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Failing to plan … is planning to fail. Plan the Work.

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2 Failing to plan … is planning to fail. Plan the Work

3 Project Management Process Initiate & Align Endorse the Plan Work the Plan Transition & Closure Project Description Team Mission/ Assignment Major Milestones Boundaries Team Identification Roles & Responsibilities Measures of Success Operating Guidelines Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) / Master Deliverables List (MDL) Task Planning & Scheduling Budget Risk Planning Communication Plan Change Management Plan Quality (QA/QC) Plan Transition & Closure Plan Project Team Commitment Management Endorsement Implement Transition Plan Review Lessons Learned Reward & Recognize Archive Continuous Communication Plan the Work Managing Scope, Schedule & Budget Manage Risks Manage Change Communicate Progress Issues Lessons Learned

4 Identify Project Phases/Sub-Phase (Levels 1 & 2) Identify the Processes (Level 3) Identify the Deliverables (Level 4) Reorder if needed Define Tasks Sequence the Tasks Estimate the Durations Identify Performers Establish Dependencies Add Resource Constraints Estimate and Verify Time/Cost Balance Assignments, Schedule and Budgets Tools+Forms WSDOT – Project Management On-Line Guide Project Management Plan Project Performance Baseline Work Breakdown Structure Performance Baseline Schedule Budget Risk Management Plan Change Management Plan Quality (QA/QC) Plan Communication Plan Transition and Closure Plan Budget Task Planning and Scheduling Risk Planning Change Management Plan Quality Plan (QA/QC) Communication Plan Transition and Closure Plan Pre-Construction Plan the Work Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Master Deliverables List (MDL) Develop Project Performance Baseline Overview Initiate and Align ProcessOverview Endorse the Plan Process On-Line Guide Plan the Work Process Map

5 Plan the Work Project Performance Baseline Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) / Master Deliverables List (MDL) Budget Task Planning and Scheduling Risk Planning

6 Plan the Work Project Performance Baseline Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) / MDL Budget Task Planning and Scheduling Risk Planning Change Management Plan Quality Plan (QA/QC) Communications Plan Transition & Closure Plan

7 Completed Initiate & Align Worksheet  Master Deliverables List (MDL) Completed Work Breakdown Structure INPUT TOOLS PRODUCTS Plan the Work Develop WBS using the MDL

8 Work Breakdown Structure Deliverables Tasks Deliverables Tasks Project Mission Deliverables Tasks


10 PDIS Project Delivery Information System (using Project Scheduler 8 (PS8) In part, this came from a simple question: “How can we improve the communication, coordination, & management of multiple projects?”

11 Project Delivery Information System (PDIS) Implementation Teams HQ Olympic Region North Central Region Eastern Region WSDOT Project Delivery Information System South Central Region Steering Team Urban Corridors Southwest Region Northwest Region


13 Master Deliverables List Provides consistent terminology or a list of parts for your project. The project team determines which parts and how to assemble them. Then build a project WBS - like a fine running machine. Plan the Work

14 Master Deliverables List

15 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Processes Level 4 Deliverables Phase Pre-Construction Construction MDL Structure Deliverables (in some cases) Level 5-10 Tasks

16 Process of elimination… 1.Identify Project Phase 2.Identify the Processes 3.Identify the Deliverables 4.Reorder if needed, “child/parent relationships” Customize the MDL to your project

17 Completed Initiate & Align Worksheet Completed WBS  TPW  PDIS Performance Baseline Schedule for Endorsement INPUT TOOLS PRODUCTS Plan the Work Task Planning and Scheduling

18 Task Planning Terminology Task Activity Finite duration Defined start & finish Assignable A deliverable upon completion Milestone Event Identifiable point Completion of a major deliverable or set of tasks Deliverables Measurable Tangible Work Product

19 Task Planning Define the task Identify Dependencies Estimate durations Assign Resources Estimate cost Resource constraints Plan the Work

20 Network Logic Diagrams A StartFinish BC DE FGH Plan the Work

21 Start Dev. Food & Rec. Plan Info Recon Report Trans. & Contingency Plan Activity Plan w/ Game List Develop Menus Gather Site Info/Weather Forecasts Match Trans. Needs to Vehicles Assemble Food Storage & Handling Communicate & Confirm Info/Trans. Contingency Plan Assemble & Distribute Info Packets Trash Collection & Haul Plan Finish START FRPLAN INFOREP TRANPLN FRGAME FRMENU INFOSITE TRNVEH FRFOOD INFOCMU TRFCON INFOPKT TRNTRSH FIN

