDL transformation (2/2)‏ The WSDL files have been generated in the “output_uml2wsdl” folder

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