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Dept. of Nephrology and Immunology San Carlo Borromeo Hospital - Milan Giuseppe D’Amico MD, FRCP OPPORTUNITIES FOR A CHRONIC DISEASE OUTREACH PROGRAM IN.

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1 Dept. of Nephrology and Immunology San Carlo Borromeo Hospital - Milan Giuseppe D’Amico MD, FRCP OPPORTUNITIES FOR A CHRONIC DISEASE OUTREACH PROGRAM IN CHINA Bellagio, ISN Conference, March 26-28, 2004


3 Patients on Regular Dialysis Treatment at the end of 2002 (prevalence per million of population) Greater China Region (288 millions)(127 millions)(22.5 millions) (7 millions)(1300 millions)

4 A full dialysis treatment program in Mainland China, similar to that already existing in Taiwan, assuming a comparable prevalence of ESRF (genetic background is identical), would imply that regular dialysis treatment should be made available to more than 2 million patients, an annual total cost for the Central Government of 100 billion dollars. The number of patients that should be treated in Mainland China alone is double that of the total number of patients being treated now in the entire world.






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