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2015 Integrated Care Study Tour SPAIN GERMANY SCOTLAND.

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1 2015 Integrated Care Study Tour SPAIN GERMANY SCOTLAND


3 Barcelona, Catalonia, SPAIN

4 Gesundes Kinzigtal, Haslach, GERMANY

5 NHS Highland, Inverness, SCOTLAND

6 KEY LEARNINGS AND MESSAGES increasing burden of chronic disease requiring a different approach to service delivery global economic crisis has had a major impact on driving the redesign of services commissioning body oversight a key driver clinical leadership is paramount integration has many layers and levels (beyond health integration to social services) ''good things take time' - many programmes were 3-5 - 10yrs in the making

7 KEY LEARNINGS AND MESSAGES professional snobbery is universal in whatever language :), white coats everywhere!! major reorientation to care in the home - and away from the hospital, aged care settings IT systems integration is critical to the success rhetoric is patient centred – only just beginning this journey trend to increase the role of nurses in care delivery and coordination protected community nursing roles and titles a national uniform can be achieved!

8 WHO Global Strategy on people centred and integration health services

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