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The Purpose of Youth Livestock Shows

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1 The Purpose of Youth Livestock Shows
Dr. Jeff Goodwin State 4-H Program Leader Colorado State University


3 Line in the Sand Questions
Does the livestock show practice: Violate FDA law Misuse of animal health products Is it fraud Fill with water Is animal welfare compromised Lamb beating incident Real world agriculture Holding animals


5 Are You Smarter Than a 4-H/FFA Member ?
Dr. Jeff Goodwin State 4-H Program Leader Colorado State University IMPORTANT NOTE: As you go through this presentation for the first time it may be helpful to print the “Notes Pages” and view the Power Point presentation in the “Slide Show” format. This presentation is patterned after the television show, “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?” If you are not familiar with the show, it may be helpful to watch a few episodes to learn the flow of the game. This presentation can be used in a number of ways: It can be a fun method to review subject matter information that 4-H members have been exposed to: i.e., at the end of a meat animal quality assurance training session. It can be used as a fun presentation while still getting a few educational messages across to a variety of audiences. Maybe a group of older 4-H members could take the presentation to a service club (Lions Club, etc.) as a 4-H promotional presentation. They could challenge the club president and at the same time provide a fun educational program to the club’s regular meeting—thus marketing 4-H in the process. One game can be completed in minutes. This program can also be used to train Extension agents to be better presenters. Example; if the presenter just talks through the slides the presentation will be less effective and entertaining than if they really have some fun with it. Think Jeff Foxworthy as you present the program. A gyroscopic mouse makes the facilitation of this Power Point presentation much easier than being tied to the close proximity of the computer being used. Or an assistant familiar with the program can operate the computer, thus freeing the presenter to roam through the area where the contestants are seated.

6 Today’s Contestant Type the name of the contestant (ahead of time).

7 Meet the 4-H Members Type in the name of the 4-H members (ahead of time). There are five 4-H members (or adults in the place of 4-H members) who are available to help the contestant. Call them all up and have them sit in chairs in the area of the contestant. They all need paper and pencils and if possible a writing surface is helpful.

8 $ 1,000,000 $500,000 $ 250,000 $ 100,000 $ 50,000 $ 25,000 $ 20,000 Please note: This is a blank screen until you start clicking as you mention the different levels. “These are the levels of prizes that we are playing for today.” (Click as you say each prize level.) “The tenth question is worth $500,000. If the contestant answers ten questions correctly, we will then ask them the one million dollar question. At this part of the program I need to explain to the audience that as the host of this game, I reserve the right to convert dollars to points at any time during the course of the game.” $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,000

9 2 Helps Copy Peek The contestant asks one 4-H member from the class to sit at the desk next to them for two questions. That member will be available to assist them if needed. After two questions the contestant asks for another member to sit at the closer desk and the first member returns to sit with the rest of the class. The contestant can ask the closely seated member of the class which topic they have experience in before choosing a category. There are three ways that the contestant can get some help from the 4-H members if they do know the correct answer to a question. If the contestant does not know the answer to a question they can: Copy the answer of the closely seated 4-H member. If the contestant chooses this option, they must use the answer written down by the member. Peek at the answer of the closely seated member. The contestant has the option of whether or not to use the members answer or not. The television program calls these “cheats.” If Extension educators are uneasy calling these cheats, you could call them “helps.” 3. The third way that a contestant can be helped by the class is called a “save.” If the contestant answers a question wrong and any of the 5 members answer it correctly, then the contest is “saved” and not eliminated. Note: If you are making the presentation in an entertaining environment, the presenter can modify these rules (by granting extra saves for example) to keep the game going for the minutes that the presentation is planned for. Save

