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Session handout can be found at the following address:

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1 Session handout can be found at the following address:


3 Problems that often result in failure to win the race….

4 Problem #1: The quality of collaboration often leaves something to be desired Ineffective Pit Crew

5 Bad Pole Position Problem #2: Teachers jump into designing a product without articulating desired student outcomes

6 Problem #3: Teachers design student tasks that lack meaning and rigor Run out of gas

7 Problem #4: Teachers have difficulty remaining current with available resources Lose control

8 Problem #5: Differentiation and Formative Assessments are often neglected due to lack of time Engine problems

9 Problem #6: Students lack sufficient practice necessary to master the Big6 problem-solving process Blown tire

10 How to Collaborate More Successfully in Virginia Beach City Public Schools? Collaboration workshops with LMS, GRT, and classroom teachers Planning Guide developed, used, and repeatedly revised

11 Our First Winner Driver: Tara Hylton, LMS New Castle ES

12 Stage 1: Desired Results Events are caused or influenced by the perspectives of leaders and constituents. How did the perspectives of the leaders bring about the events leading to the Revolutionary War? SOC.5.SS.5.5: Use different historical perspectives to interpret the role of Virginians in the American Revolution (VS.1, VS.5) SOC.5.SS.5.5.4: Analyze the various roles played by Virginians in the Revolutionary War era, with emphasis on George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry (VS.1, VS.5) Identify and interpret primary and secondary source documents to understand history. Determine cause and effect relationships. Draw conclusions and make generalizations in regard to leadership. Interpret ideas and events from different historical perspectives. The different perspectives of the Virginia leaders during the Revolutionary War era The perspective of the British during the Revolutionary War era The roles played by Washington, Jefferson, and Henry

13 Stage 2: Assessment Evidence To present the perspective of either King George or one of the Virginia patriots in a political cartoon and to write a letter to the editor explaining the cartoon Political cartoonist The editor of the New Yorker magazine and its readers

14 Stage 2: Assessment Evidence The New Yorker is doing a feature on the American Revolution and is seeking materials. Students will create a political cartoon representing the perspective of one of the Virginia patriots or King George of England. Students will also write a letter to the editor explaining the cartoon Students work will be judged by the “editor” of the New Yorker via a rubric.


16 Stage 3: Learning Plan

17 Hook—examples of various political cartoons Students will be asked what perspectives the cartoons depict and how they dot that. They will create their own political cartoon that will appear in an issue of the New Yorker. 45 min. Teacher & GRT Questions will be generated by the teacher in a data retrieval chart that will be given to the students. The students will need to develop a question of their own, too. Total number of questions = three! 1.General biographical 2.Contributions 3.Student generated No mini lessons for this step.

18 Stage 3: Learning Plan LMS will choose source for questions 1 and 2. The student will determine the source for question 3. 15 min. LMS LMS will provide a mini lesson on choosing the best source.

19 Stage 3: Learning Plan LMS will have print sources available. Students will use databases and internet websites. LMS will review key words, text aids, features, and databases. 15 min. LMS

20 Stage 3: Learning Plan Students will read and take notes individually. Students will complete their data retrieval chart (foldable graphic organizer). LMS will teach a lesson on citing sources. 45 min. LMS, GRT, teacher

21 Stage 3: Learning Plan 2 hours Teacher, GRT Students develop their own cartoons and letter to the editor. A review of analyzing political cartoons will be conducted using resources from the Primary Source Document kit.

22 Stage 3: Learning Plan No mini lessons identified. Peer evaluation using primary sources document form. Teacher evaluation using rubric. Follow-up Socratic Seminar to discuss the Essential Question: How did the perspectives of the leaders bring about the events leading to the Revolutionary War? Students will complete an Exit Slip answering the Essential Question. 1 class period Teacher, GRT

23 Two More Winners Driver: Kathy Gordon, LMS Diamond Springs ES Driver: Cathy Louk, LMS Thoroughgood ES

24 Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

25 Session handout can be found at the following address: All images taken from

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