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Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 1 College and Career Readiness Webinar Series: Tools to be CCR Data-Wise District and School.

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Presentation on theme: "Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 1 College and Career Readiness Webinar Series: Tools to be CCR Data-Wise District and School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 1 College and Career Readiness Webinar Series: Tools to be CCR Data-Wise District and School Profiles

2 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 2 Welcome!  Please type your question or comment in the chat window at any point during the presentation  All phones will be muted  PowerPoint slides will be sent to all registered participants

3 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 3 About the C&CR Webinar Series MonthWebinar Title 9/09/14CCR Data Wise: EWIS, Postsecondary Reports/Success after High School DART 10/14/14Building a Positive School Culture in the Context of the new Discipline Bill - Chapter 222 12/09/14Integration of College and Career Readiness: The Personal/Social Domain 2/10/15Graduation and Dropout Rate Data 3/10/15Career Development Education: Career Awareness, Exploration and Immersion 4/14/15Summer Transition Programs 5/12/15Individual Learning Plans 6/09/15MA Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs

4 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 4 Goals for the Session  Introduction to some of ESE’s high level goals and strategies  Understanding of the nature of data  Introduction to data tools offered by ESE “Information is a beacon, a cudgel, an olive branch, a deterrent--all depending on who wields it and how.” Steven Levitt

5 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education ESE’s goal To prepare all students for success after high school 5

6 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education ESE’s core strategies Prepare all students for success after high school by: Strengthening curriculum, instruction, and assessment Improving educator effectiveness Turning around the lowest performing districts and schools Using data and technology to support student performance 6

7 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Success after high school 7  All students deserve a world-class education that prepares them for success after high school.  Academic proficiency alone is no longer enough to ensure this.  Students also need to be proficient in the knowledge, skills and experiences required to navigate the workplace and function as contributing citizens.

8 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Readiness means a student has the requisite knowledge, skills and experiences in the academic, workplace readiness and personal/social domains to successfully navigate to completion an economically viable career pathway in a 21 st century economy. 8 Knowledge, Skills, and Experiences for College and Career Readiness

9 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 9 Now back to our regularly scheduled programming... Qualitative dataQualitative data are everything that refers to the quality of something. For example, a description of experiences, observations and interviews are all qualitative data. Quantitative dataQuantitative data are data that refers to a number. The numbers of students, test scores, anything that can be added, multiplied, subtracted or divided. Simply put, data is information that helps in our decision making.

10 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 10 What is the Cycle of Inquiry?

11 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Making the Data Dance 11  Data is a tool…  Data can help inform our decisions…  Behind the data are real human beings…  Use data to tell the story….  Data is our friend…

12 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 12 School Profiles:  Graduation rates, MCAS results, discipline data Edwin Analytics:  Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) reports  Postsecondary Readiness and Success reports Success After High School DART:  Released in November 2013 (and updated in June 2014) Overviews of College and Career Readiness related data tools

13 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Profiles 13

14 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education First, a quick look at Profiles 14 Profiles are a great way to find basic information about schools and districts and also acts as an access point to a great deal of other publicly available data.

15 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 15 INSERT PROFILES SCREEN SHOT

16 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 16

17 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Edwin Analytics 17

18 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Student profiles An early warning indicator system Dashboards & reports Model curriculum units Curriculum mapping and Lesson planning tools Aligned to Standards Tools to assess student understanding of multiple standards Competency Tracking System Aligned to standards High-quality digital resources to support instruction Aligned to standards 18

19 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 19 What is Edwin Analytics?  What is the SAME: Education Data Warehouse (EDW) reports are still available  New reports are constantly being added  Today we are focusing on…  Identifying current students in grades 1-12 who may be at risk of missing key educational targets (Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) reports)  Identifying how your former students did after they graduated from your school/district (Postsecondary Readiness and Success)

20 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) 20

21 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 21 What are Early Warning Indicators?  Methodological way of looking at students and their likelihood of meeting specific academic goals  Traditionally implemented at the high school level to help predict which students are most likely to drop out  Tool for educators to better design and target student interventions in a timely way

22 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 22 Grade Groupings & Goals == Age Groups Grade Levels Academic Goals (expected student outcomes for each age group) 2012-13 Statewide Results for Goal Early Elementary Grades 1-3 Reading by the end of third grade: Reaching proficient or advanced on 3 rd grade ELA MCAS 57% Late Elementary Grades 4-6 Middle school ready: Reaching proficient or advanced on 6 th grade ELA and math MCAS 54% Middle Grades Grades 7-9 High school ready: Passing grades on all 9 th grade courses 78% High School Grades 10-12 High school graduation: Meeting all local and state graduation requirements 85% Use when setting school and district goals!

