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The New England Colonies:

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1 The New England Colonies:
Chapter 2 Section 4

2 The 13 Colonies: New England Colonies Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies

3 1) Puritans: In the 1600s there was only one official Church in England, called the Church of England or the Anglican Church Many people thought the Church was becoming too corrupt: Puritans wanted to purify the Church Separatists wanted to leave and start their own churches

4 1) Puritans: Lived moral lives, prayed devoutly, read the Bible, worked hard Criticized the Church of England Charles I began to persecute them Went to America to worship in their own “purer” churches and to make their own laws Laws based on the Bible Most of N.E.’s colonists

5 Persecution:

6 Why did the Puritans leave for America?

7 2) Plymouth Colony: In 1620 the first Puritans founded Plymouth Colony (later Massachusetts) Also known as the Pilgrims Before leaving their ship they made an agreement called the Mayflower Compact Agreed to form a government and obey its laws Self-government

8 3) Massachusetts Bay Colony:
1630, John Winthrop leads Puritans to a new colony, the M.B.C. Called it “A City Upon a Hill” Established a republic Men elected a governor and assembly The only gov’t to elect its own governor A radical idea

9 Puritans:

10 4) Other Colonies In New Hampshire and Maine Puritans and English fishermen had an uneasy time getting along Rhode Island became a safe haven for all denominations To keep peace they separated the church and state Connecticut was founded by conservative Puritans By the end of the 1600s the Massachusetts Bay Colony included Maine and Plymouth Colony

11 5) Religious Troubles: Puritans thought God would punish people who allowed individual choice in religion Not tolerate of other denominations The governor of Massachusetts executed four Quakers and burned their books Even persecuted Puritans who expressed radical ideas: Roger Williams: said colonists had no right to take land from N.A.s Anne Hutchinson: Said Massachusetts was too Anglican (like the church of England)

12 Roger Williams Anne Hutchinson

13 6) Salem Witch Trials: Winter of 1692

14 6) Salem Witch Trial: Girls had nothing to do Emotions were “evil”
Interested in the stories of Titchiba’s The girls acted “crazy” Probably panic attacks Adults saw this as “bewitched” Reverend Paris stirs things up The girls accuse anyone they want and the adults believe them! 24 people were hanged Many more put in prison One man crushed to death under a stone Adults should have been smarter

15 Salem Witch Tiral:

16 7) Conflict with Native Americans:
A) The Pequot War: 1630s: Puritans and Pequots trade for fur Tension over control of the trade and the Puritan’s westward expansion 1636: War breaks out: Pequots Puritans

17 Native Americans Attacking a Colonial Home:

18 7) Conflict with Native Americans:
A) The Pequot War: (continued) 1638: Treaty of Hartford After vicious fighting, that included the Puritans killing women and children, the Puritans won and the Pequot were eliminated as a group B) King Philip’s War: 1675: A chief named Metacom (King Philip) “kind of” led a rebellion Guns acquired from trading

19 7) Conflict with Native Americans:
B) King Philip’s War: (continued) The N.A.s were winning at first but ended up losing Ran out of bullets because they couldn’t trade anymore Starved as colonists attacked their villages and burned their crops The colonists won but about 1,000 died N.A.s lost most of their remaining land in New England and about 3,000 were killed

20 King Philip’s War

21 King Philip’s War

22 7) Conflict with Native Americans:
B) King Philip’s War: (continued) Some N.A.s ran away to Canada, where they continued to attack the frontier towns in revenge. By the early 1700s there were 92,000 colonists in New England Only 9,000 N.A.s left.

23 Frontier Town:

24 Homework! Chapter 2 Section 4: #1,2,3,4,5

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