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52 nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 19 th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 13 th AIAA Non-Deterministic.

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Presentation on theme: "52 nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 19 th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 13 th AIAA Non-Deterministic."— Presentation transcript:

1 52 nd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference 19 th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 13 th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference 13 th Dynamics Specialists Conference 12 th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum 7 th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference “Technologies for the Next Generation of Aircraft” April 4-7, 2011 Sheraton Denver Denver, CO

2 Agenda Welcome (Naik)Welcome (Naik) Introductions (Odegard)Introductions (Odegard) Site description (Chenevey)Site description (Chenevey) Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard)Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard) Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik)Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik) Technical Program (Odegard)Technical Program (Odegard) ScholarOne (Odegard)ScholarOne (Odegard) Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey)Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey) Other businessOther business Adjourn (Naik)Adjourn (Naik)

3 AIAA Support Elizabeth Carter Product Manager (310)726-5001 E-mail: Serves as the central coordinator for one or more components such as the technical program, professional development, exhibits, honors and awards, memberships, publications, etc. Responsible for coordinating the various components and overseeing its health and growth over time. Cathy Chenevey Event Manager (703)264-7574 E-mail: Responsible for managing logistics and onsite management of the event and all ancillary components. Laura Sherman Marketer(703)264-7519 E-mail: Responsible for developing and implementing the marketing and promotion activities of the event including the stand-alone Call for Papers and Preliminary Program Pieces. Ann Ames Technical Papers Manager (703)264-7549 E-mail: Responsible for facilitating the abstract and paper submission process and providing ScholarOne support

4 AIAA Support Lynne David Customer Service Representative (703)264-7503 E-mail: Responsible for the processing of conference registrations, both prior to and during the event. Betty Guillie Technical Activities Committee Liaison (703)264-7573 E-mail: Serves as primary staff interface to Technical Activities Committee and Technical Committees Carol Stewart Honors and Awards Liaison (703) Responsible for facilitating the onsite Awards Luncheon program Tricia Carr Program Manager, Professional Development Programs (703)264-7523 E-mail:

5 SDM Organizers 52 nd SDM General Chair Rajiv A. Naik Pratt & Whitney East Hartford, CT (860)565-7477 52 nd SDM Technical Chair Gregory M. Odegard Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI (906)487-2329 Student Papers Technical Chair Gregory A. Schoeppner Air Force Research Laboratory Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

6 Co-Located Conference Organizers Adaptive Structures General Chair Norman M. Wereley University of Maryland College Park, MD (301)405-1927 Adaptive Structures Technical Chair Edward V. White The Boeing Company St. Louis, MO (314)232-1479 NDA General Chair Philip S. Beran Air Force Research Laboratory WPAFB, OH (937)255-6645 NDA Technical Chair Tiagaraja Krishnamurthy NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA (757)864-3207

7 Co-Located Conference Organizers GSF General Chair Houfei Fang Jet Propulsion laboratory Pasadena, CA (818)354-0829 GSF Technical Chair Sergio Pellegrino California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA (626)395-4764 MDO General Chair Christopher A. Mattson Brigham Young University Provo, UT (801)422-6544 MDO Technical Chair Vladimir O. Balabanov The Boeing Company Seattle, WA (425)266-3531

8 Co-Located Conference Organizers Dynamics Specialist General Chair Paul F. Taylor Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation Savannah, GA (912)965-7030 Dynamics Specialist Technical Chair John B. Kosmatka University of California La Jolla, CA (858)534-1779

9 TC Representatives Structures TC Grant Henson Analex Corporation Brook Park, OH (216)977-0266 Structural Dynamics TC (secondary) Jonathon Black Air Force Institute of Technology Dayton, OH (937)255-3636 ext. 4578 Materials TC Gary Seidel Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA (540)231-9897 Design Engineering TC Brian Robbers Aerojet Sacramento, CA (916)355-3642 Structural Dynamics TC (primary) Joseph Slater Wright State University Dayton, OH (937)775-5085

