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The Library and ICT Using Junior Librarian in the School Library to support the curriculum.

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Presentation on theme: "The Library and ICT Using Junior Librarian in the School Library to support the curriculum."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Library and ICT Using Junior Librarian in the School Library to support the curriculum

2 Active database searching Children gain experience of using ICT in a realistic situation Scanner driven for issuing Independent learning opportunity Links to relevant material in whatever form

3 ICT curriculum Specifically JL can support: Unit 3C ‘Introduction to databases’ Unit 4D ‘Collecting & presenting information’ Unit 5B ‘Analysing data and asking questions: using complex searches’

4 Enquiry Choice of a simple search or an advanced search Simple = Keywords / Titles / Authors Boolean searching = and /or and not searches

5 Boolean searching And / or / not searches Beginning with searches Including searches

6 Sorting options Typical PC convention of sorting by clicking on column headings Secondary sorts available

7 Views Create in ‘Librarian Only’ but can be seen in Enquiry Can change the default view as required Can reflect current research needed for classrooms Constantly update themselves as new material added or old withdrawn


9 Websites Searches in Enquiry are for all resources including websites Easy to add Send to safe sites identified as relevant and useful to learning Print out Web Site Directory

10 Reports While these are available in ‘Librarian Only’ a security level can be established to allow pupils to access if required Some of these will be shown in graph from, others as lists


12 Statistics The School Inspection Report gives basic information on how the library is being used. This can include use by gender, how the different parts of the stock is being used and how many resources have never been loaned.


14 Review Pupils can go online and write reviews for the resources they have borrowed. The questions can be set up and changed for both information and story resources These reviews are not available to be seen until approved !!

15 Interactivity Pupils are interacting in a positive way with ICT Also helps to reinforce listening skills – but only if speakers are attached (or not turned off) Can download a Microsoft agent (Peedy)

16 Floorplan Year 6 project using Paint post SATs? – then upload into system Does highlight the place in the library where the resource should be (uses map reading skills??) Helps pupils find resources more easily

17 Cross-curricular Other languages Production of lists – exporting into Excel and then Word – to match topic needs Interactive - listening (sound files) Map skills – floorplan Review – Literacy Export statistics for ICT or Maths

18 Connects to local library & their e-learning options




22 The Future There are plans to launch a totally web based version of the software in the coming year. It will also offer a more personalised response to users – giving indication of new titles which match previous borrowing interests etc. Links to VLE’s being investigated!

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