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2 Please after you modify this program be sure to use save as… and not save

3 Final Jeopardy Question 1. Water 2 Weathering 500 6 Misc. 4 Glaciers 3 Labs 5 Pics 100 200 300 400 500 400 300 200 100 200 300 400 500

4 Back % of fresh water that humans can actually use?

5 Back Draw a diagram labeling the zone of aeration, zone of saturation, water table, and capillary fringe.

6 Back Rivers carrying sediment in suspension often makes the water look?

7 Back What is the term for a layer of rock that is permeable and has high porosity?

8 Back % of water found in the oceans?

9 Back What weathering process causes caves to form?

10 Back What is the most important by- product of weathering?

11 Back What type of rock weathers the easiest?

12 Back Which city would undergo more weathering. Chicago or Pheonix? Why?

13 Back Name 3 examples of chemical weathering.

14 Back On the field trip how did the cracks first form in the sidewalk?

15 Back Why doesnt Chicago need to irrigate in the summer?

16 Back What is the relationship between porosity and permeability

17 Back Why does Chicago have no evapotranspiration in the winter?

18 Back In the porosity/permeability lab, what type material had the most porosity? Permeability?

19 Back During the last ice age what % of earth was covered in ice?

20 Back Where is the largest continental glacier in the world located?

21 Back List 3 differences between a valley glacier and continental glacier.

22 Back Draw a mountain labeling a horn, arete, and cirque.

23 Back What shaped valleys do glaciers form?

24 Back Type of mass movement

25 Back Why did this rock formation form?

26 Back

27 What type of river is this? How do you know?

28 Back

29 What is the reason why we have ice ages and who was the man who came up with the theory?

30 Back Draw a cross section of soil and label the horizons.

31 Back List 3 characteristics of a young river?

32 Back What is the most powerful agent of erosion

33 Back What is the most important agent of erosion?

34 Back Draw a valley glacier and label the following. Lateral, medial, and end moraine, outwash plain, where the glacier moves the fastest, slowest and

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