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World Bank/GFDRR’s experience in strengthening weather, climate and hydrological services in Africa: Challenges and opportunities Makoto Suwa and Vladimir.

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Presentation on theme: "World Bank/GFDRR’s experience in strengthening weather, climate and hydrological services in Africa: Challenges and opportunities Makoto Suwa and Vladimir."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Bank/GFDRR’s experience in strengthening weather, climate and hydrological services in Africa: Challenges and opportunities Makoto Suwa and Vladimir Tsirkunov 17th World Meteorological Congress Side Event on WIGOS Implementation for RA I Geneva June 3, 2015

2 Challenges  NMHSs capacity in many regions is not adequate and considerably degraded in some countries during the last 20-30 years due to lack of funding  Interactions between NMHSs, DRM, local authorities and communities (e.g. “last mile” issue) is a challenge  Donor support to the sector is below basic needs, short-term and usually not well coordinated

3 The number of hydrological stations in Angola (1950-2007) Data from the study conducted by FMI Independence (1975) Civil War (1975-2002) Challenges

4 Priority needs in Africa  High priority hydromet modernization investment needs in Africa exceed US$ 0.8 - 1 billion  Estimated investment needs for 14 meteorological services in the SADC exceed US$ 120 million  Modernization Program for Uganda Meteorological Service is about US$32 million  Minimum USD 100-150 million per year is necessary to support operations of the modernized NMHSs systems  Technical and financial partnerships are essential to effectively and efficiently bridge this huge gap

5 Selected WB Hydromet and EWS projects Under implementation Identification Mexico: 105M (IBRD) Nepal: 31M (PPCR/IDA) Mozambique: 21M (PPCR/IDA/NDF) Yemen: 19M (PPCR) Myanmar: 30M (IDA) Haiti: 5.5M (PPCR) Concept Stage Jamaica: 6.8M (PPCR) Honduras and Nicaragua Sahel: 35M (IDA) Afghanistan Ethiopia Central Asia: 27.7M (IDA/PPCR) Vietnam: 30M (IDA) Cambodia and Lao PDR Pacific (Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu): 26.95M (IDA) Moldova: 4.8M (IDA) Bangladesh: 75M (IDA) Zambia: 3.8M (PPCR) GFDRR TA only India Peru Philippines Lesotho Malawi Niger Ghana Togo São Tomé and Príncipe Croatia Albania

6 World Bank Project (example) Sub-components, Activities A Institutional Strengthening, Capacity Building and Implementation Support of NMHS B Modernization of the Observation Infrastructure and Forecasting B.1Technical modernization of the NMHS observation networks B.2Modernization of NMHS communication, ICT and forecasting systems CEnhancement of the Service Delivery System of NMHS С.1 Introduction of Public Weather Service (DRM, agriculture, media, civil aviation, health, energy, water resources, irrigation) С.2Creation of the national framework of climate services C 3Development of Agriculture and Climate Advisory Service (ACAS)

7 Scaling up support for African NMHSs

8 Africa Regional System Integration - Improved access to and production of global products - Knowledge and advisory services to support strategic development, project preparation and management, coordination and service delivery - Coordination with AMCOMET, GFCS Modernization of WMO Regional Centers - Strengthening capacity and management to enhance trans- boundary cooperation on weather and flood forecasting, early warning and climate prediction. National/Sub-National - Institutional strengthening and capacity building of targeted NMHSs - Modernization of hydromet infrastructure - Improving service delivery including development of National Framework of Climate Services Africa Regional Hydromet Fremework Program

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