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THREE-DIMENSIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF INTER- TIDAL BARS ON A MACRO- TIDAL BEACH Andrew Miles, Suzi Ilic and Alice Gent Funded by: Wyre Borough Council & Stena.

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Presentation on theme: "THREE-DIMENSIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF INTER- TIDAL BARS ON A MACRO- TIDAL BEACH Andrew Miles, Suzi Ilic and Alice Gent Funded by: Wyre Borough Council & Stena."— Presentation transcript:

1 THREE-DIMENSIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF INTER- TIDAL BARS ON A MACRO- TIDAL BEACH Andrew Miles, Suzi Ilic and Alice Gent Funded by: Wyre Borough Council & Stena Line

2 Background  Find out about longshore sediment transport etc…

3 Background  This study is a part of the project looking into the feasibility of shoreface nourishment  Aim is to gain understanding of beach variability such as nearshore bar dynamic and sediment pathways  Relatively few field studies looked in 3D behaviour of intertidal bars in macro-tidal environment so called ridges  How does the bar system evolve over timescales of weeks to seasons?  Where and when do drainage channels form in the bar system? Are they persistent or ephemeral features?  What influence do coastal structures have on nearshore processes?

4 Study Site  Tidal Range 8-10m  Storm Surge > 1m  Waves  Mean Hs 0.5-1.0 m  Mean Tp 3-8 s  Multiple intertidal bars

5 Motivation for using Argus  Analysis of LiDAR images showed clear onshore movement of ridges  Field observations and numerical modelling suggest that the predominant sediment transport is longshore and northwards  Limitations of methods used for monitoring is the inability to monitor longshore sediment transport  Can evolution and longshore migration of drainage channels be monitored with Argus cameras?

6 Methodology

7 Drainage channel locations in 2012

8 Positions of the drainage channel (onshore mouth, middle and offshore mouth) within Argus FOV and Energy Flux

9 Bar dynamics from LiDAR images

10 Methodology  Wave breaking was used to identify bar locations  A number of states were identified  These were related to set of hydrodynamic conditions











21 Hydrodynamic conditions LLLD WWW WWDL o Little relationship was found between wave height and bar configuration o Stronger relationship was found with the predominant wave direction: the welding became more prevalent when there was a greater prevalence of oblique waves

22 Field measurements

23 21/09 04/10 Bar is moving northwards Difference 21/09-04/10

24 Complex flow pattern as result of complex beach morphology The groyne system influence nearshore circulation Tides and waves influence sediment transport Hydrodynamic conditions

25 Discussion  Simple conceptual model of some of the key processes identified

26 Conclusion and further work  Three-dimensional nature of bar systems  Cross-shore and longshore processes need to be considered  Interaction of coastal structures, forming meandering and draining channels  Waves and tides have role in shaping nearshore morphology; tides are controlling the residence of breaking and shoaling waves  What about offshore conditions? How important are offshore changes? How important are tidal currents outside inter-tidal zone?

27 Study Site  Find out about longshore sediment transport etc…

28 Study Site  Find out about longshore sediment transport etc…

29 Migration of drainage channel and Energy Flux

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