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Collaboration Strategic Goal Commissioner Steve Johnson – Goal Sponsor Kerri Rollins, Natural Resources - Goal Steward June 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaboration Strategic Goal Commissioner Steve Johnson – Goal Sponsor Kerri Rollins, Natural Resources - Goal Steward June 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaboration Strategic Goal Commissioner Steve Johnson – Goal Sponsor Kerri Rollins, Natural Resources - Goal Steward June 15, 2015

2 Collaboration Team Brenda Gimeson – Community Development Laurel Kubin – Cooperative Extension Angela Mead – Human Services Daniel McDonald – District Attorney Abby Powell – The Ranch Lisa Thieme – County Assessor Terri Blackmore – N. Front Range Metro Planning Org Stacey Pearson – Otter Box Kathay Rennels – Colorado State University

3 We have a culture of collaboration among towns, cities, businesses, non-profit organizations and citizens as the first choice strategy to accomplish the Vision and Goals. 1.By April 2014, a team will be in place. Their role is to develop strategies to reduce costs, magnify positive outcomes, streamline government operations, and emphasize collaboration between Larimer County and other organizations as a foundation of our culture. 2. By the end of 2014, identify, assess and recognize existing collaboration successes and develop a strategy to replicate them.

4 For the purposes of this strategic goal, collaboration can be defined as a continuum of strategic alliances, including: networking, cooperation, partnership, coalition, and collaboration. These strategic alliances can maximize return on investment (social, fiscal, and community). Definition of Collaboration

5 Identified Deliverables 1.Form a well balanced team 2.Create an internal and external survey that can provide a current and future baseline of levels of collaboration 3.Assess, develop and implement a long-term process/tool 4.Assess, develop and implement short-term, incremental changes in existing processes and procedures 5.Community driven reward/recognition program

6 Collaboration Continuum with examples: Networking (Low) – clearinghouse for information, informal base of support. EXAMPLE: 211 Line Healthy Communities Coalition Cooperation (Low to Medium) – limit duplication of services, match needs and provide coordination. EXAMPLE: LC Interagency Oversight Group Partnerships (Medium) – share resources to address common issues, merge resource base to create something new. EXAMPLE: US 287 Transportation project

7 Collaboration (High) – accomplish a shared vision, build interdependent systems to address longer term issues/opportunities. EXAMPLE: regional trails and open space purchases and connections are planned via interagency processes, funds are shared to implement, management staff are shared or contracted. Coalition (Medium to High) – share ideas and pull resources from existing systems, develop commitment for at least three years. EXAMPLE: LC Emergency Response, and/or Big Thompson River Restoration Coalition

8 Regarding Larimer County’s ability to build partnerships and collaborate externally, how would you rate the current level of collaboration?

9 Using the definition of “collaboration” as a strategic continuum, at what level of collaboration do you mostly engage?

10 Structural Component Framework Shared Vision Quality Communication Information, Education & Training Supportive Environment

11 Barriers and Incentives Barriers Time Money Changes in staff, consistency Poor Communication Legal issues and open data requirements Incentives Sense of urgency Known successes, examples Awareness of benefits

12 Examples of Strategy Overlap Larimer County 101 Communicating examples/stories/benefits

13 Next Steps External volunteer meeting Verify & prioritize Deliverables and Strategies Identify implementation incentives and mandates Implement beginning 2016

14 Feedback? Questions?

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