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Jeopardy Test Review TeamworkLeadership1PersonalityAbilityLeadership2 10 20 30 40 50.

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1 Jeopardy Test Review TeamworkLeadership1PersonalityAbilityLeadership2 10 20 30 40 50

2 Getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members. Answer

3 What is process gain? Home

4 This occurs when team members have to wait on one another before they can do their part of the team task. Answer

5 What is production blocking? Home

6 This type of interdependence requires the highest level of coordination in teams. Answer

7 What is comprehensive interdependence? Home

8 This variable is correlated at.5 with team commitment. Answer

9 What are teamwork processes? Home

10 These variables are correlated at.3 with team performance. Answer

11 What are task interdependence and teamwork processes? Home

12 The use of power and influence to direct the activities of others toward goal achievement. Answer

13 What is leadership? Home

14 This power base exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with you. Answer

15 What is referent power? Home

16 These forms of power are more strongly related to organizational commitment and job performance. Answer

17 What are personal forms of power? Home

18 Four factors that moderate the strength of a person’s ability to use power to influence others. Answer

19 What are substitutability, discretion, centrality, and visibility? Home

20 This is the best outcome of an influence attempt because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. Answer

21 What is commitment or internalization? Home

22 This leadership theory suggests that the focus should shift away from autocratic, consultative, facilitative, and delegative leaders to autocratic, consultative, facilitative, and delegative situations. Answer

23 What is Time-driven model of leadership? Home

24 This personality trait refers to the extent to which you are not interested in others. Answer

25 What is disagreeableness? Home

26 This personality trait has the largest percentage of variation explained by the genetic makeup. Answer

27 What is extraversion? Home

28 This personality trait is the strongest predictor of job performance across jobs. Answer

29 What is conscientiousness? Home

30 This personality framework is most useful in team building context. Answer

31 What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? Home

32 This theory suggests that your vocational interests can be summarized by six different personality types. Answer

33 What is the Holland’s RIASEC model? Home

34 In many jobs, high emotional intelligence can compensate somewhat for low level of this ability. Answer

35 What is cognitive ability? Home

36 Flexibility and coordination represent a dimension of this ability. Answer

37 What is physical ability? Home

38 This variable is strongly related to job performance across jobs. Answer

39 What is general cognitive ability? Home

40 The ability of an individual to understand the types of emotions s/he is experiencing, the willingness to acknowledge them, and the capability to express them naturally. Answer

41 What is self-awareness? Home

42 The ability to recover quickly from emotional experiences. Answer

43 What is emotion regulation? Home

44 This leadership theory assumes that effective leadership depends on the follower characteristics or readiness. Answer

45 What is the life cycle theory of leadership? Home

46 A micromanager will find it difficult to exhibit this leadership style. Answer

47 What is delegative leadership style? Home

48 This leadership theory is viewed as more motivational to leadership than other approaches to leadership. Answer

49 What is transformational leadership? Home

50 Larry Page, CEO of Google, is known for his willingness to allow employees to use this to change his mind on an issue. Answer

51 What is rational persuasion? Home

52 This conflict resolution approach gives subordinates a chance to develop learning from mistakes. Answer

53 What is accommodating? Home

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