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| 0. | 1 Module 1 - Overview of the processModule 2 - Partner Initiated ChangeModule 3 – Customer Initiated ChangeModule 4 - SummaryAppendix.

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Presentation on theme: "| 0. | 1 Module 1 - Overview of the processModule 2 - Partner Initiated ChangeModule 3 – Customer Initiated ChangeModule 4 - SummaryAppendix."— Presentation transcript:

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2 | 1 Module 1 - Overview of the processModule 2 - Partner Initiated ChangeModule 3 – Customer Initiated ChangeModule 4 - SummaryAppendix

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4 | 3 Goal of this process change is to enable the partner and customer to initiate the change of partner process online This will result in: Instant change Downstream activities occurring faster Reduce involvement by ROC

5 | 4 Change of Partner Initiated By a Partner The proposed new partner of record can initiate change of partner request on behalf of a customer using Partner Source The customer will have to accept the request and fill in the reason for change, before the customer can start working with the new partner Customer will accept via CustomerSource Change of Partner Initiated By a Customer A customer, who is active on BREP, can initiate change of partner request, using Customer Source. The proposed new partner of record will have to accept the request before the customer can be assigned to the partner Partner will view requests on “My Messages”

6 | 5 Prerequisites: Customer Professional has Administrator – Customer Care role set to yes Partner Professional has Administrator – Customer Care role set to yes Customer must be on an active enhancement plan in order to be able to carry out an Online Change of Partner request as they need to do this on Customer Source

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8 | 7 “Change of Partner Request Pending Approval” link in email Customer Source (provide valid customer credentials) Pending Change of Partner Request Initiated by Partner In CustomerSource click on My Account, Our Partner Information which will bring you to this page.

9 | 8 If the customer accepts the request they are directed to the “Change Partner of Record” page

10 | 9 1. Customer selects the reason for the change of partner 1 2 2. Customer provides comments. If the customer chooses “Other” as the Reason for Change of Partner, then the Comments section must be completed.

11 | 10 3. Customer clicks on the T&C check box. 4. Customer provides name in the Signature box and clicks Submit 3 The system will validate the following: Pending orders If it’s within 10 days of expiry date Partner is authorized and certified 4

12 | 11 Acknowledgement page displays the successful change of partner message. Customer can print for own records.

13 | 12 Saying request has been accepted & outlining the customer’s expiry date Partner who made the Online Change of Partner request Confirming the Online Change of Partner has been requested Customer Informing them that their former customer has requested a move and it has been completed. Old partner The PAM of Managed Partners is also informed Partner Account Manager Emails sent to the following (refer to Appendix):

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15 | 14 Customer logs onto Customer Source and clicks on “Our Partner Information” link under My Account 1

16 | 15 1 2 3 1.Customer clicks on radio button for Partner to be changed (this is the current partner) 2.Customer checks the Change Partner Check box 3.Customer clicks on Changer Partner Button

17 | 16 1.Customer can see the existing partner information 2.Customer selects a reason for the change of partner request 3.Customer may enter a comment in comments field – if the reason in 2 above is other, the user must add a comment 1 2 3

18 | 17 4. Customer enters the account number & PIN of the To-be partner (the customer must know the account number & PIN) 5. Customer checks the T&C check box and enters name in Signature field 6. Customer clicks on Submit 4 5 6 System validates if account number is valid and if partner is authorized for the selected product

19 | 18 If validations are passed the acknowledgement page is displayed and the customer can print the page. Clicking ok will direct the customer back to the partner information page. Email is sent to the “to-be” partner company advising them of request

20 | 19 Saying request has been accepted Customer who made the request to change partner Confirming they have accepted request New partner Confirming that the customer has requested a change in their partner of record and this has been processed and the customer has been removed from their customer list. Old partner The PAM of Managed Partners is also informed Partner Account Manager Emails sent to the following:

21 | 20 CustomerSource  My Account  Our Partner Information Click on Cancel Pending Change of Partner Request

22 | 21 Select the relevant radio button for the Request to be cancelled and click on Cancel. An email will then be send to the Partner Company Professional

23 | 22 Administrator – Customer Care role set to yes Customer must be on an active enhancement plan Partner and Customer are enabled to initiate the change of partner process online when the both have The customer – requesting the new partner to accept the Online Change of Partner request The partner on behalf of customer – requesting customer to accept the Online Change of Partner request The Online Change of Partner Request can be initiated by: Instant change Downstream activities occurring faster Reduce involvement by ROC This will result in:Go Live Date 4 th August

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