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And the Best of Both Worlds

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1 And the Best of Both Worlds
The Two Worlds of FRBR And the Best of Both Worlds October 9, 2008 Dr. Vinod Chachra, President & CEO VTLS Inc. Blacksburg, VA, USA

2 VTLS HQ in Blacksburg, VA, USA

3 About VTLS Inc. First spin-off corporation from Virginia Tech (VT) - Virginia’s largest University – home of System X - 3rd fastest Supercomputer in the world when built from 1100 PCs purchased off the web. Total cost under $5M. Vinod Chachra served as VP for Information Tech at VT. VTLS has offices in 7 countries; does business in 40. VTLS has three major product lines Virtua – Alexandria Egypt; many National Libraries VITAL – Fedora based Institutional Repository – developed in partnership with the Australian ARROW project. VTRAX – RFID based tracking & security systems for libraries

4 VTLS is a Worldwide Company Partner or Office* Locations
Slovakia Spain – European HQ* Switzerland* Tunisia Taiwan Thailand UAE USA* Australia* Brazil* Brunei Egypt France Greece India* Kuwait Malaysia* Philippines Russia

5 Select Customers: National Libraries
Europe: National Library of Switzerland Europe: National Library of Wales Europe: National Library of Ireland Europe: Royal Library of Belgium Europe: National Library of Slovakia Europe: National Union catalog of Poland Africa: Library of Alexandria (Egypt) Africa: Notional Library of Morocco Asia: National Library of India Asia: National Library of Indonesia Asia: National Library of Malaysia Union Catalogs (regional) of Catalan and Switzerland

6 FRBR Link Types: Group 1 Work Work Expression Manifestation Item WW WE
E W Expression E M M E Manifestation M I I M Item

7 Responsibility Relationships Person / Corporate Body
FRBR Link Types: Group 2 Responsibility Relationships Work Expression Cr e a t ed b y Manifestation R e a l i zed b y Item P r o d u c ed b y Owned b y Person / Corporate Body

8 A little History – Back in June/July 2003.

9 VTLS shared 11 educational Power Points
All 11 Power Points produced in 2003 were provided freely on the VTLS web site as an educational tool Several Library schools used these power points to teach students on the details of FRBR with concrete examples The examples covered the following topics A FRBR demonstration (FRBR1) FRBR Cataloging (FRBR2) FRBR OPAC (FRBR3) FRBR Work to Work Links (FRBR4) FRBR Multi Volume Sets (FRBR5) FRBR series (FRBR6) FRBR Collected and Selected Publications (FRBR7) FRBR Music Analytics (FRBR8) FRBR Journal Indexing (FRBR9) FRBR Super Works (FRBR10) FRBR Circulation Requests (FRBR11)

10 VTLS purchased LC Music Database
As a demonstration project, VTLS purchased the LC music database and FRBRized it to show the power and utility of FRBR. VTLS provided this free to the public for a period of time.

11 Present status of VTLS FRBR
In the last five years VTLS has sold only about 20 contracts for FRBR. The view in the library community seems to be that FRBR is still an experimental idea (wrong!) with an unknown future (wrong again!). Nevertheless, this is preventing rapid deployment of systems. Recent Important Additions VTLS recently developed FRBR SaaS (Software as a Service) VTLS extended FRBR concept to create an Archival System

12 Two World Views of FRBR There are two world views on FRBR
First View: The catalog should contain the “flat”records (as they are now) and these records should be FRBRized on the fly for display purposes. Second View: The catalog should contain separate record of works, expressions, manifestations and items that are linked together by appropriate linking fields to form a “hierarchy” of linked records.

