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Intro to the Dark and Middle Ages Global History I.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to the Dark and Middle Ages Global History I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to the Dark and Middle Ages Global History I

2 Examine this painting. What is the artist attempting to illustrate about the Dark Ages/medieval period?

3 Disruption of Trade  Merchants’ businesses were destroyed by barbarians  Unsafe to trade  No Trade = No Cultural Diffusion

4 Downfall of Cities  People retreat to countryside to evade invaders  Lack of central government administration  More people live in rural areas than urban centers

5 Decline of Learning  Germanic tribes were illiterate and had no written language  Illiteracy + Lack of Written Language = NO VALUE ON EDUCATION

6 Loss of Common Language  Germanic invaders did not speak Latin  Various dialects form from mixing Latin and Germanic languages By the 800s, French and Spanish had evolved  No Common Language = NO UNITY


8 Germanic-style Government  Allegiance to family tribes as opposed to a state  No central authority; lack of an emperor  No loyalty to a king; no “Hail Caesar”

9 The Franks & Christianity  The leader of the Franks, Clovis, converted to Christianity to appease his wife and to repay God for a victory (similar to ____________________)  Rome supports Clovis & aids his military campaign to unite all Franks Clovis: 466 – 511

10 The Franks & Christianity  The Church builds monasteries to convert German Monastery  a religious community of men (monks) who have given up their possessions to devote themselves to a life of prayer & worship

11 The Franks & Christianity Importance of monks  Opened schools & maintained libraries  Human printing press  copied books; preserved aspects of Roman intellect


13 Gregory I (Papacy 590 – 604)  Pope Gregory the Great increases the power of the papacy by Becoming involved in the secular world Raising armies Giving charity to the poor  Gregory believed the people of Europe were his responsibility

14 Charlemagne (742 – 814)


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