10 TC Representatives Survivability TC Eric P. Fahrenthold University of Texas Austin, TX (512)471-3064 Survivability TC Jeff Kloos GE Avaition/Aircraft Engines Cincinnati, OH (513)243-5342

11 Society Representatives ASME Representative Gregory M. Odegard Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI (906)487-2329 ASCE Representative Wieslaw K. Binienda University of Akron Akron, OH (330)972-6693

12 Previous/Future SDM Chairs 2010 SDM General Chair Sankaran Mahadevan Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN (615)322-3040 2010 SDM Technical Chair Ramesh Malla University of Connecticut Storrs, CT (860)486-3683 2012 SDM General Chair Steve Russell (Structures TC) Vought Aircraft 2012 SDM Technical Chair Stephen Clay (Structures TC) AFRL

13 Agenda Welcome (Naik)Welcome (Naik) Introductions (Odegard)Introductions (Odegard) Site description (Chenevey)Site description (Chenevey) Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard)Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard) Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik)Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik) Technical Program (Odegard)Technical Program (Odegard) ScholarOne (Odegard)ScholarOne (Odegard) Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey)Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey) Other businessOther business Adjourn (Naik)Adjourn (Naik)

14 Conference Location Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel 1550 Court Place Denver, Colorado 80202 (303) 893-3333

15 Room Rates Room rates: $179 + tax single/double occupancyRoom rates: $179 + tax single/double occupancy 30% of room block at the prevailing federal government per diem (current $149) – Federal government ID required to receive this rate30% of room block at the prevailing federal government per diem (current $149) – Federal government ID required to receive this rate Situated on 16 th Street Mall, allowing immediate access to restaurants, bars, shopping, light-rail, etc.Situated on 16 th Street Mall, allowing immediate access to restaurants, bars, shopping, light-rail, etc.

16 Agenda Welcome (Naik)Welcome (Naik) Introductions (Odegard)Introductions (Odegard) Site description (Chenevey)Site description (Chenevey) Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard)Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard) Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik)Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik) Technical Program (Odegard)Technical Program (Odegard) ScholarOne (Odegard)ScholarOne (Odegard) Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey)Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey) Other businessOther business Adjourn (Naik)Adjourn (Naik)

17 Committee Responsibilities  SDM General Chair  Book lecturers/speakers  SDM Technical Chair  Help prepare the technical program  TC representatives and co-located chairs  Assign reviewers for abstracts in respective areas  Encourage reviewers to complete reviews on time  Accept/reject abstracts based on reviews  Build technical sessions with accepted abstracts  Place technical sessions within the conference program  Assign chairs and co-chairs for technical sessions  Keep track of student papers  Encourage authors to submit manuscripts on time  Book lecturers/speakers  Attend fall planning meeting  Send rejection letters

18 Agenda Welcome (Naik)Welcome (Naik) Introductions (Odegard)Introductions (Odegard) Site description (Chenevey)Site description (Chenevey) Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard)Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard) Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik)Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik) Technical Program (Odegard)Technical Program (Odegard) ScholarOne (Odegard)ScholarOne (Odegard) Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey)Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey) Other businessOther business Adjourn (Naik)Adjourn (Naik)

19 Keynote Speaker/lecturer Responsibility SDM Keynote – NaikSDM Keynote – Naik SDM Lecture – NaikSDM Lecture – Naik SDM Awards Luncheon speaker – NaikSDM Awards Luncheon speaker – Naik ASC Keynote – WereleyASC Keynote – Wereley GSF Keynote – FangGSF Keynote – Fang MDO Keynote – MattsonMDO Keynote – Mattson NDA Keynote – BeranNDA Keynote – Beran DSC Keynote – TaylorDSC Keynote – Taylor ASME Lecture – Odegard/WereleyASME Lecture – Odegard/Wereley Theme: “Technologies for the Next Generation of Aircraft”