13 Strengths of First View
First View: The catalog should contain the “flat”records (as they are now) and these records should be FRBRized on the fly for display purposes. It is simple to implement – does not require any changes to present cataloging practices and therefore it is easier to sell. Requires no change in ILS data base structures as the record is only collocated on display. As FRBR display management algorithms improve, no change in data is required to improve the display

14 Weaknesses of First View
The hierarchical results are built on the fly. Display algorithms have to be perfect as there is no possibility of intellectual intervention by humans to improve the displayed result sets. No advantages are gained in cataloging No possibility of making requests (Holds, ILLs) At the work level (eg: user is willing to accept any expression of the work in any language) OR At expression level (eg: user is will accept any edition of the work in the language of choice). At present Holds and ILLs are placed at the manifestation level. Multiple calculations – each time a FRBR record is displayed it has to be re-assembled from flat records. Reverse tree displays are not easily possible

15 Strengths of Second View
Second View: The catalog should contain separate record of works, expressions, manifestations and items that are linked together by appropriate linking fields to form a “hierarchy” of linked records. The record system matches the FRBR model Substantial productivity improvements in cataloging Fewer errors -- as data related to works and expressions are not repeated at lower levels Since the data at each level can be manually changed if needed, improvements are possible by human intervention (eg: handling spelling and language variations) Holds/ILLs can be placed at three levels instead of just one. Reverse trees can be easily displayed. Many other creative things are possible (The example of Archival Systems being used at National Library of Wales).

16 Weaknesses of Second View
Requires change in record structure to support linked records Harder for initial implementation (see new ideas on this) Requires catalogers to be retrained Task can be reduced by better software See VTLS cataloging work-forms for each level See VTLS validation routines for each level Requires “inertia” of existing implementations to be overcome

17 Views expressed by LOC and others
A recent report published by the Library of Congress called “On the record” states: LC and the library community need to find ways of “releasing the value” of their rich historic investment in semantic data onto the Web. Tomothy Dickey (OCLC) in the article “FRBRization of a Library Catalog” states: “VTLS, on the other hand, has since 2004 offered a complete product that has the potential of modifying existing MARC records – via local linking tags in 001 and 004 fields – to create FRBR relationships… The VTLS solution of adding local linking tags seems most appropriate…The Virtua module from VTLS offers a very tempting solution, but may require a change of vendors”. Not really … see VTLS FRBR SAAS.

18 The Best of Both Worlds (Short Term)
FRBR SAAS (Software as a Service) Allows library to keep their catalogs as they are Allows users to see FRBR record from any traditional record Allows clean and complete navigation between the traditional and FRBR record Simple, no hassle solution

19 Recommended Implementation Options
Best Solution -- Implement a full FRBR solution See what UCL has done (next presentation) See other FRBR examples Second Best Solution – Use FRBR SAAS Simple implementation Quick results Over time move to first solution Bad Solution – Ignore the whole issue

20 FRBR Cataloging Implementation

21 VTLS FRBR Features Single database can have FRBR and non-FRBR records
Display of FRBR records are in tree structure System is “aware” of record type and changes displays as needed Local level fields have values of W, E, and M to indicate type of FRBR record 001 and 004 used as linking tags

22 FRBR Cataloging Creating an Original Record Use FRBR work forms
VTLS provides three default work forms Frbrwork.wfm Frbrexpr.wfm Frbrmanifest.wfm Users can create their own work forms In traditional cataloging the focus is on cataloging the manifestation as material on hand is the manifestation VTLS is studying the cataloging practices to see if this remains true for FRBR

23 Creating an Original Record
In the present implementation, the reverse order works better It is best to create a “work” record first, then right click to create expression; save; right click to create a manifestation Add item records to manifestations Example follows

24 Creating an Original Record
Select appropriate work form

25 Creating an Original Record Fill in appropriate data.
Add or delete any tags.

26 Creating an Original Record
Once record is completed, save it to the database.

27 Creating an Original Record
The result is a FRBR Work record

28 Creating from an Existing Record
Creation from existing MARC record is simple Two methods Create FRBR records using “one button” FRBRizing icon Always create FRBR records using Load Option

29 Creating from an Existing Record
“One Button” Method Find record and display “View Record” window Click on FRBRize icon Results are Work, Expression, & Manifestation records

