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Lithuanian nominee BOLDIC AWARD 18 th of March, 2005, Riga, Latvia

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1 Lithuanian nominee BOLDIC AWARD 18 th of March, 2005, Riga, Latvia

2 Nominees – First round (12 courses)  Physics: Mechanics  Information literacy and MSOffice skills  Information management  IT in Education  Development of Communities and NGOs  Staff management  Mobile technologies in business  Basics of management  Psychology  Business ethics  Statistics and social research  Health Safety in Workplace

3 Criteria The activities should  be transferable to the whole BOLDIC region  be learner driven  facilitate flexible/blended learning  be innovative  be scalable  have a sustainable strategy  have a sensible and appropriate technology approach  involve continuing evaluation

4 Nominees – the Second round (4 courses)  Information management – Vilnius University  Development of Communities and NGOs – Kaunas University of Technology  Business ethics – Alytus College  Health Safety in Workplace – Kaunas University of Medicine

5 Development of Communities and NGOs Kaunas University of Technology 2002- was developed 2003, 2004 - was improved

6 Description  Internet based course for community people: strengthening “soft” skills of the Third sector and enhancing NGOs capacities: from knowing to doing  Durations: 48 hours (6 weeks)  VME WebCT  Language Lithuanian

7 Aims and Objectives  to increase knowledge and competence of the community people (NGO activists, community leaders, local politicians and civil servants) in NGO establishment and development  to increase knowledge in lobby concept, national and European peculiarity  to increase knowledge and competence in public and private sectors partnership  Generating synergies between community people from diverse geographical locations in solving common problems and development of joint projects  Fostering cooperation between academic sector and the civil society

8 Target Groups  NGOs activists,  community leaders,  local politicians and  civil servants from Lithuanian regions.

9 Method  Interactive web_based course  Based on Adult education methodology (brief presentation, well structured, bulleted text, illustrated with schemes, flashes, video, and pictures, enriched with examples and practical tasks).  Assignments: essay, case studies, discussions, debates, document analysis  Final assignment - Group project and public defense of this project  The attention in focused on learning and formation of competences through collaborative work and communication.  Course respect pedagogical ethics and all learners’ projects and homework are not presented publicly.

10 Scenario  F2F initial meeting  Learning online with tutor support  Learning material + Glossary + Additional information resources  Group working  Forums, e-mail  Self evaluation  Assignments  Final public defense of group project

11 Criteria ranking The course should  have a sustainable strategy  be learner driven  be scalable  involve continuing evaluation  facilitate flexible/blended learning  be innovative  be transferable to the whole BOLDIC region  have a sensible and appropriate technology approach


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