23 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 23 Key Concepts  Provides risk level information for all students based on prior year data  The risk levels are not based on a student’s relative likelihood for reaching an academic goal when compared with other students  Individual indicators in the risk model are not reflective of the level of risk - taken together, the indicators (data points) collectively form a risk level  Only includes data from existing statewide collections (SIMS, SSDR and SCS) and state assessments (MCAS and ACCESS)

24 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 24 EWIS is / is not… == The Massachusetts EWIS is…The Massachusetts EWIS is not… A tool to better target interventions and supports at the individual, small group, and whole school levels. A “life sentence” or a reason to label students. A systematic way to flag students that need to be further examined to determine what additional support are necessary. A diagnostic tool that provides details on the exact reason(s) why a student is at risk for not meeting an expected academic goal. Related to measures that are included in the state’s school and district accountability system (PPI), but is not itself an accountability measure. An accountability measure. Based on data and risk models that the Department will reexamine each year to continually improve the system. A stagnant system that will remain exactly the same in future years.

25 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 25 Edwin Analytics: EWIS Reports There are Five EWIS reports in Edwin:  EWIS Student List (EW601)  EWIS District View (EW301)  EWIS Graphical View (EW302) and two new reports,  EWIS Risk Level Indicator Analysis (EW317)  EWIS Subgroup Analysis (EW318)  All can be filtered numerous way (e.g., selecting specific schools, grade levels, student subgroups)

26 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 26 EWIS Student List (EW601)  What are the current risk levels of my students?  What are the prior risk levels of my current students?  What data points (indicators) went into the calculation to determine the risk level?

27 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 27

28 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 28

29 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 29 EWIS Risk Level Indicator Analysis (EW317) A tool to analyze specific attendance, behaviors, and course Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) indicators for students in each risk level for a selected grade. EWIS Subgroup Analysis (EW318) Provides educators with aggregate student risk levels of not achieving their next educational outcome as determined by the Early Warning Indicator System (EWIS) by student subgroups within a District TWO NEW EWIS TOOLS!

30 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 30 Insert EW 318 Screen shot

31 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 31 Insert EW317 Screen shot

32 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Postsecondary Outcome Reports 32

33 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education How did our students do after graduating? Three reports:  Postsecondary Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: All Institutions (CR301)  Postsecondary Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: MA Public Institutions Only (CR302)  Postsecondary Outcomes of Public HS Graduates: Academic Preparation (CR303) 33

34 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Comparing the Three Reports Potential QuestionsCR301CR302 CR3 03 How many graduates go on to postsecondary?XXX What type of institutions (4-year/2-year, private/public) do graduates attend? XXX Which specific institutions did students attended? How many went to each? XX What are the enrollment rates of students who complete MassCore or AP coursework compared to those who don’t? XXX What are the persistence and degree obtainment rates of students who complete MassCore or AP coursework? X What is the postsecondary experience of students from a specific subgroup? (CVTE, ELL, SWD, high needs, etc) XXX What percentages of students enroll in and complete remedial courses? XX In what remedial subjects to do students enroll?X What are the MCAS scores of students who take remedial coursework in math and reading? XX How many credits, on average, do public high school graduates earn in their first year of college? XX 34 Use when setting school and district goals!