20 Awards Luncheon Walter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust PrizeWalter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize ASME/Boeing Best PaperASME/Boeing Best Paper ASME Adaptive Structures and Materials Systems Prize LectureASME Adaptive Structures and Materials Systems Prize Lecture Gossamer Systems Forum Best paperGossamer Systems Forum Best paper Jefferson Goblet (Schoeppner)Jefferson Goblet (Schoeppner) Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Student Paper Award in Structures (Schoeppner, Hyer, Henson)Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Student Paper Award in Structures (Schoeppner, Hyer, Henson) Lockheed Martin Student Paper in Structures (Schoeppner, Hyer, Henson)Lockheed Martin Student Paper in Structures (Schoeppner, Hyer, Henson)

21 Agenda Welcome (Naik)Welcome (Naik) Introductions (Odegard)Introductions (Odegard) Site description (Chenevey)Site description (Chenevey) Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard)Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard) Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik)Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik) Technical Program (Odegard)Technical Program (Odegard) ScholarOne (Odegard)ScholarOne (Odegard) Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey)Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey) Other businessOther business Adjourn (Naik)Adjourn (Naik)

22 Conference Time Line  February 12, 2010- Complete draft CFP  April 1, 2010- CFP in the April 2010 Aerospace America  April 11, 2010- SDM 2011 planning meeting 19:00-21:00 hrs  April 19, 2010- Abstract submission begins, CFP posted  July 23, 2010- Proposed special sessions to G. Odegard  August 9, 2010- Abstract deadline  Sept/Oct 2010- Fall planning meeting (TBD)  October 22, 2010- Completed conference program submitted  November 8, 2010- Complete technical session titles & chairs  November 12, 2010- Prelim program text to AA editor  November 22, 2010- Session chair instructions e-mailed  November 22, 2010- Letters of acceptance emailed  November 29, 2010- Rejection letters sent  March 14, 2011- Student manuscripts deadline  March 14, 2011- Manuscript deadline  April 4-7, 2011- Conference dates

23 Preliminary Conference Agenda

24 Preliminary Session Layout  Full 4-day schedule  Max of 5 papers in each morning session  Max of 6 papers in each afternoon session  16 Concurrent sessions (16 * 44 = 704 Max abstracts)  No TC or co-located conferences will have more than 3 concurrent sessions  Treat the preliminary session layout as the maximum allowable for each TC or Conference  TC and conferences do not have to use all sessions allocated to them  Minimum 4 papers per session (can double up if necessary)  Number of sessions per area will be defined once the abstracts are in  Acceptance rate will likely be around 82%  I will send you session allocation after the abstract due date

25 Session Layout Guidelines  Do not schedule an author to present two papers at the same time  Do not schedule an author to present back-to- back papers in concurrent sessions  Do not schedule such that a session chair must present a paper in a concurrent session  Do not make an author wait by scheduling one paper on Monday and the next on Thursday

26 Abstract Review Guidelines  Consistent standards of review for all TCs and conferences  All abstract have 3 reviews  Reasonable acceptance rates  Invited vs. encouraged papers  The only truly invited papers are the keynote addresses and the SDM lecture  ALL other papers must go through the abstract review process  Swapping of abstracts with other TC or Conferences as appropriate is encouraged  Abstract requirement, as stated in CFP & AIAA website: Selection of papers for all conference sessions will be based on extended abstracts of no less than 1000 words (5 to 6 pages in length with 12-point font, including cover page, figures, tables and text) in which the authors must clearly identify the aspects of the work that are new and significant

27 Abstract Review Procedure  As soon as the website closes for abstract submission, assign the abstracts you have to 3 reviewers  Continue to watch for late abstract submissions to assign to reviewers  For TCs, assign abstracts to TC members and others outside of the TC  For reviewers who do not complete reviews, give them one reminder. If they do not respond, assign abstracts to someone else and report to TC chair  ScholarOne will assign a total score based on reviewer reports (?)  Select cut-off score for acceptance based on number of assigned sessions (which is based on conference acceptance rate)