22 Plan the Work Project Performance Baseline Schedule Endorsement

23 Completed Initiate & Align Worksheet Completed WBS Performance Baseline Schedule for Endorsement  PDIS  UCO  WSF  CPMS Updated Project Budget Project Aging Report INPUT TOOLS PRODUCTS Plan the Work Validate Project Budget

24 Resource Loaded Schedule vs. CPMS Plan the Work

25 Aging Reports

26 Plan the Work $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 Time Spending Curve (“S” curve”)

27 Completed Initiate & Align Worksheet Previously identified PMP elements  Risk Mgmt. Plan Template  Sample RMP  CREM Completed Risk Management Plan INPUT TOOLS PRODUCTS Plan the Work Develop Risk Management Plan

28 Risk Planning Terminology Risk is an uncertain event, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect. Risk Response Strategy is a pre-planned approach to address risk events should they occur; designed to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to a projects objectives. PMBOK, 2000 edition Plan the Work

29 Risk Planning Terminology Triggers, or warning signs, indicate a risk has occurred or is about to occur. Risk Mitigation seeks to reduce the probability and/or impact of a risk. PMBOK, 2000 edition Plan the Work

30 Risk Management Plan Determine Level of Risk Assessment Identify Risk Qualitative Risk Analysis Quantitative Risk Analysis Risk Response Strategy Risk Monitor & Control Plan the Work

31 Risk Response Strategies Tools & Techniques Mitigation Avoidance Acceptance Transference

32 Analysis Tools & Techniques Risk Interview Stakeholders & Subject Matter Experts Decision Tree Analysis Alternative Implications Plan the Work Probability / Impact Matrix Low – Med - High

33 Qualitative Risk Analysis Probability & Impact Matrix Low High Low High Green Red Yellow Impact Probability Identified Risk

34 IDENTIFIED RISK: Budget is exceeded by 10%. Probability LOW Impact High Project Risk Profile Green Zone EXAMPLE #1 Low High Low High Green Red Yellow Impact Probabilit y Identified Risk

35 IDENTIFIED RISK: Survey data incomplete or inaccurate. Probability Low Impact High Project Risk Profile YELLOW ZONE EXAMPLE #2 Low High Low High Green Red Yellow Impact Probabilit y Identified Risk

36 IDENTIFIED RISK: Quality problems due to inexperienced staff, employee turnover and/or lack of quality management plan. Probability High Impact High Project Risk Profile RED ZONE EXAMPLE #3 Low High Low High Green Red Yellow Impact Probabilit y Identified Risk

37 Communication Plan Plan the Work

38 Completed Initiate & Align Worksheet Previously identified PMP elements  Communication Plan Template  Sample Communication Plan Completed Project Communication Plan INPUT TOOLS PRODUCTS Plan the Work Develop Communication Plan

39 Communication  Who needs the information?  What information do they need?  When do they need the information?  How will the information be provided to them?  Formal or Informal? Plan the Work

40 Communication The exchange of information to the relevant parties (including ideas, expectations, goals, commitments, requirements, recommendations, and status) is vital to project success. Plan the Work

41 Management Gaps Top Management: Policy Middle Management: Planning Supervisors: Scheduling Laborers: Operations Functional Gaps Environmental Real Estate Services Traffic/WZTC Bridge Operational Islands

42 Communication Channels Plan the Work Project Sponsor or Executive Project Manager Employees Project Sponsor or Executive Project Manager Employees Informal Formal Informal

43 Communication Process Plan the Work SourceEncoderReceiverMessageDecoder Feedback Personality Screen Perception Screen Personality ScreenPerception Screen

44 How many lines of Communication? n(n-1)/2 n = the number of people on the project Plan the Work 10

45 Plan the Work How many lines of Communication? n(n-1)/2=?? 14(14-1)/2 = 91 Traf. R/W Util.PEO ENV Bridge Maint. Land. Survey Consul. Hyd. Rail Prg Mg PIO

46 Plan the Work How many lines of Communication? 15(15-1)/2 = 105 Traf. R/W Util.PEO ENV Bridge Maint. Land. Survey Consul. Hyd. Rail Prg Mg PIO RES 105 – 91= 14

47 Communication Plan Project Performance Baseline Risk Management Plan Change Management Plan Quality Plan Transition & Closure Plan Other Considerations: Plan the Work

48 Change Management Plan The roadmap for decision making when change occurs.

49 Completed Initiate & Align Worksheet Previously identified PMP elements  Change Mgmt. Plan Template  Sample Change Mgmt. Plan  PC&R Completed Change Mgmt. Plan INPUT TOOLS PRODUCTS Plan the Work Develop Change Management Plan

50 Change Management Plan The roadmap for decision making when change occurs. Project Performance Baseline components Change Management Thresholds & Triggers SCOPE SCHEDULE BUDGET