35 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 35 How many public high school graduates enroll postsecondary? … at MA public institutions? On top: data from CR301; on bottom: data from CR302

36 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 36 What does persistence look like across subgroups? How many return for a 2 nd year? Data from CR301; See CR302 for MA Public Institutions Only

37 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 37 Where did students enroll? (Anywhere in the USA) This data from CR301 See CR302 for MA Public Institutions Only

38 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 38 What are enrollment rates of students who complete AP or MassCore ? Data from CR301; See CR302 for MA Public Institutions Only

39 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 39 Which type of institutions do they attend? Data from CR303

40 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 40 Of those in MA public postsecondary, what % enroll in remedial courses? In which subjects? Data from CR302

41 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 41 How many of your graduates obtain a degree?  How does that vary by subgroup?  How does that vary by the type of institution where students enroll? (4-year, 2-year, public, or private) Data from CR301; See CR302 for MA Public Institutions Only

42 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education How many credits do graduates earn in their first year of college? What about developmental credits? Data from CR302 42

43 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 43 … and this is just the beginning of what we can do! We could also explore…  What is the relationship between MCAS scores and the type of institution where students enroll? (4-year, 2-year, public, or private)  What is the postsecondary experience of students from a specific subgroup (CVTE, ELL, students with disabilities, high needs, etc)?

44 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 44 For more information…  Watch the Edwin website for updates, including materials and professional development opportunities:  Follow Edwin on Twitter! @ Edwin_DESE  Questions can be submitted to:  If you need access to Edwin Analytics – contact your district directory administrator (List is available at )  EWIS use workshop day: September 23 rd :  Early warning implementation guide coming soon!

45 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Success After High School DART Detail 45

46 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education The District Analysis and Review Tools (DARTs) turn the Department's vast amount of data into valuable, easily consumable information. The DARTs offer snapshots of district and school performance, allowing users to easily track select data elements over time, and make sound, meaningful comparisons to the state or to "comparable" organizations. DARTs are free and available to the public on the ESE website What is the DART? 46

47 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 47 What is the Success After High School DART?  The Success After High School Dart is a DART: Detail tool  DART: Detail tools provide in-depth data on targeted topic areas  The Department already released DART Detail’s: Staffing and Finance and English Language Learners to go along with the more comprehensive DART tools  The intent of the Success After High School DART is to synthesize and summarize existing information available concerning secondary and post-secondary education in a freely, well-organized, accessible format for schools, districts, non-profit organizations, researchers, families and the general public.

48 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 48 Example elements for DART Detail: Success After High School  High School Indicators: Graduation, dropout, suspension, and retention rates.  High School Performance: Students scoring proficient on MCAS, students scoring on SAT and AP tests, and participation in SAT and AP tests.  Program of Study: Students completing MassCore and Advanced Placement coursework. Students passing all ninth grade courses, Students passing 12 th grade mathematics and science technology/engineering coursework. Use when setting school and district goals!

49 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 49 Example elements for DART Detail: Success After High School (continued)  Post-Secondary Educational Outcomes: Students enrolling in post-secondary education, students persisting in post-secondary education, percentage of students enrolling in developmental (remedial) coursework in Massachusetts Public Colleges.  Workforce Development: Students participating in career/technical education by cluster, Students completing work based learning plans and Connecting Activities, links to other regional workforce development data. Use when setting school and district goals!

50 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 50 DART for Success After High School is a publicly accessible tool that provides a snapshot of high school, postsecondary, and career development education data. This tool allows users such as district and school staff, parents, students, workforce partners and organizations to:  Find comparable high schools based on demographic characteristics  Look at trends over several years  View school data in charts that are easy to interpret  Evaluate and reflect on schools and their progress

51 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 51 Find comparable high schools based on demographic characteristics Comparable schools

52 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 52 Trend over several years with easy to interpret charts

53 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 53 “The Waterfall”

54 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 54 And recently released!

55 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 55 The Success After High School DART is available at sx sx It is openly accessible to anyone, however it is a large file due to all the data in the file, so… is best to download it to your computer and b.won’t go through most email systems

56 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 56 Questions or comments?

57 Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education 57 Hope to See You on Our Future Webinars! MonthWebinar Title 9/09/14CCR Data Wise: EWIS, Postsecondary Reports/Success after High School DART 10/14/14Building a Positive School Culture in the Context of the new Discipline Bill - Chapter 222 12/09/14Integration of College and Career Readiness: The Personal/Social Domain 2/10/15Graduation and Dropout Rate Data 3/10/15Career Development Education: Career Awareness, Exploration and Immersion 4/14/15Summer Transition Programs 5/12/15Individual Learning Plans 6/09/15MA Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs

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