30 Creating from an Existing Record
Find a record

31 Creating from an Existing Record
Display the View Bibliographic Record window Click on the “FRBRize” icon Tool tip for icon

32 Creating from an Existing Record
The Manifestation record

33 Creating from an Existing Record
The Expression record

34 Creating from an Existing Record
The Work record

35 Load Options Method Bring record into editor
Change profile to “split record” Save record Virtua automatically creates three records – W, E and M records from the one original record The next example (Rowling) shows the process

36 Load Options Method Search for Rowling

37 Load Options Method Select Rowling from scan list

38 Load Options Method Full record display for Rowling

39 Load Options Method Marc record display for Rowling Click edit
button to edit record

40 Load Options Method Record in the Marc Editor

41 Load Options Method Check Load Options

42 Load Options Method Set Load Options for FRBR Splitting

43 Load Options Method Save record to database

44 Load Options Method Virtua will automatically convert all records into
FRBR The Manifestation record is shown with tree expanded

45 Load Options Method The Expression record

46 Load Options Method The Work record

47 Duplicate Control When creating FRBR records from traditional bibliographic records, you need duplicate control and merge functions for Works and Expressions

48 Duplicate Control Search for Rowling, J. K., the author of the Harry
Potter books

49 Duplicate Control There are English and French language
copies of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. When both copies are “FRBRized”, there should be one Work and two Expressions.

50 Duplicate Control The English language record

51 Duplicate Control After FRBRization, we have a Work, Expression and
a Manifestation

52 Duplicate Control The French language record

53 Duplicate Control The FRBRization of the French record resulted
in adding an expression (for the French) to the already existing Work record.

54 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
Bring up Work record (or Expression record) Right Click Select “Create Expression Record” (or select “Create Manifestation Record”) Example follows

55 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
Display Work record. Right click and select Create Expression Record.

56 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
Bib id of Work record is automatically placed in 004 of an Expression work form

57 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
A different language requires a new Expression record

58 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
A new Expression record

59 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
To add a new Manifestation, display the Expression. Right click and select Create Manifestation Record.

60 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
Bib Id of Work record is automatically placed in 004 of an Expression work form

61 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
After adding/ deleting tags to make the Manifestation record, save the record to the database

62 Adding Expressions or Manifestations
The result is a new Manifestation record

63 Rules Based Validation
Procedure for MARC “content designation” validation of Work, Expression, and Manifestation records is same as validating non-FRBR records Three new validation files for FRBR with new rules” Rules can be modified by users by editing text file Examples follow

64 Rules Based Validation
Validate a Work record

65 Rules Based Validation
Notice Rule File used

66 Rules Based Validation
Validate an Expression record

67 Rules Based Validation
Subfield \l (L) is not a valid subfield for tag 245 in an Expression record

68 Rules Based Validation
Validate a Manifestation record

69 Rules Based Validation
Tag 245 is required in a Manifestation record Subfields $a and $c are not valid subfields for tag 240 in a Manifestation record

70 Work to Work Links “… when the modification of a work involves a significant degree of independent … effort, the result is … a new work.” FRBR, final report

71 A FRBR SaaS Implementation

72 FRBR SaaS Example [1 of 10 Search]

73 FRBR SaaS Example [2 of 10 Display]

74 FRBR SaaS Example [3 of 10 Select]

75 FRBR SaaS Catalog [4 of 10 Tree]

76 FRBR SaaS [5 of 10 Expand Tree]

77 FRBR SaaS Example [6 of 10 Navigate]

78 A FRBR Reverse Tree

79 FRBR Reverse Tree Example

80 Reverse Tree (M to E to W)

81 Advanced Navigation

82 From tree to tree

83 From tree to tree to tree

84 … to tree to tree (Monkey Business)

85 A FRBR Archival System

86 Archives Management - Background
Archival management functionality in Virtua was a result of functional enhancement to Virtua for the National Library of Wales (NLW). It was designed to allow NLW to preserve the content and arrangement of their existing archival collection materials and to maintain these collections in Virtua. The functionality was first implemented in release 48 of Virtua and carried over to Release 49. In includes changes to Virtua server, client and iPortal.