51 Change Management Plan The roadmap for decision making when change occurs. Identify, report, & track potential change issues Establish change tracking log Identify Endorsement requirements Update the Project Performance Baseline SCOPE SCHEDULE BUDGET Document processes for change management Gain Endorsement

52 Review procedures & thresholds Consult with: –Region Management –Program Management –Project Control & Reporting Use the Project Control Form (as required) Formal Processes & Procedures Plan the Work

53 What’s the value in “Updating the Project Management Plan”?

54 Roadtrip! – Seattle to Boston “The Plan” I-90 10 days $2500. Baseline “THE Plan”

55 Progress Check - I-82 to Yakima? Deviation from Plan –  Options – 1.Get back “on plan” 2.Revise plan to show “new intent” “The Plan” I-90 10 days $2500.

56 Roadtrip! – Seattle to Boston “The Plan” I-90 10 days $2500. Baseline Revision 1 “Revision 1” SLC CHI I-90 10 days $2500. Baseline Revision 2 “Revision 2” DNV St Louis Ohio – I-90 12 days $3000. Proposed Revision 3 “Rev 3” Myrtle Beach, SC. 15 days $4000. “Archive” “THE Plan”“The Plan”

57 Completed Initiate & Align Worksheet Previously identified PMP elements  WSDOT Std. Specs.  Quality Plan Template  Sample Quality Plan Completed Quality Plan INPUT TOOLS PRODUCTS Plan the Work The purpose of the Quality Plan is to document the project’s quality standards and goals and to provide a baseline against which the Quality Assurance / Quality Control efforts of the Project Team may be compared.

58 Quality (QA/QC) Plan Review the Project Performance Baseline Identify applicable Quality standards –Design Documentation Checklist –Design Matrices List the work elements & standards Review with performing staff The purpose of the Project Quality Plan is to document the project’s quality standards;to provide a baseline against which the QA/QC efforts of the project team may be compared. Plan the Work

59 WSDOT Quality Assurance & Control Quality Assurance – the process of evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. Quality Control – the process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance. Plan the Work

60 Why do we need a Quality Plan? Consistency Value Avoidance of Rework Responsibilities Plan the Work

61 Transition & Closure Plan The Transition and Closure Plan outlines points in the project at which formal transition and closure activities will take place, the requirements of the transition and the responsible organization, and the process steps that will be taken to accomplish an efficient and effective transition. Begin with the End in Mind!

62 Previously identified PMP elements  Transition & Closure Plan Template  Sample Transition & Closure Plan Completed Transition & Closure Plan INPUT TOOLS PRODUCTS Plan the Work Develop Transition & Closure Plan

63 Transition & Closure  Transition – the process of changing from one phase to another.  Closure – the act or process of closing, a finish or end.

64 Transition & Closure Plan Establish Transition/Closure Points –Scoping to Pre-Construction –Pre-Construction to Construction –Construction Complete Develop Acceptance Criteria Demobilization Strategies –Staff reassignment –Facilities, equipment, services –Roles & responsibilities Plan the Work

65 Lessons Learned Identify processes to document, report, & compile Establish Team activities & responsibilities Report lessons learned Lessons Learned System: Plan the Work

66 Archive Review WSDOT requirements –Design Manual –Design Documentation Checklist –Others? Develop archiving instructions –Identify documents to be retained –Where should they be stored? –For how long? –Who is responsible? Plan the Work

67 Reward & Recognize Review WSDOT policy Identify “target” performance metrics –Individual –Team Rewards and recognition for exemplary performance Develop a budget Plan the Work Financial Closure Review requirements & procedures

68 Transition & Closure Plan Schedule Closure –Track activities performed –Ensures activities are not overlooked Shelf Projects –Expedites start-up and completion process. Update throughout the process Plan the Work

69 Transition & Closure Plan Continuous Communication Project Description Team Mission/ Assignment Major Milestones Boundaries Team Identification Roles & Responsibilities Measures of Success Operating Guidelines Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) / Master Deliverables List (MDL) Task Planning & Scheduling Budget Risk Planning Communication Plan Change Management Plan Quality (QA/QC) Plan Transition & Closure Plan Project Team Commitment Management Endorsement Implement Transition Plan Review Lessons Learned Reward & Recognize Archive Managing Scope, Schedule & Budget Manage Risks Manage Change Communicate Progress Issues Lessons Learned Endorse the Plan Initiate & Align Work the Plan Transition & Closure Plan the Work Implement Transition Plan Review Lessons Learned Reward & Recognize Archive Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) / Master Deliverables List (MDL) Task Planning & Scheduling Budget Risk Planning Communication Plan Change Management Plan Quality (QA/QC) Plan Transition & Closure Plan Begin with the End in Mind!

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