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Welcome to Year 6 Parents Information Evening

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1 Welcome to Year 6 Parents Information Evening

2 Year 6 Staff Team Class Teachers: 6CB – Mr Butler 6GS – Mrs Snowden
6CH – Mrs Harrison Learning Support Assistants: Manpreet Gill Neelo Qureshi Debbie Davies

3 Behaviour Expectations
Rewards Rules Sanctions House Points Table Points Class Merits Raffle tickets Golden Pupil (Golden Book) Star of the week: Celebration Assembly Responsibilities Respect other people’s feelings and property (treat each other as you would like to be treated yourself). Follow instructions when needed promptly and calmly. Work co-operatively with other people. Show we are listening to the person who is talking. Verbal warning from the teacher. Name on sad side of the board If name struck once, moved to work on own in class and a Think Sheet will be completed at break time. If name struck twice, will be removed from the classroom and sent for time out to work in another class to complete any unfinished work. Also miss subsequent playtime. Contact parents via phone and behaviour is logged in SIMs. Persistent behaviour reaching number 4 is referred to Mrs Ferguson. If violent or abusive, sent immediately to Mrs Ferguson or Miss Boon and will be isolated from class for a set period of time. Parents will be contacted and will be expected to meet with a member of the senior management on the following day to discuss behaviour.

4 Timetable Daily Timetable: Copy in home school diary
Groups Across Year Group: Maths Guided Reading PPA Cover: Wednesday afternoon - Spanish and Music or Community Project

5 End of Key Stage 2 - SATs Designed to test the children’s knowledge and understanding of the KS2 programmes of study (Year 3-6) in Reading, GAPS and Maths. Provide a snapshot of child’s attainment at the end of the key stage. Science sampling tests will take place in selected schools which we will be notified of nearer the time. Both the SATs tests and Teacher Assessments have equal status – both are required by secondary schools at the point of transfer. Results will reported in July with end of year reports.

6 Year 6 Assessment The key stage 2 tests will take place Monday 11th-15th May. No formal writing test – levels will be based on Teacher Assessment. As with last year, there will also be a GAPS test which will test the children on aspects of Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Vocabulary and Handwriting. Level 6 tests (reading & maths) will take place in the afternoons during SATs week. Assessing Pupil Progress (APP) – ongoing teacher assessments take place in reading, writing, maths and science throughout the year.

7 Homework Homework agreement in diaries
Guidelines suggest up to 2 and a half hours per week for Year 6 children. This will include ongoing reading and spelling practise and short focused tasks in Literacy, Maths and Science, with occasional research based activities. Many tasks will be discussed in class time rather than written feedback received as they will be linked to current topics. Encourage independence – please mention if support was required/ any concerns you may have if your child struggled or spent too long a task etc. All homework is recorded in diaries and more detail can be accessed on the website. No paper copies of the homework sheet unless requested. Wherever possible, children will be given at least 1 week to complete homework however there may be exceptional circumstances where we ask them to try their best to get it completed earlier.

8 Uniform/Equipment Following school guidance:
No jewellery, stud earrings only, no nail varnish Named Uniform – especially P.E kits P.E – For health and safety reasons, if your child can’t take out their own earrings they will not be able to participate. Outdoor winter kit – New blue kit available, however year 6 are not expected to purchase for one year – red kit and socks still acceptable. Indoor kit - all children to wear black pumps with white socks or bare feet, house t-shirt and shorts. Named inhalers in school and looked after by children. Hair bands for long hair in PE.

9 Trips and Visits Red Ridge Next Week! (29th Sept – 3rd Oct)
Outdoor experiences will be used to support literacy work in the weeks following our trip. Black Country Museum Monday 21st Nov – History based Post SATs trip.. After SATs treat and preparation for their own production St. John’s Ambulance (Summer) Visitors in school

10 Curriculum Map Autumn Term: ‘Making a Mark’
Literacy: Biographies and viewpoint - Anne Frank History Topic: The Victorians Science: Micro-organisms, famous Scientists and electricity. Spring Term: ‘Near and Far’ Literacy: Kensuke's Kingdom (Michael Morpurgo) Geography Topic: Costa Rica and the rainforest. Science: Adaptation and interdependence. Summer Term: ‘Going Green’ Literacy: Biased and Balanced Arguments Geography Topic: Sustainable tourism linked to Costa Rica Career development Drama and music – Leavers’ Production TBC!!!

11 Marking Policy Gap tasks: Task for children to complete to develop in a specific area - one per unit Checks for Success/MSC grids: to highlight strengths and recognise target areas V: to show that children will have received verbal feedback on their work Tick: means work has been looked at ST or initials: marked by a cover teacher.

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