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The link between staff development and student engagement The Robert Gordon University Thursday 4 February 2010 sparqs Student Engagement Series.

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2 The link between staff development and student engagement The Robert Gordon University Thursday 4 February 2010 sparqs Student Engagement Series

3 The agenda was going to be… Exploring the link Irene Peterson, Shetland College Fiona Campbell, Edinburgh Napier University Reflections and action planning

4 The agenda is now… Exploring the link Fiona Campbell, Edinburgh Napier University Shetland College experiences Variable impacts by area and sector Reflections and action planning

5 Student Participation in Quality Scotland (sparqs) training and support →provide training for student representatives; workshops for staff and production of resources for students and staff events →national conference on student involvement; workshops, seminars and events for staff and student officers sharing practice →publications on student involvement; benchmarking of representative systems and learning from other countries & sectors consultancy →5 days support offered to each institution across Scotland

6 Through the eyes of sparqs: The link so far

7 The link Student engagement Educational development Students Staff

8 The link Class rep training Staff workshops Students Staff

9 The link Support for senior student representatives Work with institutions and sector agencies Students Staff

10 The link How can we help students to engage? Do we make engagement a part of lecturer training? Students Staff

11 The link Co-creation Partnership Students Staff

12 Class rep training

13 The student learning experience Student learning experience Programme design Environment for learning and teaching Equipment and materials for learning Assessment Learner progress and outcomes Guidance and learner support Quality assurance and improvement Learning and teaching process

14 The A,B,C,D of Effective feed back Effective

15 Staff workshop

16 involving students: the how actor expert partner information provider a completer of surveys collector & analyst of feedback recognised as experts in learning authentic & constructive dialogue

17 What do you think this means for you? Task: How can you actively support, encourage and push students to become more active learners? How do you currently involve students in decision- making about their curricula, teaching & learning, facilities, and all aspects of their student experience? How can you support students to become co-creators of their learning experience?

18 Ideas we have heard or developed

19 Enhancement Student engagement being a topic that informs: → professional review system → annual staff development programme → new staff induction → staff job descriptions and person specifications → education courses → institutional vision and mission

20 Enhancement Student engagement “champions” → departmental or section level → evangelise student engagement → work with class reps at section level → “buddy” staff on their engagement

21 Enhancement Interaction between senior staff and reps → involvement at student officer away day → “summits” between reps and senior staff → presentations to reps on key topics

22 Enhancement → Student involvement in teaching observation → Campus tours for staff, by students → Staff shadow students for a day or week → Students mentoring staff  Turning the learning process upside-down

23 Celebration! Reports to course committees Reports to institutional committees National level: → Communities of Practice → sector committees → sparqs’ events → sparqs’ Clearing House “You said… we did…”


25 The link is… Of increasing importance At the heart of what institutions do Key to enhancing the experiences of both staff and students An area of both strength and opportunity

26 Case studies

27 Your initial reflections What are the implications of what you’ve heard? How might the impact of student engagement on staff development in your institution vary… → between subject areas and other functions (eg staff development unit, quality office, students’ association)? → between sectors? Will there be different implications for the HE and College sectors?

28 Reflections and action planning

29 What now? How do you feel about… → what you do well in your institution? → what you could do better in your institution? What issues are key to further developing and learning from the link?

30 What now? What action points are there for… → you → your institution/students’ association → the sector → sparqs

31 You Your institution or students’ association The sectorsparqs

32 More information All presentations from today will be on our website Future Student Engagement Series events will be imminently confirmed on our website. Topics will include: → international student engagement → developing your class rep training → co-creation of the curriculum


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