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UNDERSTANDING THE OUTCOMES POSTER ACTIVITY. THE STEPS FOR THE ACTIVITY: You will be placed in groups of 4. Each group will start with an outcome. The.

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Presentation on theme: "UNDERSTANDING THE OUTCOMES POSTER ACTIVITY. THE STEPS FOR THE ACTIVITY: You will be placed in groups of 4. Each group will start with an outcome. The."— Presentation transcript:


2 THE STEPS FOR THE ACTIVITY: You will be placed in groups of 4. Each group will start with an outcome. The outcome will include information on all of the SLO’s, which you will need to take the time to read (One person should be the reader). Once you have read the outcomes, you need to brainstorm and decide what activities could be done to accomplish those outcomes. Along the outside of the poster, record the activities. You will switch posters, and continue until you have recorded activities on all of the outcomes (5).

3 THE PURPOSE OF THE ACTIVITY – TWO OF YOUR THREE GOAL CHOICES: Once all of the posters are complete, I will record the information for you. You will be presented with a summary of the 5 outcomes and what activities are primarily involved with each (note-taking necessary). You will pick the top 2 outcomes where you find the most activities where you struggle. Record both the outcome, and a list of the activities you struggle with; this will be the basis for 2 of your 3 goals.

4 OUTCOME #1: EXPLORE THOUGHTS, IDEAS, FEELINGS AND EXPERIENCES This outcomes deals with being able to: – Discover and explore information about a topic. – Clarify your opinion and extend your understanding of a topic. – Goals setting. – Answering questions. – Identify writing variables and apply them to activities. – Peer and teacher conferencing.

5 Outcome #2: Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media text. This Outcome deals with being able to: – Use prior knowledge (what you know already) and text information (new information) in order to interpret a text (through discussion, answering questions) – Thinking about and applying language skills (literary devices) and vocabulary (diction) to make work more sophisticated. – Answer questions about different texts (short stories, articles, letters, essays, internet information, etc).

6 Outcome #3: Managing Ideas and information This outcome deals with being able to: – Create topics and thesis statements for research. – Plan and organize a research paper or any creative project (using note-taking, planning charts, graphs, webs, etc). – Find/record/identify sources of information to use in projects (from books, magazines, and reliable internet sources).

7 Outcome#4: Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication This outcome deals with being able to: – Generate a focus for a paper or a project. – Edit and revising your own work and others work for clarity and conciseness. – Understanding and applying the rules of spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. – Presenting information in a successful way. – Listening to presentations in order to clarify understanding. – Developing speaking skills. – Enhancing presentations using a variety of forms.

8 Outcome #5: Celebrate and build community This outcome deals with being able to: – Work in small and large group processes (assume a roll within the group, delegate work equally, take responsibility for actions and inactions, assess peers honestly and accurately). – Demonstrate respect the teacher and other students (listening, polite, ask/answer questions, etc). – Participate in class/partner/group discussion appropriately. – Behave appropriately during presentations (quiet listening, active note-taking, asking questions, encouraging others).

9 YOUR THIRD GOAL Your third goal may be more generalized. Something not as specifically related to English activities and outcomes, but something that would help you be more successful in the course. These choices include (but are not limited to): 1.Motivation/attitude 2.Time management (inside and outside school) 3.Organization (binders, locker, home, notes, etc) 4.Support/help (asking for yourself, helping others) 5.Health/wellness (in relation to school performance) 6.Distractions (avoidance) 7.Any others?

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