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Compare The Differences Between The President of The United States and The President of The Republic of China Shan- Chia Ou.

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Presentation on theme: "Compare The Differences Between The President of The United States and The President of The Republic of China Shan- Chia Ou."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare The Differences Between The President of The United States and The President of The Republic of China Shan- Chia Ou

2 The geography of these two countries (From : ) )

3 Introduction The Republic of China and the United States are democracies. Both of the presidents are elected by vote. There are many similarities among the power of them. For example, they represent their countries, command the army of their countries, and appoint Judges of the Supreme Court and military officials.

4 Introduction (continued) According to the Constitution of each country, there are many differences: The voting methods The processes of appointing officials The relationship between the President and the Congress

5 The difference between vote methods United StatesRepublic of China Each state appoints a number of electors. The President is directly elected by the citizens. The electors vote for the President, and whoever has the greatest number of votes will be elected. The pair of candidates who gets the greatest number of votes will be elected.

6 The other differences in electing the President United StatesRepublic of China A person who would become a candidate must be order than 35 and must be a resident of the US more than 14 years. A candidate must more than the age of 40 and have a household record more than 15 years. Whoever wants to become a candidate must be a natural born citizen. People who have legally entered from mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macao cannot register as a candidate.

7 The processes of appointment officials are quite different United StatesRepublic of China The President can appoint ambassadors, Judges of the Supreme Court and all other officers of the United States. The President cannot appoint executive officers directly. The President can appoint the Ministers of executive departments directly. The chairman of the Executive Yuan who is appointed by the President of ROC is the highest executive officer. The Ministers are appointed by the President of ROC, but they must be recommended by the chairman of the Executive Yuan. Other public officers is appointed by the chairman of the Executive Yuan.

8 The power to dissolve the Congress United StatesRepublic of China The President of the United States does not have the power to dissolve Congress. If the Legislative Yuan passes the non-confidence vote against the chairman of the Executive Yuan, the chairman of the Executive Yuan must resign. At the same time, the President of ROC can dissolve the Legislative Yuan. The legislators have a term of service. The members of the Legislative Yuan have a term of three years, and can be re-eligible.

9 The legislation processes are different United StatesRepublic of China Every bill which is passed by Congress must be presented to the President before it becomes a law. Every bill passed by the Legislative Yuan must be transmitted to the President and the Executive Yuan. The President must publish the bill to become a law in ten days. If the President disagrees with the bill, the bill will return to the Congress, and the Congress will re-consider the bill. If the Executive Yuan feels a bill is difficult to execute, by the approval of the President, it can be re-considered in the Legislative Yuan. If the Legislative Yuan maintains the original decision, the chairman of the Executive Yuan must accept the bill or resign.

10 Conclusion The President of the United States is elected indirectly; on the other hand, the President of the Republic of China is elected by the citizens directly. The President of the United States can appoint officers directly, but the President of the Republic of China only can appoint the chairman of Executive Yuan and the chairman appoint other Ministers.

11 Conclusion (continued) The President of the Republic of China can dissolve Congress when the Congress passes the non-confidence vote against the chairman of the Executive Yuan. But the President of the United States does not have this authority. The President of the United States can return a bill to the Congress but the President of the Republic of China must publish the bills which is made from the Congress.

12 Reference 1. “Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China.” 2005. 05 Dec. 2006. 2. ‘The Constitution of the Republic of China.” 1946. 2005. 05 Dec. 2006.. 3. “The Constitution of the United States of America.” 1789. 05 Dec. 2006.. 4. “Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Law of the Republic of China.” 1995. 05 Dec. 2006..

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