87 Archives Management - Background
Archival cataloguing differs from bibliographic cataloguing because archives, unlike most printed material, cannot be described in isolation. An archive is, therefore, only fully understood only when there is knowledge of both its content, and also, its context. Content is generally understood through description, but context can only be reflected through arrangement. Archival arrangement therefore involves the ordering of material to reflect its context. Archival arrangement is reflected in the cataloguing through the use of a multilevel description system.

88 Archives Management - Background
Rules for multilevel description are laid down in “ISAD(G) General International Standard Archival Description”. It has 7 core levels: Fonds Sub-fonds Sub-sub-fond Series Sub-series Files Items Not all seven levels exist at all times.

89 Archives Management - Background

90 Archives Management - Background
Although the general rules describe 7 levels at present, VTLS was interested in providing a more general solution. The system takes into account the possibility that more levels could be described in the future, so the implementation had to be flexible to handle this possibility. The features were also designed in such a flexible manner so that other customers, who may wish to use the functionality, but who did not wish to conform to the seven level architecture could do so.

91 Cataloging Archival Material
Core foundation of cataloguing archival material is the ability to link bibliographic records together in the system:

92 Cataloging Archival Material
Core foundation of cataloguing archival material is the ability to link bibliographic records together in the system:

93 Cataloging Archival Material
Core foundation of cataloguing archival material is the ability to link bibliographic records together in the system:

94 Cataloging Archival Material
A new 999 “Ancestry” tag defines the context of this record in relation to the records above it:

95 Cataloging Archival Material
The parent id of each record is stored in the 004 tag Three fields are stored: ParentID, sibling position, # levels

96 Cataloging Archival Material
004 tag stores the parent id, the position of the record in relation to its siblings, and the number of levels between it and its parent record (Ex: vtlsxxxx 2 2) :

97 Cataloging Archival Material – Functions
Change Order:

98 Cataloging Archival Material – Functions
Add/Remove Levels:

99 Cataloging Archival Material – Functions
Print Record Tree:

100 Searching Archival Material - iPortal
Accessing the record tree:

101 Searching Archival Material - iPortal
The system highlights the title in the tree that the user launched the record tree from for easy context:

102 Searching Archival Material - iPortal
New ability to expand and/or collapse the tree completely:

103 Searching Archival Material - iPortal
Expanded tree highlights: 1. Gaps are removed for easier display 2. Tree can be kept in a scrollable area to keep it in context with full card info below

104 Searching Archival Material - iPortal
Accessing the record tree from a title lower in the tree:

105 Searching Archival Material Database
Database that includes archival records version port 9985 Access by Bibid Parent Bib Child Bib

106 Summary -- FRBR Benefits
For Librarians Collocation Better organization to catalog Easier cataloging Reduction in cataloging load Work only cataloged once for all expressions under it Expression only cataloged once for all manifestations under it Item cataloging (already simple) remains the same

107 Summary -- FRBR Benefits
Easier to find information Single search retrieves all related materials even if cataloged in different languages or different subject headings Greater Benefits For Users Collocation Single search retrieves all related materials Easier to see the different expressions of a single work Gives a better global picture

108 Summary -- FRBR Preparation
Library Task List Read FRBR documentation Study FRBR implementations to see benefits for library If there is interest, start a FRBR program Have VTLS run “Virtua FRBR Analysis Program” to determine what percentage of database records are good FRBR candidates General results: 5-15 % range Use ThingISBN or X-ISBN id appropriate

109 The future is even brighter
Think about a discovery tools for FRBR Think about an automatic FRBR equivalent display for Copy cataloging Discovery Search expansion Collection management Think about a FRBR union catalog Think about a FRBR global union catalog

110 Great technology promotes partnerships
A Thought Poor technology fosters competition. Great technology promotes partnerships

111 Questions …


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