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Colleges = 5 working days to submit absence reports to Employee Benefits. Employee Benefits = 3 working days to process & send to Data Image. Data Image.

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Presentation on theme: "Colleges = 5 working days to submit absence reports to Employee Benefits. Employee Benefits = 3 working days to process & send to Data Image. Data Image."— Presentation transcript:


2 Colleges = 5 working days to submit absence reports to Employee Benefits. Employee Benefits = 3 working days to process & send to Data Image. Data Image = 24 hours to send electronic files back to Employee Benefits. Employee Benefits = 1 day to fix errors & turn files over to payroll.

3 What happens if absence reports miss the deadline? The absence reports won’t be processed until the following month, resulting in incorrect balances on the employee’s pay stub and the reports that are sent to the colleges.

4 For employees on extended leave, resigning, retiring or in the case of death, submit all absence reports ASAP to avoid overpayment to the employee or to expedite vacation payout.

5 Employee ID# - System compares ID to first 4 letters in last name. If first four letters are the same, it will post absences to the wrong bank: Hildegard Humperdink Jack Humperdink If Hildegards ID# is on Jack’s absence report, the system will not catch the error.

6 Hours - If hours are not completed correctly, it will result in the employee being charged the wrong amount. Data Image will key exactly what is written. If Hildegard took 5 hours, complete the absence report as follows: 500

7 What happens if it is completed as follows? When the absence report is keyed, the “5” will move all the way to the right. This results in the employee being charged.05 instead of 5.00. 5

8 This absence report was keyed as 8 hours instead of 12.

9 This absence report was keyed as 43.9 hours.

10 The hours will be moved to the right and this person will be charged.20 of an hour instead of 2.00 hours.

11 The hours will be moved to the right and this person will be charged 2.15 hours instead of 21.5 hours.

12 This will be keyed as a negative.50, giving the employee a half hour instead of charging a half hour.

13 Make sure information is legible in order to avoid keying errors. Use blue or black ink ONLY – other colors are not visible when scanned into the computer. Must have authorized administrator’s signature. If employee cannot sign, write “unavailable to sign” on employee signature line.

14 For employee’s own illness, injury, doctor or dentist appointments. Should report as sick leave, even if all sick leave is exhausted. Per all collective bargaining agreements, a physician’s note is REQUIRED for all absences exceeding 10 days.

15 Complete P-111 (Request for Pregnancy/Childbirth Leave of Absence Form). Forward to college administrator.

16 P-111 Request for Pregnancy/ Childbirth Leave of Absence

17 This is the date the employee intends on returning to work. This is the time frame of the physician’s note.

18 Medical verification must include: Dates of leave Diagnosis (pregnancy)

19 Complete absence reports for the duration of leave and forward to Employee Benefits. Sick Leave for duration of physician’s note Vacation for extended time Employee Benefits will make any adjustments necessary, depending on employee’s leave balances, actual date of birth, etc.

20 FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) - Federal Law, CFRA (California Family Rights Act) - State Law which allows eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off for their own or their immediate family member’s illness or injury. Applicable paid leaves can run concurrently Can be taken at one time or intermittently Make sure FMLA is checked on right side of absence report.

21 PDL (Pregnancy Disability Leave) - unpaid and valid only while the employee is disabled by pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition. Can be continuous or intermittent leave

22 Suzy works until her delivery date - physician’s release for 6 weeks – RTW at end of 6 weeks. Weeks: The following leaves are applicable:  6 wks of 16 wk max of PDL (all Dr. authorized)  6 wks of 12 wk max of FMLA (may use additional 6 wks anytime in next 12 months)  Did not request any bonding time under CFRA (may use 12 wks anytime in next 12 months) 123456 PDL FMLA

23 Suzy works until her delivery date - physician’s release for 6 weeks – requested additional leave for 12 weeks. Total LOA 18 weeks. Weeks: The following leaves are applicable:  6 wks of 16 wk max of PDL (all Dr. authorized)  12 wks of 12 wk max of FMLA (FMLA exhausted)  12 wks of 12 wk max bonding time under CFRA (CFRA exhausted) 123456789101112131415161718 PDLCFRA FMLA

24 Suzy has difficult pregnancy - physician’s release for 8 wks prior to delivery, has cesarean so release is for 8 weeks after delivery, for a total of 16 wks – requested additional leave for 12 weeks. Total LOA 28 weeks. Weeks: The following leaves are applicable:  16 wks of 16 wk max of PDL  12 wks of 12 wk max of FMLA (FMLA exhausted)  12 wks of 12 wk max bonding time under CFRA (CFRA exhausted) 1 -1213141516171819202122232425262728 PDLCFRA FMLA

25 When employee exhausts all available and accrued sick leave, they may be eligible for 5 Month Law which pays at 50% of the reported hours. Employee must provide physician's note with dates of illness, diagnosis and physician’s signature. Notes may be submitted directly to Employee Benefits in order to ensure confidentiality.

