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The Progressive Movement Definition= Chapter 17 Section 1 & 2 To insert your company logo on this slide From the Insert Menu Select Picture Locate your.

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2 The Progressive Movement Definition= Chapter 17 Section 1 & 2 To insert your company logo on this slide From the Insert Menu Select Picture Locate your logo file Click OK To resize the logo Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that appear outside the logo are known as resize handles. Use these to resize the object. If you hold down the shift key before using the resize handles, you will maintain the proportions of the object you wish to resize.

3 Who was behind the Progressive Movement? Journalists- opposed harsh working conditions. Intellectuals- questioned the role of corporations in America. Political Reformers- wanted government to be responsive to the people. These groups form the movement

4 4 Goals of the Progressive Movement 1. Protecting Social Welfare. –Soften the effects of industrialization –Relieve urban problems YMCA Salvation Army Hull House Jane Addams

5 4 Goals of the Progressive Movement 2. Promoting Moral Reform. –Improving personal behavior –Prohibition –WCTU- Womens Christian Temperance Union –Anti-Saloon League –= attack on immigrants

6 4 Goals of the Progressive Movement 3. Create Economic Reform. –Some looked to Socialism- E.V. Debs –Big business was getting favored treatment from the goverment. –Muckrakers- What they did? Famous?

7 4 Goals of the Progressive Movement 4. Fostering Efficiency –New concepts help to make society more efficient Scientific management Time studies –1912-Led to the assembly line. (Ford) –Was hard on workers –Ford shortened the day and doubled pay ($5 per day)

8 Some early effects Many reform politicians were elected. Protections were created for workers. Work hours were limited. Voter reforms were initiated. –Initiative –Referendum –Recall –17 th Amendment

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