28 Session Design Procedure  Organize accepted abstracts into topic categories  Assign a session title  Assign order of presentations  Assign authors of questionable record of attendance at the end of sessions  Assign international papers at the end of sessions  Assign session chair and co-chair

29 Special Sessions  Two types of special sessions:  Sessions in which individuals solicit abstracts and are involved in the session layout and chair/co-chair decisions (common)  Can span different TCs/conferences, but must be clearly defined  TC/conference reps are ultimately responsible for them  Must adhere to abstract requirements and cut-off scores  Organizers do NOT have final say for abstract acceptance  Come out of TC/conference session allotment  Submit proposal to Odegard by July 23 with special session title, purpose, session organizers and session chairs/co-chairs  Sessions which are treated almost the same as TC/co-located conferences (not common) e.g. Wind energy, International sessions  Multiple TC/conference reps share responsibility  Have their own session allotment  No “invited” (un-reviewed) papers

30 Student Papers  Student papers reviewed like all other papers  All primary authors of student papers must be students at the time the abstract is submitted for consideration  “SDM 2011 student paper competition” must be placed above the title of the paper on the first page of the abstract to be eligible for the competition  Student papers will be presented during regular sessions, and will be placed in the appropriate sessions  Remaining details to be established by student paper competition chair

31 Paper/Poster Standby  Paper withdrawals create gaps in sessions  Two standby/upgrade ideas discussed by 52 nd organizing committee  Posters in a poster session can be upgraded to presentations to fill empty slots, as long as papers are submitted  A group of standby presentations can be upgraded within weeks of the conference, as long as papers are submitted

32 Agenda Welcome (Naik)Welcome (Naik) Introductions (Odegard)Introductions (Odegard) Site description (Chenevey)Site description (Chenevey) Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard)Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard) Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik)Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik) Technical Program (Odegard)Technical Program (Odegard) ScholarOne (Odegard)ScholarOne (Odegard) Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey)Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey) Other businessOther business Adjourn (Naik)Adjourn (Naik)

33 ScholarOne  We have previously used Conference Administrative System (CAS)  ScholarOne is replacing CAS for 2011 SDM  ScholarOne never used before for SDM conference (used for other AIAA conferences)  A startup user guide is available (pdf)  From Eliot Winer (experienced user):  Once you understand the interface, ScholarOne is very powerful  It is easy to perform functions on single papers, not as convenient for large groups of papers  Online training session? (Ann Ames)

34 Agenda Welcome (Naik)Welcome (Naik) Introductions (Odegard)Introductions (Odegard) Site description (Chenevey)Site description (Chenevey) Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard)Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard) Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik)Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik) Technical Program (Odegard)Technical Program (Odegard) ScholarOne (Odegard)ScholarOne (Odegard) Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey)Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey) Other businessOther business Adjourn (Naik)Adjourn (Naik)

35 Fall Planning Meeting  Objective: Finalize the technical program  Possible location sites  Conference Hotel, Denver  AIAA Headquarters (near Dulles Airport)  AIAA office in El Segundo (near LAX)  Another centrally-located city (e.g. Chicago)  Dates  Monday, September 27, 2010  Monday, October 4, 2010  Monday, October 11, 2012

36 Strategy for a Smooth Fall Meeting  Have all TC/Conference planning completed before the fall planning meeting  The following information is due to Tech Chair (Odegard) two weeks before the fall planning meeting (from each rep):  Number of total reviews assigned  Number of total reviews completed  Proposed cut-off score  Proposed session layout (template will be provided by Odegard)  Student papers

37 Agenda Welcome (Naik)Welcome (Naik) Introductions (Odegard)Introductions (Odegard) Site description (Chenevey)Site description (Chenevey) Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard)Organizing Committee responsibilities (Odegard) Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik)Keynote speakers, lectures, and awards lunch (Naik) Technical Program (Odegard)Technical Program (Odegard) ScholarOne (Odegard)ScholarOne (Odegard) Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey)Fall planning meeting (Odegard/Chenevey) Other businessOther business Adjourn (Naik)Adjourn (Naik)

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