26 100 days of “Other” sick leave per fiscal year – includes accrued and advanced sick leave. Employee with no sick leave remaining as of 6/30 would have 88 days available in the fiscal year. 100 days 5 Month Law - 12 days advance for fiscal year 88 days 5 Month Law

27 Employee with a balance of 24 hours (3 days) as of 6/30 would have 85 days available in the fiscal year. 3 days balance +12 days advance for fiscal year 15 days available sick leave 100 days 5 Month Law - 15 days available sick leave 85 days 5 Month law

28 Employee with a balance of 1,200 hours (150 days) as of 6/30 would not be eligible for 5 Month Law.

29 Submit the absences as sick leave – Employee Benefits will adjust to 5 Month Law, if appropriate.

30 Must have donated to program during the cycle in which you use it. Must exhaust all eligible paid leaves Committee will make determination Submit absences as sick leave – Employee Benefits will adjust as appropriate.

31 90 day waiting period Pays up to 66.67% salary Total or partial disability No absence reports submitted

32 All paid leaves exhausted Employee unable to resume duties If employee is able to resume duties within 39 months – employed in first vacancy in same classification of previous assignment

33 Employee Begins Paid leave Sick Leave Utilized 5 Month Law Vacation Catastrophic Leave Long Term Disability/39-Month Reemployment

34 Cannot be taken in increments of less than 1 hour. Employee Benefits will change to 1 hour. Follow college procedures for requesting time off.

35 7 days per fiscal year General nature of absence must be indicated on the absence report. If reason is missing, absence will be changed to vacation or loss of pay. EMERGNCY ISSUES

36 2 days per fiscal year Reason does not need to be indicated on the absence report, but general reason must be provided to supervisor. Can’t be taken in less than 1 hr. Employee Benefits will change to 1 hr.


38 Documentation supporting days served must be attached to absence report. If employee is paid the daily juror fee, it must be reimbursed to the district. If released from service prior to work day ending, employee is expected to return to work. Missing documentation = absence changed to vacation or loss of pay.

39 1 day granted, provided the reason for the appearance was not the result of misconduct on the part of the employee. Copy of subpoena attached to absence report. If released from service prior to work day ending, employee is expected to return to work. Missing documentation = absence changed to vacation or loss of pay.

40 To care for an immediate family member as defined by bargaining agreement. Physician’s statement must be attached to absence report verifying the family member is “critically ill”. Waived when illness is followed by death. The relationship to the employee must be noted on the absence report. Missing documentation will result in the absence being changed to vacation or loss of pay.

41 Absence report must include name and relationship to the deceased. Missing info = absence will be changed to vacation or loss of pay. 3 days in state, 5 days out of state (SEIU only = 4 days if in state and over 350 miles). If absence report does not indicate out of state or over 350 miles, only 3 days will be granted.

42 Military order supporting the days served must be attached to the absence report. Must also provide a copy of military paystub – District salary will be offset by military pay. Failure to submit verification of payment = loss of pay.

43 Report as workers’ compensation on absence report – Employee Benefits will make any necessary adjustments. Include date of injury on absence report. Questions regarding workers’ compensation absences should be directed to Herschel Smith, General Services.

44 For missing hours on absence report, complete 2 nd report with only additional time. Mark absence report as “Additional.” To reduce the hours reported, or to change the classification of the absence, complete a new absence report. Mark absence report as “Revised.” Failure to mark an absence report as revised can result in the employee being charged twice for the absences.


46 Which five things are wrong with this absence report?

47 Hildegard needs to take next Monday off because her daughter’s daycare will be closed. Which type of leave should this be reported as?

48 Hildegard needs to take time off to attend a funeral of a friend - which type of leave is she eligible to use? What if the funeral was for her spouse’s aunt?

49 What is the difference between the physician’s note required for 5 Month Law that is provided to Employee Benefits and the physician’s note required for absences for the campus?


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