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The Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive Resource Planning Model Presentation to INFORMS Seattle October 26, 1998 A & L ASSOCIATES.

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Presentation on theme: "The Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive Resource Planning Model Presentation to INFORMS Seattle October 26, 1998 A & L ASSOCIATES."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Canadian Pacific Railway Locomotive Resource Planning Model Presentation to INFORMS Seattle October 26, 1998 A & L ASSOCIATES

2 Overview of Presentation Project background Model design Methodology and implementation Status Conclusions

3 The Canadian Pacific Service Design Vision “Canadian Pacific Railway will have and use a structured methodology and state of the art tools for designing, validating, executing, and refining a committed operating plan providing for consistently reliable, competitive service at a low cost.”

4 MultiRail Implementation at Canadian Pacific Objective: “The MultiRail Project will provide CPR with a service design package to improve [the] operating plan as represented currently in MTP, CYards, and SMS.” Major tasks: –Development of service group blocking and train design –Creation of unified operating design structure –Validation of model and resource planning, including crews and locomotives –Plan publication

5 CPR Requirements from the Locomotive Resource Planning Model Locomotives required, by type of locomotive and class of service Inventory of locomotives by type, location, and time Deadheading requirements Calibration and manual adjustment capabilities Summary statistics

6 Possible Approaches to Locomotive Resource Planning (1)Aggregate planning –Requirements developed from HP-miles and HP-hours required during modeling cycle (2)Network scheduling –Requirements developed from definition of locomotive cycles required to power all trains (3)Combined approach –Requirements developed from locomotive inventories at key terminals and balancing power in network by deadheading

7 Input Requirements for the A & L Locomotive Resource Planning Model Train schedules and expected tonnages Physical network characteristics Rules governing assignment of locomotives to trains Locomotive processing requirements and capabilities Rules governing balancing of locomotive supply and demand

8 Overview of the A & L Model A & L Associates Model (written in MS Access) User Adjustments by CPR  Number and type of required locomotives  Running inventories of locomotives at terminals and on the road  Summary statistics Segment and schedule information HP/ton requirements Locomotive fleet characteristics Standard locomotive consists Power pool locations Operational parameters MultiRail Inputs from CP

9 Model Capabilities Size of problem: –1,000 + trains over seven-day cycle –2,400 + terminals –1,000 + unit locomotive fleet comprised of 16 categories Time required: –Less than 10 minutes on Pentium class PC –Terminal hierarchy would be defined for each new network

10 Model Capabilities (Continued) Scenario Options –Define ideal consists for trains –Define “cycled” power Default Scenario Options –Locomotive categories and fleet assignments –Default consist assignments –Terminal network data –Locomotive management inputs –Substitution priorities

11 Outputs of A & L Model Fleet requirements: locomotive units of different classes required to operate plan Terminal activity: inventories throughout modeling cycle Fleet performance statistics: utilization, horsepower- hours, gross-ton miles, and productivity

12 Modeling Assumptions Regarding Pooling of Locomotives Units that come off inbound trains are serviced and then become part of a power pool. Outbound trains take units from the power pool as needed without regard to inbound trains. In cases of shortages of units, additional power must be sent to the terminal or certain trains must be under-powered, delayed, or cancelled. In cases of surpluses of units, fleet managers must decide whether units should be sent to terminals where they can be used more effectively.

13 Modeling Methodology (1) Default consists based on train category and terminal location are assigned for each train route segment where a locomotive consist is indicated in MultiRail. The number of units assigned is adjusted to reflect the minimum power requirements and manual overrides entered by the model user. Locomotive lineups are created for each terminal.

14 Modeling Methodology (2) Deadheading requirements are determined by aggregating weekly supply and demand of locomotives at terminals to identify surpluses and deficits. Locomotive demand is balanced over the CP network in a pre-arranged set of steps in which smaller and more peripheral terminals reconcile surpluses and deficits with their “source” terminals.

15 Calculating Network Locomotive Demand Classification of terminals into four levels : –Hump Yards –Regional Yards –IMS and Local Yards –Other Terminals (e.g., customers) Categorization contained in MultiRail data on terminals Higher order yards are successively balanced with lower order yards associated with them based on proximity

16 Calculating Network Locomotive Demand Simplified Diagram of Stage 1 — Balancing Demand from Customer Yards into Local Yards Winnipeg St. Paul Yd Bensenville Clearing Yard Toronto Yard Thunder Bay Milwaukee Moose Jaw South Edmonton Coquitlam Alyth Yard Lethbridge Sutherland Blue Island St. Luc Selkirk Lambton Golden Stinson Yd Quebec Kenwood Yd Ottawa

17 Calculating Network Locomotive Demand Simplified Diagram of Stage 2 — Consolidation of Demand into CPR’s Hump and Regional Yards Winnipeg St. Paul Yd Bensenville Clearing Yard Toronto Yard Thunder Bay Milwaukee Moose Jaw South Edmonton Coquitlam Alyth Yard Lethbridge Sutherland Blue Island St. Luc Selkirk Lambton 67

18 Calculating Network Locomotive Demand Simplified Diagram of Stage 3 — Consolidation of Demand into the Six CP Hump Yards Winnipeg St. Paul Yd Alyth Yard Bensenville Clearing Yard Toronto Yard

19 Calculating Network Locomotive Demand Simplified Diagram of Final Stage — Balancing Demand Among Calgary, Winnipeg, and St. Paul Hump Yards Winnipeg St. Paul Yd Alyth Yard

20 Modeling Methodology (3) Taking into account the required light moves, terminal and road inventories are created for the modeling period. Initial inventories are adjusted to avoid excess deficits, taking into account servicing and maintenance requirements. The number of units required under an operating plan, as well as other summary statistics, can be obtained by summing over the terminal and road inventories.

21 Locomotive Inventory Graphic

22 Model Architecture MMTRN MMTRNSCH MultiRail Input Tables Intermediate TablesOutput Tables & Reports Queries and Visual Basic Code Queries and Visual Basic Code Terminal locomotive transactions Terminal locomotive transactions Consist assignments Terminal locomotive surpluses & deficits Terminal locomotive inventories Required fleet size and summary statistics MMNDESUM MMTRNRTV

23 Current Status Model has been completed and tested with inputs from CP Rail –Basic functionality has been demonstrated –MultiRail functions as effective source of inputs Calibration and validation requires comparison to actual performance

24 Conclusions Use of knowledge of the network and of the problem made it possible to simplify the analysis into a one-pass process Several parameters facilitate calibration, but calibration still requires actual performance data that may not be readily available Speed and capabilities of personal computers with standard software now permit effective handling of “real world” problems

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