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Sustainability and Niagara College Residences June 12 th 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability and Niagara College Residences June 12 th 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability and Niagara College Residences June 12 th 2013

2 Niagara-on-the-Lake Campus

3 NOTL Campus Results Residence total (2012): 36,379.41 kg or 44.31 %

4 NOTL Residences – Regular Solid Waste

5 NOTL Residences – Recycling Stream

6 NOTL Campus Recycling Cont’d MOE Classifications NOTL Residences Aluminum food and beverage cans397.80 kg Cardboard/Boxboard1631.24 kg Glass food and beverage bottles/jars5688.80 kg Recyclable Paper600.60 kg Total8318.44 kg

7 Welland Campus

8 Welland Residences – Regular Solid Waste Welland Residence Total (2012): 17398 kg or 73.25%

9 Welland Residences – Regular Solid Waste

10 Welland Residence Recycling

11 Welland Residence Recycling Cont’d MOE Classifications Welland Residence Aluminum food and beverage cans 337.00 Cardboard/Boxboard 15101.00 Clothing/textiles 14.00 Coffee Cups 46.00 Disposable take out food packaging 7.00 Fine Paper 1107.00 Glass food and beverage bottles/jars 873.00 Miscellaneous 28.00 Non-Recyclable Plastics 375.00 Polycoat Containers 856.00 Recyclable Plastic 21654.00 TOTAL 40398.00 kg

12 Recommendations Introduce more recyclable and compostable take-out containers in replacement of non- recyclable or non-compostable materials. A large portion of solid waste generated within the Residence buildings was organic food waste from culinary students. Compost containers in residences

13 Recommendations Cont’d Recycling containers and guides should be provided Larger recycling multi steam receptacles should be located on each floor and in common areas of the Residence Students can use these receptacles to empty the recycling boxes from their rooms and sort them into the categories

14 Recommendations Cont’d Engagement – Guide book – Signage – Interaction – Connection on campus to residence life

15 Case Studies studies/take-action-waste-community-based- social-marketing-project-student-residences studies/take-action-waste-community-based- social-marketing-project-student-residences studies/providing-framework-student-driven- sustainability-residence-halls-green-room- studies/providing-framework-student-driven- sustainability-residence-halls-green-room-

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