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Post-Dig Lab MA-BX-BS 2014. South Jordanian Desert.

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Presentation on theme: "Post-Dig Lab MA-BX-BS 2014. South Jordanian Desert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post-Dig Lab MA-BX-BS 2014

2 South Jordanian Desert

3 Humayma

4 Before

5 After

6 Tools of the Trade


8 Material Culture – The finds

9 Roman emperor Constantine I (307- 337 A.D.) ancient bronze Roman coin

10 Two point eight four meters below surface 2.84m = 9’ 3 4/5”

11 Experimental Archaeology Reconstructing past technology to better understand how people lived Mock Excavations –Safety for students Assures no toxic or dangerous areas excavated

12 Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork Post-dig –Artifact form –Register finds –Data base entry –Ceramicist report –Faunal Analysis –Seed Flotation –Floral Analysis –C 14 dating –Site report

13 POST DIG - ARTIFACT FORM SITE ____ - ____ - _____ QUAD # NW, NE, SE, SW (circle one) LEVEL _____ ARTIFACT # __________ DESCRIPTION - metal ( ) bone ( ) glass ( ) ceramic ( ) other___________________ ( ) DEPTH FROM SURFACE _____ cm Draw and measure the artifact: What was the artifact used for? What objects from ancient civilizations had the same use?


15 What do the artifacts tell us? Interpretation: The big universal questions Shelter Food Clothing Trade Transportation

16 Context: Native American trade, food source, tools

17 Fishing

18 Agriculture Donkeys pulling a seeder plow on a cylinder seal from Tell Suleimeh, Iraq, mid-third millennium B.C.E. Colonial American farmer with ox and plow

19 Sheep and Goats

20 Textiles – Stola


22 Transportation and Trade Laetoli, Africa


24 Ceramic Potsherds

25 Colonial Building materials

26 Insula


28 Roman amphora shapes, and amphorae on wall-painting from Pompeii.

29 thermopolium

30 Anglo-American Pompeii Project.


32 Think Archaeology


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