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Decline and Recovery of Christianity Barbarian invasions and fall of Rome caused a set back for Christianity Over Medieval period, Christianity would.

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2 Decline and Recovery of Christianity Barbarian invasions and fall of Rome caused a set back for Christianity Over Medieval period, Christianity would recover, and come back even stronger Three factors attribute to Church’s success Barbarians absorbed Greco-Roman culture Missionary Activities Conversion of Queens Alaric, featured in The God of War II

3 The Franks Pagan Settled in Gaul in fourth century Confederation of tribes In fifth century, became focused on taking Gaul from Rome

4 Frankish Pagan Religion Worshipped spirits in nature Attributed their power to these spirits Would need sign from Christian God of greater strength to make them convert

5 The Merovingian Dynasty United in fifth century by Merovech Upon Merovech’s death, his son Childeric took over Childeric was a womanizer, and became unpopular amongst his subjects Childeric’s son, Clovis succeeded him Childeric’s interest in French women was his downfall. Let that be a lesson to would-be Generals

6 Clovis Takes on Rome 486, strikes Roman Capital of Gaul, Soissons Hunts down and kills Roman leadership Expands boarders of Gaul Willing to negotiate with Christians

7 “Romans! Your Days are Numbered.”

8 The Frank’s Conversion Clovis marries a Christian, Clotilda Hesitant to convert, wants to see sign from Christian God of his power Sign comes in winter of 496-497 Against Barbarian tribe, Alemanni Clovis comes within an inch of his life After victory, Clovis and his men convert and are baptized

9 The Birth of France Clovis has two more obstacles Pagan Visgoths His old partner, Sigobert After establishing himself as sole ruler of the Franks, make Paris new capital Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris


11 Muhammad Lived 570-632 Claimed to have received Revelation from Archangel Gabriel Recited the word of God Holy Book - Koran

12 Spread of Islam For 100 years, Islam armies were unstoppable Decline of Roman Empire made favourable conditions Strong leadership Advanced weaponry

13 Charles “The Hammer” Martel Lived from 688-741 Frankish King Came to power in 717

14 Battle of Tours Muslim armies led by Abd al-Rajman Frankish armies had the high ground Charles sent soldiers to attack Muslim camp during the fighting Decisive victory for French Muslim advances halted, and forced to backtrack European Christendom Saved


16 Ireland before Christianity Worshipped gods of nature Brutal sacrifices and rituals Social hierarchy Traded with Europe and the Mediterranean

17 St. Patrick Born in fifth century Britannia (Wales) Kidnapped at age 16 by Irish slave traders Escapes and returns Has a vision in which God tells him to convert the Celts Enters priesthood Bishop of Ireland

18 Catholicism and the Celts Pope Celestine I authorized Evangelization of Ireland in 431 Initially sends a bishop named Palladius Other missionaries blend traditional Gaelic with Latin Catholicism Monasticism grows

19 Irish Monasteries Monks preserved, and translated, written records of antiquity Important, because education and literacy declining throughout Europe The bible is preserved

20 The Monks Save Civilization Evangelize the rest of Europe Columba brings Catholicism to Scotland Augustine Evangelizes England Columanus spreads the faith to mainland Europe Bring a new form of Christianity

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