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SPRING 2001 TREND OVERVIEW. Keep in mind: We can all look for trends How key trends can affect your business Use trends to build your retailers business.

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Presentation on theme: "SPRING 2001 TREND OVERVIEW. Keep in mind: We can all look for trends How key trends can affect your business Use trends to build your retailers business."— Presentation transcript:


2 Keep in mind: We can all look for trends How key trends can affect your business Use trends to build your retailers business

3 Focus on 5 basic questions: Determining Trends

4 #1: Does it fit with basic lifestyle changes? If it complements other important changes, it is more likely a trend.

5 #2: What are the benefits? Diverse & immediate benefits means more likely a trend. Determining Trends

6 #3: Can it be personalized? The more adaptable it is, the greater chance it has of being a trend. Determining Trends

7 #4: Is it a trend, or a side effect? Separate the trees from the forest (i.e. Tai Bo vs.. health/wellness trend). Determining Trends

8 #5: Who has adopted the change? Support from unexpected sources and key market segments. Determining Trends

9 Ergonomic design prevalent through various product categories. S ilhouette T rends

10 H USH P UPPIES Silhouette Trends

11 ECCO Silhouette Trends

12 K ENNETH C OLE Silhouette Trends

13 P RADA S PORT C ATERPILLAR Silhouette Trends

14 C AMPER Silhouette Trends

15 Alice Silhouette Trends

16 Outdoor is exception Lugs are more pronounced Silhouette Trends

17 Thongs are key in the marketplace. S ilhouette T rends

18 Cancun

19 Maui Silhouette Trends


21 B asics Core Product

22 B asics Colors: gentle, calm & muted.

23 Softness in materials B asics


25 Calm & muted B asics Cancun

26 F ASHION Product Current with Fashion Trends

27 F ashion Sunshine fill of vibrant colors

28 Pretty shades play against a softer background F ashion

29 Strong Asian influences in ready- to-wear fashions and accessories F ashion

30 Tahiti

31 Focus on reptile prints continues F ashion Maui

32 F ashion Catalina

33 Denim is core fashion F ashion Arizona

34 F ashion Boston

35 S PORT Athletic-inspired Product

36 S PORT Glowing range of warm dyes & pigments Pacific

37 Metallic giving background to energetic bright colors S PORT

38 Tech & stretch materials continue to be strong

39 S PORT Design elements include toggles, Velcro & zippers

40 S PORT Multi-functional is key Rio Bravo

41 S PORT Rio Bravo

42 S PORT Sleek & ergonomic designs


44 O UTDOOR Outdoor/Trekking Product

45 O utdoor Rich, darker tones accented by metallics

46 O utdoor Performance materials continue to be strong

47 O utdoor Weather resistant, yet light and do not appear “tough”

48 O utdoor Exception to trend of ergonomics Lug soles are more pronounced Calgary

49 K IDS Children’s Product

50 K IDS Soft colors and neutrals

51 Continuing towards more sophisticated colors for children K IDS

52 “Take down” styling from adults more prevalent

53 TREND WATCHING Youth Trend Design Trend

54 Remember: Use trends as sell-in tool Shows Birkenstock as contemporary Partnership with retailer to better address consumer

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