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Curriculum night Welcome to 2C class!

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum night Welcome to 2C class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum night Welcome to 2C class!
I am so pleased to be teaching second grade at Yinghua Academy as your child’s teacher this year. I am looking forward to a successful year, full of new learning opportunities, challenges and great experiences for each student. Li Lasohi 09/16/2014

2 About Li Laoshi My name is Shiyun Li (Li Laoshi).
I’m from mainland China. Shandong Province. M.Ed. degree of Second Languages and Cultures Education, CEHD, UMN BA degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language From Shanghai Teachers University/ SHNU 4th year in US, second year teaching 2nd grade at Yinghua Academy

3 We will talk about: Communication tool: classroom page Curriculum Map
Responsive classroom Classroom Schedule What our students need to grasp in second grade (Chinese) Examples of Chinese Homework 8 Steps of Model Drawing and Example (math) Classroom rules Homework Policies Classroom Expectations

4 Communication tool: classroom page
(update daily with news, event announcement, homework, week newsletter) To access the classroom pages: 1. Go to 2. Choose Classroom Pages from the dropdown menu entitled Current Families. Password: 2014newyinghua 3. There will be a list of classroom teachers. Choose Li Laoshi – 2C 4.  Keep this page for your reference and remember to check these pages regularly to stay updated with what is going on in the classroom!

5 2014-2015 Second Grade Curriculum Map (1)
Chinese Language Arts Math Social Studies Science September Home, Sweet Home Understand story development: beginning, middle, and end Understand sequence of daily events Correct use of conjunctions Introduction of poems and rhymes Write a Children’s Poem Numbers to 1000 Review concepts Comparing numbers Thousands, hundreds, tens and ones Addition & Subtraction Meanings of addition and subtraction Subtraction without renaming Friends and Communities Recognize that people belong to a variety of groups Understand community living Where We Live Working with maps and globes Name your continent, country, and community Family History Concept of family trees Revisit five senses Scientific Method and Inquiry Asking and answering scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments October Seasons and Our Life Restate the sequence of events or ideas in a text and summaries Recall incidents, characters, facts, and details of stories and other texts Understand what a complete sentence is and identify subject and predicate in simple sentence Sentence patterns for describing position/location Addition with renaming Subtraction with renaming Length Measuring in meters , centimeters, yards, feet, and inches Weight Measuring in kilograms, grams, pounds, and ounces Recognize community helpers Recognize different occupations Our World The seven continents Locate Canada, United States, Mexico, and Central America on a map U.S. Flag Current and earlier versions Cycles in Nature: Seasonal Cycles The Four Seasons and Earth’s Orbit around the Sun (one year) Seasons and Life Processes Cycle s in Nature: Life Cycles The life cycle: birth, growth, reproduction in plants and animals November The Environment Around me Self Control and Manners Express and discuss academic topics at the paragraph level Compare and contrast two or more characters Describe people’s appearance Multiplication & Division Understand and master basic concept of multiplication Understand and master basic concept of division Understand multiplication and division as inverse operations U.S. History The Origin of Thanksgiving: Pilgrims and the May Flower Understand national historic holidays Cycles in Nature: the Water Cycle Water coverage on Earth The Water cycle: evaporation and condensation, water vapor, clouds, precipitation December Traditions Understand “point in time” vs. “ period of time” Write a greeting note Introduce a list of commonly used measure words Understand the position of the location word in a sentence Facts for Numbers 2 and 3 Multiplication tables of 2 and 3 Division by 2’s and 3’s Directions Find directions on a map: east, west, north, south Early Civilizations: China Geography Culture Chinese New Year Early Civilizations: India Indus River and Ganges River Hinduism, Buddhism Weather and Measurement Weather can be described in measurable quantities Measure and record temperature Insects Insects and people Characteristics Life cycles: metamorphosis Social insects

6 2014-2015 Second Grade Curriculum Map (2)
Chinese Language Arts Math Social Studies Science January Traditions Read Chinese folk stories Understand the history of Chinese New Year Write spring couplets Review Addition & Subtraction Finding the missing number Methods for mental addition Methods for mental subtraction Chinese Zodiacs Characteristics of the twelve zodiac animals Freedom for All: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the dream of equal rights for all Human Body: Muscular and Digestive Systems Names and function The digestive and excretory systems Taking care of your body February Directions Understand and follow directions Understand and read maps “location” words Facts for Numbers 4, 5 and 10 Multiplication and division by 4’s, 5’s, and 10’s Basic Geography Concepts Spatial Sense – working with maps and globes Geographical terms and features Magnetism Magnetism poles and field Law of magnetic attraction Orienteering March Spring and Growth Understand seasonal changes Describe changes in human body with growth Understand and use punctuation: colon and double quotation Money Adding and subtracting combinations of bills and coins Fraction Recognize and name halves and quarters Recognize and write fractions Environment Ways that the environment influences people Humans both adapt to, and change, the environment. Healthy Diet The “food pyramid” Vitamins and minerals April Modern and Olden Times Stories of migration to America’s west Describe differences between present and past Understand and use simple machines Time Tell time to the 5-minue mark Time Intervals Capacity Measure and estimate in liters, cups, pints, quarts, half-gallon, and gallon Compare measurements Westward Expansion Pioneers head west Native Americans Immigration and Citizenship Land of opportunity the meaning of “e pluribus Unum”(合众为一) Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty Millions of newcomers The idea of citizenship Earth and Space Science Measure, record and describe weather conditions using common tools. Temperature, precipitation, sunrise/sunset, and wind speed/direction. Four Seasons Appreciating the beautiful planet May/ June Visit Other Countries Understand the basics of Japan (location, time zones, cultures/arts) Use known vocabulary/sentences to share own travel experiences Graphs Picture Graphs Geometry Flat and Curved Faces Describe and extend Area Counting Square Units Introduce a Modern Country: Japan Geography Culture Simple Machine Lever, pulley, wheel-and-axle, inclined plane, wedge, screw Friction

