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World Turtle Trust By: Hayley Z. & Alli S. Yes! Destruction of coral reefs Loss of nesting beaches due to us Chemicals and garbage are causing pollution.

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Presentation on theme: "World Turtle Trust By: Hayley Z. & Alli S. Yes! Destruction of coral reefs Loss of nesting beaches due to us Chemicals and garbage are causing pollution."— Presentation transcript:


2 World Turtle Trust By: Hayley Z. & Alli S.

3 Yes! Destruction of coral reefs Loss of nesting beaches due to us Chemicals and garbage are causing pollution in the ocean Harvesting turtles for their shells, leather & meat A mysterious & fatal disease called Fibropapilloma Death in fishing equipment

4 Sea turtles: what are they? Some of the largest hard shelled organisms weighing up to 440 pounds and measuring up to 4 feet. Cold blooded Breathe air Skin has scales

5 World Turtle Trust Mission: –To help fund conservation projects for sea turtles –To create documentaries to educate people about sea turtles –Research to find a cure for Fibropapilloma

6 WTT A non profit organization –Volunteers have no salary –Get their money from donations Have created three documentaries –For All Time, Red Turtle Rising & He La Honu

7 Celebrity Supporters? There are no official supporters but; Jack Johnson: Shane Victorino: A musician helping A native of Hawaii, Sea turtles around where many sea The world Turtles are located

8 The organizations they support? Kamehame Beach Hawksbill Monitoring Program Costa Rica Leatherback Project Rushikulya India Rookery, Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Project St. Eustatius Sea Turtle Conservation and Monitoring Project Conservation Society of Sierra Leone Regency of Tojo Unauna The Honu Project

9 The History 1996- A group of volunteers founded the Honu Project. Honu is Hawaiian for sea turtle. 1999- Won the Hawaiian Film and Video Maker award at the Hawaiian International Film Festival 2003- Joined together to create the World Turtle Trust and became a global link

10 Their Organizations

11 Why Donate? Why not? It will provide education to people all across the world on sea turtles. We will be able to fund more projects. We will be able to do more research. We will help save the sea turtles!


13 Credits Information from http://world-turtle- Backgrounds and pictures from Google image Power point done by Alli Schwandt & Hayley Zwier Thank you for your time

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