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Expressing possibilities Instructor: Nguyen Ngoc Vu Students : Nguyen Thanh Binh Pham Kim Chi.

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2 Expressing possibilities Instructor: Nguyen Ngoc Vu Students : Nguyen Thanh Binh Pham Kim Chi

3 Work with your partner! Now, Imagine one of you islost in the desert with little water and food. POOR YOU! What would you do? Tell your partner.

4 Now list expressions of possibilities that your partner used to expressing his / her feelings. Perhaps, may, can, could, … Maybe I would try to live by myself. I would worship God for the rain

5 Expressing Possibilities Maybe / perhaps / probably / possibly /... Why did Mary leave the party early? Perhaps she had to pick her children up from school.

6 Expressing possibilities May / might / can / could / will / would /… How can you live in the desert without water. We could probably get water from cacti

7 Level of PossibilityExpressions 100% certainty-I’m sure / positive / certain … -I believe that … -I will… 75% probability-It’s probable that … -It’s likely that … 50% possibility-It’s possible that … -I may / might … - I can / could … 25% improbability-It’s impossible that … -It’s unlikely … 0% impossibility-It’s impossible that … -I cannot / may not / might not … -I will not …

8 Activities

9 Look at the list of the countries. Check the list through and decide how firmly you intend to visit or don’t intend to visit them in the next few years.

10 CanadaSwitzerland MexicoVenezuela Brazil Portugal ChinaNigeria SpainAustralia ScotlandJapan IrelandSweden ItalyUSA

11 Activity 2 Imagine that you won a competition and were awarded a tour of the Sahara Desert. Discuss in groups to find some ways of solving possible problems listed below if you were lost in the desert. The list of what to bring and what to do suggested by YTC Sahara Tour will help you.

12 Possible Problems 1.How to make a signal to attract the rescue team. 2.How to protect yourself from the heat and sunlight 3.How to find directions – You know an oasis is somewhere in the south. 4.How to reduce body’s water loss. 5.How to find water. YTC SAHARA TOURISM SAFETY TIPS -WHAT TO BRING - Sunglasses - A large hat -Light-colored clothes - A cigarette lighter or matches - A mirror - A poncho and some sticks -A knife -A wrist compass -WHAT TO DO Find a shelter / make your own shelter. Reduce movements or activities. Look out for animals – they live near water

13 Example: A: What if we got lost in the desert and we needed water? B: Perhaps we’ve have to look for animals. They live near water. C: We could probably get water from cacti. They contain lots of water; we could use a knife to cut them

14 Activity 3 In pairs, suggest some things you might want to bring with you if you were going to travel across a desert. Report to your class and explain why these things are necessary for your trip

15 Homework Review the expressions of possibilities. Try oneself to expressing possibilities in different situations: buying food, deciding on a journey, …

16 The end

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