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Promoting Your Research: Engaging with the Media Alison Barlow, Public Relations.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting Your Research: Engaging with the Media Alison Barlow, Public Relations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Your Research: Engaging with the Media Alison Barlow, Public Relations

2 Today’s session LU Public Relations: what we do and who we are Overview of ‘The Media’ Why it is important to engage with the media What makes a news story The practicalities: developing a news story, engaging with the media Questions and answers

3 Public Relations Office Based in Marketing and Communications in Hazlerigg Pro-active and re-active media relations Publications Internal and corporate communications VIP visits “Public relations is the discipline which looks after reputation, with the aim of earning understanding and support and influencing opinion and behaviour. It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics.” Chartered Institute of Public Relations

4 The PR team Hannah Baldwin, Head of Public Relations corporate communications internal communications Professional Services VIP visits Email: Tel: 01509 Judy Wing, Senior PR Officer Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Design School Information Science Materials Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (Wolfson and WEDC) Physics Email: Tel: 01509 Alison Barlow, Senior PR Officer Civil and Building Engineering School of the Arts, English and Drama Centre for Research in Social Policy Centre for Child and Family Research Community PR Email: Tel: 01509 Amanda Overend, PR Officer Business and Economics Geography Social Sciences School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences (Health and Physical Activity, Sleep research) Email: Tel: 01509 Rob Knott, PR Officer Computer Science Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering School of Sport Exercise and Health Sciences (Performance Sport, Sports Development Centre, Sport Technology Institute) Email: Tel: 01509

5 The Media Area of operation: National or regional Type: Broadcast, print or online Focus: news or specialist

6 Why engage with the media? “Public relations is the discipline which looks after reputation, with the aim of earning understanding and support and influencing opinion and behaviour. It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics.” Raises the profile of Loughborough University – student recruitment, research partners, enterprise partners Raises the profile of your research and you as a researcher – potential future research partners and/or funders Funders increasingly looking for return on their investment – think impact, think REF!

7 What makes a news story? Research that is brand new – funding announcement, start of the research, interim results, final report Does the research show a new pattern or trend (must be able to prove it) Does the research tie in with a topic on the current national agenda? Does it tie in with a current news story, a new report or government announcement? Does it relate to a key anniversary or date? Being controversial Check the LU website for recent examples Talk to the PR team!

8 The practicalities Build your story in note form – think who, what, when, where and how. Think about explaining to a ‘lay’ audience. Avoid jargon. Images help tell a story. Consider whether you have any images or whether images can be arranged (there is an in-house team) Talk to the PR team. We’ll help write your story for the media, develop target audiences and agree timing Crucial: be available for follow up enquiries be prepared to talk to the media and be interviewed if necessary (PR team can support you. Informal and formal media training can be arranged) be prepared to react quickly

9 Other uses for your stories News@lboro Departmental web pages The View Magazine

10 What now? Keep in touch - we don’t know about your work unless you tell us (but don’t be disappointed if we don’t think it works for the media!) Remember your PR contact - we are happy to hear your ideas and chat them through with you Spread the word with your fellow researchers and colleagues in your department – we won’t know about their stories unless they tell us

11 The PR team Hannah Baldwin, Head of Public Relations corporate communications internal communications Professional Services VIP visits Email: Tel: 01509 Judy Wing, Senior PR Officer Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering Chemical Engineering Chemistry Design School Information Science Materials Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (Wolfson and WEDC) Physics Email: Tel: 01509 Alison Barlow, Senior PR Officer Civil and Building Engineering School of the Arts, English and Drama Centre for Research in Social Policy Centre for Child and Family Research Community PR Email: Tel: 01509 Amanda Overend, PR Officer Business and Economics Geography Social Sciences School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences (Health and Physical Activity, Sleep research) Email: Tel: 01509 Rob Knott, PR Officer Computer Science Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering School of Sport Exercise and Health Sciences (Performance Sport, Sports Development Centre, Sport Technology Institute) Email: Tel: 01509

12 And finally …. Any questions

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