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Workshop on Collaborations in the Mathematical Geosciences October 6-7, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Collaborations in the Mathematical Geosciences October 6-7, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Collaborations in the Mathematical Geosciences October 6-7, 2005

2 Outline NISS and SAMSI About the Workshop Thanks Participate! Participate! Participate!

3 National Institute of Statistical Sciences

4 NISS Basics A national institute that serves the statistical sciences community by –Performing and stimulating high-impact research at critical interfaces between statistics and disciplinary science, as well as between industry/government and academia –Supporting career development at all levels, with special emphasis on postdoctorals –Engaging the national community in a variety of activities, especially but not exclusively by means of its affiliates programs and SAMSI

5 NISS Research Projects Are government- or industry-funded –Respond to national needs as well as issues raised by affiliates Are driven by disciplinary needs Target interfaces –Between the statistical sciences and disciplinary sciences –Between industry/government and academia Involve senior researchers, postdocs, students from multiple disciplines and across the country Are mixture of long-term involvement and shorter-term explorations subsequently taken up by others Leverage NISS’ partnership with SAMSI to increase community participation and impact

6 Project Areas Digital Government: disclosure risk vs. data utility; data quality –Funding: NSF DG (CISE), BLS, BTS, Census, NASS, NCES –Collaborators from: partner agencies, CMU, Duke, ISU, Penn State, Purdue, SMU Software engineering: lightweight instrumentation of fielded software –Funding: NSF ITR (CISE) –Collaborators from GA Tech, U MD, U WA, Vanderbilt Dynamics of social networks: Comparison of p* and intelligent agent models –Funding: NSF MSBS (DMS & SBE) –Collaborators from CMU, Duke, NCSU, UNC Pharmacophore identification –Funding: Hereditary Disease Foundation/High-Q Foundation –Patent pending for PharmID Task Force on High School Graduation, Completion and Dropout Rates –Funding: NCES –NISS-developed indicators endorsed by National Association of Governors

7 Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute

8 SAMSI Basics Vision: New synthesis of statistical sciences and applied mathematical sciences with disciplinary science to confront difficult data- and model-driven scientific challenges Structure: Partnership of –Duke University –North Carolina State University –University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill –NISS Research: Basic research in the statistical and applied mathematical sciences, framed by disciplinary needs

9 SAMSI Programs 2-3 research programs per year, at interfaces –Involve both statistics and applied math –Often involve probability, computational sciences, OR 2005-06 –Astrostatistics –Financial Mathematics, Statistics and Econometrics –National Defense and Homeland Security 2007-06 –Development, Assessment and Utilization of Complex Computer Models –Random Matrices and High-Dimensional Inference

10 Opportunities for Participation Undergraduates –SAMSI/CRSC Undergraduate Workshops (1 day, 2 day, 1 week) Graduate students –Research programs –IMSM Workshops (10 days) Postdocs –2+ year appointments, in collaboration with NISS, universities, … Established (and new) researchers –Workshops –Research visits (short- and long-term) –SAMSI-University Fellowships –Program proposals and leadership

11 19 T. W. Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC

12 More Information

13 About the Workshop

14 Manifesto Focus: research issues lying at interfaces of the mathematical and statistical sciences and the geosciences. Examples: –Mathematical and statistical modeling of large, complex geosystems –Representing uncertainty in geosystems –Analyzing large geoscience data sets Emphases –The future –Extending CMG into areas of the mathematical and geophysical sciences that are not currently reached –Active participation by all attendees (more to follow) –New researchers

15 Manifesto—2 Outcomes: sharper identification of –Research needs and approaches at the interface of the mathematical and statistical sciences and the geosciences –Collaborations to address the issues

16 Thanks NSF –Financial support –Advice NISS and SAMSI staff Organizing Committee Y’all!

17 Participate!!! Poster Sales Talks (11:30 AM today) –2 minutes, no visual aids Poster Session (6:30 PM today) Two-Minute Madness (3:00 PM today) –2 minutes, no visual aids Breakout discussions –4:30 PM today: by GEO topic –11:30 AM tomorrow: by MATH/STAT topic New researcher session (10:30 AM tomorrow) –10 minutes, up to 6 overheads –Volunteers needed!

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