10 Jr. Livestock Show Trivia Sr. Livestock Show Trivia
Jr. Quality Assurance Int. Quality Assurance Sr. Quality Assurance Jr. Ethics Int. Ethics Sr. Ethics This is the game board that contains the ten categories of questions. Place the curser over the chosen topic and you will be hyperlinked to the appropriate question slide. Notes to the mechanics of the question slides are found on the Jr. Quality Assurance question slide (#11). After a category is clicked, and you are on the appropriate question slide—how do you get back to the game board? Read the notes on slide #11 to learn this. The important thing to remember that when you click to return to the game board, the category just completed changes colors so that everyone can tell which categories have already been chosen. (You will only see this while you are in the view “Slide Show” mode.) After all ten categories have been chosen and you return to the game board, it is then time for the million dollar question. To get to the million dollar question place the curser over the yellow star in the lower right hand corner of the game board and click. You will be hyperlinked to the million dollar question slide (#21). Jr. Livestock Show Trivia Sr. Livestock Show Trivia Jr. Adult Involvement Sr. Adult Involvement

11 Jr. Quality Assurance a. Neck Best place for an
IM injection on a lamb? a. Neck b. Loin As you arrive at a question slide, the title of the category automatically appears at the top of the slide. A click anywhere on the slide reveals the question. After the contestant provides an answer, a click anywhere on the slide reveals the official answer to the question. To move back to the game board move the curser over the text box containing the answer and the arrow curser changes into a little hand curser. Click and you will be hyperlinked to the game board. IMPORTANT NOTE: After the answer is revealed, if you click anywhere on the slide other than over the answer text box (curser appears as a little hand) you will go to the next question slide and not the game board—this is a bad thing. This will interrupt the flow of the game. To correct this error, you must exit the “Slide Show” mode and manually go back to the game board (Slide # 6) then start the slide show mode again. To help build fun and excitement into the presentation, when the contestant correctly answers a question or gets saved by the class members, ring a bell or buzzer to signal success. To change questions and answers, highlight the slide in the normal view format and just click on any of the three text boxes to change the text. Note that the question (white letters) is in the “Word Art” format. You may have to add one or two spaces in the question (depending on the number of words) to make it the most readable. c. Leg a. Neck

12 Int. Quality Assurance d. All of the above
What can cause a illegal residue in your animal? a. Double the dosage b. Ignore withdrawl time c. Use on species not labeled for d. All of the above d. All of the above

13 Sr. Quality Assurance b. Stress What causes dark cutters in beef?
a. Color-blind meat inspectors b. Stress b. Stress

14 Line in the Sand Questions
Jr. Ethics Name 2 of the Line in the Sand Questions 1. Is it fraud Does it compromise Animal Welfare Does it violate law Is it opposite of agriculture practice

15 Int. Ethics If we teach young people to be deceptive and dishonest, they will grow up to be disceptive and dishonest. True or False True

16 Sr. Ethics True If we teach young people to make good ethical choices,
they are more likely to become adults who make good ethical choices. True or False True

17 Jr. Livestock Show Trivia
In the United States what percentage of livestock (beef, sheep, swine, & goats) are marketed through a youth livestock sale? a. 1/2 - 1% b. 25% c. 50% a. ½ - 1%

18 Jr. Adult Involvement b. Teacher and Coach
What is the role of an adult in youth livestock projects? a. Herdsman and fitter b. Teacher and coach c. Pain in the neck b. Teacher and Coach

19 C. Provide support, encouragement and assistance
Sr. Adult Involvement The role of adults on show day is: a. Bark instructions loudly from outside the ring b. Do all the work and hand off the lead rope c. Provide support, encouragement, and assistance C. Provide support, encouragement and assistance

20 your dog has fouled the ring?
Jr. Dog Show What does it mean when your dog has fouled the ring? He pooped in the ring

21 Million $ Question Youth Development What is the primary reason
for youth livestock shows? At the end of the Game a click on the answer text box will hyperlink you back to the title slide (#1). Youth Development

22 A Little More About Adult Involvement



25 Why worry about livestock show ethics?
If we teach kids to be deceptive and dishonest at a youth livestock show—they will grow up to be adults who are deceptive and dishonest. Likewise, if we teach young people to make good ethical choices at the youth livestock show—They will grow up to become adults who make good ethical choices. That is the only reason we need to address the issue of livestock show ethics.

26 If we teach kids to be deceptive and dishonest at youth livestock shows, they will grow up to be adults who are deceptive and dishonest.

27 Likewise, if we teach young people to make good ethical choices at youth livestock shows, they will grow up to become adults who make good ethical choices.

28 That is the only reason we need to address the issue of livestock show ethics.

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