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TIME MANAGEMENT Definition: Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems that work together to help you get more value.

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Presentation on theme: "TIME MANAGEMENT Definition: Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems that work together to help you get more value."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIME MANAGEMENT Definition: Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems that work together to help you get more value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of your project. 1

2 P ROJECT M ANAGEMENT G ROUPS AND K NOWLEDGE A REAS MAPPING Knowledge Area Initiating Process Group Planning Process Group Executing Process Group M& C Process Group Closing Process Group 6.Project Time Management 6.1 Define activities. 6.2 Sequence activities. 6.3 Estimate activities resources. 6.4 Estimate activity duration. 6.5 Develop schedule 6.6 Control schedule. 2

3 D EFINE A CTIVITIES INPUTSOUTPUTS 1.Scope Baseline. 2.Enterprise Environmental Factors. 3.Organizational Process Assets 1.Activity List 2.Activity attributes 3.Milestone List 3

4 S EQUENCE A CTIVITIES INPUTSOUTPUTS 1.Activity List 2.Activity attributes 3.Milestone List 4.Project Scope Statement 5.Organizational Process Assets 1.Project Schedule Network Diagrams 2.Project Document updates 4

5 E STIMATE A CTIVITY R ESOURCES INPUTSOUTPUTS 1.Activity List 2.Activity attributes 3.Resource Calendars 4.Enterprise Environmental Factors 5.Organizational Process Assets 1.Activity Resource Requirements 2.Resource Breakdown Structure 3.Project Document Updates 5

6 E STIMATE A CTIVITY D URATIONS INPUTSOUTPUTS 1.Activity List 2.Activity attributes 3.Activity Resource Requirements 4.Resource Calendars 5.Project Scope Statement 6.Enterprise Environmental Factors 7.Organizational Process Assets 1.Activity Duration Estimates 2.Project Document Updates 6

7 D EVELOP S CHEDULE INPUTS OUTPUTS 1.Activity List 2.Activity attributes 3.Project Schedule Network Diagrams 4.Activity Resource Requirements 5.Resource Calendars 6.Activity Duration Estimates 7.Project Scope Statement 8.Enterprise Environmental Factors 9.Organizational Process Assets 1.Project Schedule 2.Schedule Baseline 3.Schedule Data 4.Project Document Updates 7

8 P ROJECT M ANAGEMENT G ROUPS AND K NOWLEDGE A REAS MAPPING Knowledge Area Initiating Process Group Planning Process Group Executing Process Group M& C Process Group Closing Process Group 6.Project Time Management 6.1 Define activities. 6.2 Sequence activities. 6.3 Estimate activities resources. 6.4 Estimate activity duration. 6.5 Develop schedule 6.6 Control schedule. 8

9 C ONTROL S CHEDULE INPUTS OUTPUTS 1.Project Management Plan 2.Project Schedule 3.Work Performance Information 4.Organizational Process Assets 1.Work Performance Measurements 2.Organizational Process Assets Updates 3.Change requests 4.Project Management Plan Updates 5.Project Document Updates 9

10 S CHEDULE M ANAGEMENT P LAN Schedule Management Plan Includes: Schedule Methodology and Software Establishment of a Schedule Baseline for Measuring against during the Monitoring and Controlling Process Group Identification of the Performance Measures to Identify Variances early Planning for how Schedule Variances will be Managed Identification of Schedule Change Control Procedures 10

11 D EFINE A CTIVITIES Taking Work packages in WBS and breaking it down to activity level. Milestones are significant in schedule not work activities. 11

12 S EQUENCE A CTIVITIES Activities, Milestones and Starting to Sequence them into the work will be preformed = Network Diagram and not a PERT chart StartEnd 12

13 R ELATIONSHIPS B ETWEEN A CTIVITIES Finish to Start (FS) Dig HolePlant Tree Start to Start (SS) Design Code 13

14 R ELATIONSHIPS B ETWEEN A CTIVITIES Finish to Finish (FF) Testing Documentation 14

15 N ETWORK D IAGRAM Network Diagram can be use to: – Justify time estimate for the project – Aid in Effective planning, Organizing and Controlling the project – Show Interdependencies of all activities – Show Workflow – what activities need to happen in a specific sequence – Identify opportunities to compress the schedule in planning and throughout the life of the project – Show project progress when used for controlling the schedule and reporting 15

16 T YPES OF D EPENDENCIES Mandatory Dependency (Hard Logic) Discretionary Dependency (Preferred, Preferential or Soft Logic) External Dependency 16

17 E STIMATE A CTIVITY R ESOURCES Estimate equipment, material and people. 17

18 E STIMATE A CTIVITY D URATIONS How is Estimating done? One point Estimate – One person one estimate per activity Analogous Estimating – Top down (total project estimate) Parametric Estimating – History (estimate per activity) Heuristics Estimating – 80 / 20 Three point estimate – Pert analysis 18

19 T HREE POINT E STIMATE F ORMULAS Important Formulas can be use for both Time and Cost estimates Expected Activity Duration (P + 4M +O) 6 Activity Variance (P - O) 6 Activity Standard Deviation (P + O) 6 2 LEGEND: P = Pessimistic, M = Most Likely, O = Optimistic 19

20 D EVELOP S CHEDULE Schedule Network Analysis Critical Path method Schedule Compression Fast Track Crashing What-if Scenario analysis Monte Carlo Analysis Resource leveling Critical Chain method 20

21 F LOAT / S LACK Total Float: Amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the project end date or an intermediary milestone Free Float: Amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start date of its successor(s) Project Float: Amount of time a project can be delayed without delaying the externally imposed project completion date 21

22 I MPORTANT F ORMULAS Formula for establish Float (Slack) Equation Float = Late Start – Early Start Or Equation Float = Late Finish – Early Finish 22

23 N ODE D IAGRAM ES LSLF EF Activity Name Amount of Float LEGEND: ES = Early Start EF = Early Finish LS = Late Start LF = Late Finish 23

24 P ASS D IAGRAM ES LSLF EF Activity Name Amount of Float LEGEND: ES = Early Start EF = Early Finish LS = Late Start LF = Late Finish Forward Pass Backward Pass 24

25 C ONTROL S CHEDULE Control means measuring against the plan. Schedule control means looking for things causing changes and influencing them to change. Assist in conducting performance reviewals. Reestimating 25

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