7 Responsive Classroom We value: Community Building
Social Language Learning Academic Language enrichment

8 Responsive Classroom—Morning Meeting
Greeting Sharing Group activity/games Morning message Please encourage your kids to do the sharing-Show and Tell. It can just be a photo, an interesting thing, or even a leaf. (No toys, nor expensive stuff please ;-)) Please make sure your kids arrive at school on time so that we can be ready to have the morning meeting sharply at 8:45 a.m. Thank you!

9 Classroom Schedule (2C)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning Meeting 8:45-9:12 2C Homeroom Period 1 9:15-10:05 Math English Alabi /Gill Period 2 10:08-10:58 Art Byram PE Totall Chinese Period 3 11:01-11:45 Period 4 Lunch11:50 – 12;10 Recess 12:10-12:45 Recess 12:10--12:45 12:45-12:57 Story Period 5 1:00-1:45 S&S Period 6 1:48-2:33 Music Riha Jhou Period 7 2:36-3:21 PM Homeroom Homework Lab 3:24-3:45

10 What our students need to grasp in second grade Chinese
Characters (字) Write 220 Chinese characters related to the 2nd grade curriculum using correct stroke order. Word (词) Use characters to make words. Understand Chinese character relationship: Synonyms, Antonyms, classification, multiple meanings Sentence (句) Recognize and write complete sentences Paragraph (段落) Essay (短文)

11 Examples of Homework


13 8 Steps of Model Drawing ---for solving math word problems
Read the entire problem. Decide who is involved in the problem. Decide what is involved in the problem. Draw unit bars of equal length. Read each sentence, one at a time. Put the question mark in place. Work computation to the side or underneath. Answer the question in a complete sentence.

14 Addition Example: Alicia had $6 more than Bobby
Addition Example: Alicia had $6 more than Bobby. If Bobby had $10, how much did they have altogether? Step 1: Read the entire problem “Alicia had $6 more than Bobby. If Bobby had $10, how much did they have altogether? Step 2 : Decide who is involved in the problem. Alicia Bobby Step 3: Decide what is involved in the problem Alicia’s money Bobby’s money Step 4: Draw unit bars of equal length Step 5: Read each sentence, one at a time. A “Alicia had $6 more than Bobby.” Alicia’s money $6 B “If Bobby had $10,….” Alicia’s money $6 Bobby’s money $10 C “… how much did they have altogether Step 6: Put the question mark in place Alicia’s money $10 $6 Bobby’s money $10 ? Step 7 : work computation to the side or underneath. $10+$6=$16 $16+$10=$26 Step 8: Answer the question in a complete sentence Alicia and bobby had $26 altogether.

15 Rules & Expectations Safety Be Respectful
Listen to the teacher and follow directions attentively Keep hands to yourself Work hard and do your best

16 Water bottle Please have your child bring a water bottle to school. Having a water bottle reduces the frequency to walk back and forth from the drinking fountain and classroom. Snacks There is a brief snack time scheduled each day for students to have simple snacks in the classroom. Please send healthy and nuts-free snacks with your child, if he/she would like to have snacks in school.

17 Homework Policies Homework (math and Chinese) most nights in 2nd Grade 30 minutes of English book reading and Chinese word book each night Make sure your child has free homework time without distraction, and a quite homework place We provide 20 minutes of individual-working time per day for students to start their homework and ask questions Please check and sign your child’s take-home folder daily. Remind your child to hand in the homework on time.

18 Classroom Expectations
Always try Do your best Cooperate and help others Respect people and property Making good choices Manage yourself

19 Good Preparation: Breakfast and Sleep
Please make sure your kids have breakfast every morning Good quality of SLEEP is essential to a energetic school day!

20 Please Contact me by: shiyun. li@yinghuaacademy
Please Contact me by: I am look forward to working closely with you! Please feel free to contact me to talk about any concerns. Thank you in advance for your continuous support and cooperation Xie Xie!

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