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Bathroom In the bathroom children can… Drown in the toilet or tub Bump into the hardware Be electrocuted by hair blowers, etc. Be poisoned by medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Bathroom In the bathroom children can… Drown in the toilet or tub Bump into the hardware Be electrocuted by hair blowers, etc. Be poisoned by medicine."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bathroom In the bathroom children can… Drown in the toilet or tub Bump into the hardware Be electrocuted by hair blowers, etc. Be poisoned by medicine or cleaning products

3 Kitchen In the kitchen, children can: Cut themselves with broken glass or sharp utensils Pinch their fingers in large appliances Be poisoned by cleaning supplies Be burned by hot beverages or appliances

4 Living Room, Bedrooms In these rooms, children can: Have unstable furniture fall on them Be cut by furniture with sharp edges Be strangled by mini blind cords Can suffocate from a curtain

5 Other Dangers Lead paint Sliding glass doors Electrical outlets Fireplaces Stairs Windows Floor lamps

6 Other Dangers Area rugs Waste baskets Beverages Tools/Firearms Insects/Pets Houseplants Small Toys

7 Childproofing Is Essential

8 Never Refer to Medicine As Candy

9 Do Not Give Children Medicine in a Juice Glass or Baby Bottles

10 Do Not Take Medicine, Even Vitamins in Front of Children

11 Carry A Limited Amount of Medicine in a Purse or Pocket

12 Place All Medicine Out-Of-Sight In Childproof Containers

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