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ITC India Pilot Survey Maansi Bansal-Travers, Ph.D. Department of Health Behavior Roswell Park Cancer Institute ITC-TTURC Project Annual Meeting Portland,

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Presentation on theme: "ITC India Pilot Survey Maansi Bansal-Travers, Ph.D. Department of Health Behavior Roswell Park Cancer Institute ITC-TTURC Project Annual Meeting Portland,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ITC India Pilot Survey Maansi Bansal-Travers, Ph.D. Department of Health Behavior Roswell Park Cancer Institute ITC-TTURC Project Annual Meeting Portland, Oregon—March 1, 2008

2 India: Demographics

3 India: Prevalence

4 India: Tobacco Industry

5 India: FCTC Status

6 India: FCTC—Price and Taxation

7 India: FCTC—Non-Price Measures

8 ITC India Pilot Survey Conducted in Maharashtra (n=337) and Bihar (n=427) Each area was broken down into Urban and Rural geographic regions Survey instrument was translated into Hindi, Marathi, and a few other languages


10 Demographics n% Mean Age=42 Sex Male46060% Female30440% Region Urban28237% Rural48263% Overall Health Poor41% Less poor152% Good9212% Very good31641% Excellent33344% n% Education level Illiterate29138% Primary10614% Middle12817% Secondary12817% College9713% Above111% Tobacco Use Smoker24933% Smokeless24832% Non-tobacco user26735%

11 Health concerns Do you think smokeless tobacco use is good for your health? –Good: 61 (8%) –Neither good nor bad: 78 (10%) –Not good: 616 (81%) Do you think smoking is good for your health? –Good: 61 (8%) –Neither good nor bad: 48 (6%) –Not good 649 (85%) To what extent, if at all, has smoking damaged your health? –Not at all: 251 (51%) –A little: 168 (34%) –Very much: 11 (2%) –Don’t know: 60 (12%)

12 Health concerns [Among smokers] In the last month, have you butted out a cigarette or bidi before you finished it because you thought about the harm of smoking? –Yes: 41 (16%) –No: 195 (78%) If you had to do it over again, you would not have started using tobacco. –Agree: 213 (43%) –Neither agree nor disagree: 23 (5%) –Disagree: 186 (37%) Have you ever tried to stop smoking? –Yes: 139 (28%) –No: 357 (72%)

13 Beliefs about health effects and SLT % Yes Mouth cancer74% Gum disease60% Difficult to open mouth49%

14 Beliefs about health effects and smoking % Yes Stroke25% Impotence26% Lung cancer70% Mouth cancer44% Stained teeth44% Premature aging68% Lung cancer in nonsmokers from SHS 45% Coronary heart disease26%

15 Cigarettes vs. Bidis Compared to smoking cigarettes, do you think bidis are less harmful, more harmful, or no different for health? –Bidis less harmful: 17% –Bidis more harmful: 22% –No difference: 47% –DK: 14%

16 Cigarettes vs. SLT Compared to smoking cigarettes, do you think smokeless tobacco products are less harmful, more harmful, or no different for health? –SLT less harmful: 23% –SLT more harmful: 15% –No difference: 48% –DK: 14%

17 Bidis vs. SLT Compared to smoking bidis, do you think smokeless tobacco products are less harmful, more harmful, or no different for health? –SLT less harmful: 21% –SLT more harmful: 17% –No difference: 48% –DK: 14%

18 Health Warnings As far as you know, do cigarette packages in India have health warning on cigarette packages? –Yes: 326 (43%) –No: 340 (45%) –Don’t know: 94 (12%)

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