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Do you know the islands? Hainan Island Taiwan Island Australia South Island (New Zealand)

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Presentation on theme: "Do you know the islands? Hainan Island Taiwan Island Australia South Island (New Zealand)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you know the islands? Hainan Island Taiwan Island Australia South Island (New Zealand)

2 Dolphin Island Turnpike Winfield Epsom Fine white sand forest islands Less than 100 km railway line

3 While-listening Winfield Mount Ashton Ashton Creek TurnpikeEpsom Forest 100km Fine white sand

4 Listening Text: Dolphin _______is a small country that_____ about 1,500 kilometres ___the coast of Japan, in the middle of the ______Ocean. From the beaches in the north, __the rocks on the coast in the south, the island is ________a hundred kilometres long, and from the west coast to the east coast the island is nowhere more than 80 kilometres wide. Seven small islands, some of them only large rocks, lying off the_______ coast, also belong to Dolphin Island. Winfield, the ______city, lies on the southwestern coast. island lies off Pacific to less than eastern capital

5 The highest mountain on Dolphin Island, Mount Ashton in the west, is a ______volcano. It is part of a range of mountains, _______from north to south along the western coast. The _______in the north and on the eastern coast are covered with fine white sand. Dolphin Island has a mild ____climate. Most of the land can be used as farmland. The south of the island is ______with forests. dead running beaches sea covered

6 Dolphin Island has only four cities: The town of Ashton Creek lies in the north, Winfield in the________, Turnpike in the centre and Epsom on the Eastern coast, about forty kilometres from Ashton. A railway line _________these cities. There is a small river that ______from the foot of Mount Ashton, __________the northern town into the ocean. Dolphin Island is ___________with tourists both from East Asia and the United States. Most of them stay in the seaside town of Ashton Creek, where many hotels have been built ____the past five years. Most of the people in the island make a _______from farming. In the summer moths, some people get a nice, extra income out of______, while in winter fishing is also important southwest connects runs through popular over living tourism

7 North South West East northeast Southeast Southwest Northwest

8 A is in the east of B. A 位于 B 的领域泛围之内。 A is to the east of B. A 位于 B 之东(接壤或不接壤)。 A is on the east of B. A 位于 B 之东(接壤)。 Mexico is _______the south of North America. Canada lies _____the north of the United States Mexico is ______the south of Canada. in to /on to

9 1. Where is Urumqi? 2. What ’ s the position of Japan?3. Where is Lhasa located? 4. Which city / is to the south of Wuhan?

10 on, to, off, in 1.Japan is / lies ___ the east of China . 2.Mongolia is / lies _____the north of China . 3.Hebei is / lies _____the north of Henan . 4.Yunan is / lies _____the South of China . 5.Shanghai is/ lies _____the east coast of China. 6.Chongqing is/lies ______ the Yangze River. 7.Taiwan is/lies _____ the coast of the mainland China. to to/on in on off

11 e.g. Europe lies on the northwest of Asia. The Indian Ocean lies to the east of Africa. Asia Africa Antarctica Europe Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Arctic Ocean North America South America Oceania Atlantic Ocean

12 ★ Activity I: Where is the birthplace of your …? Where are they from? Family members BirthplacesLocation

13 Ex. On P.101 1. Lily decided to go to New Zealand because it is an English-speaking country, and life is safer, easier and cheaper than in England or America. 2,No, During the first three months Lily felt quite lonely. 3.Lily was advised to make friends with international students and kiwis, so she would have more fun and could practise her English more. 4. When she talks about “ kiwis ”, Lily means the people from New Zealand.

14 Location Length Width Climate Capital Cities Post-listening Dolphin Island is a small country that lies about 1,500 kilometres off the coast of Japan, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean Less than a hundred kilometres long Nowhere more than 80 kilometres wide Mild sea climate Winfield Winfield, Ashton Creek, Winfield, Turnpike

15 武汉 上海 厦门 重庆 南京 青岛 Yangtze R. Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan Afghanistan Pakistan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan India, Vietnam Myanmar Laos, Nepal North Korea South Korea Japan

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