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Bellringer Make sure your group has books! Have out your SSF Packet SOL Challenge BJOTD: What is white and fluffy and lives on Mars?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer Make sure your group has books! Have out your SSF Packet SOL Challenge BJOTD: What is white and fluffy and lives on Mars?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer Make sure your group has books! Have out your SSF Packet SOL Challenge BJOTD: What is white and fluffy and lives on Mars?

2 The Rise of the Middle Ages Objective: SWBAT describe how the Carolingian dynasty came to be and describe their achievements through epitaphs

3 Agenda Bellringer-5 mins SSF Poster Talk-10 mins Quiz-13.1-10 mins Map-10 mins SOL Notes-25 mins Epitaphs-Rest of Class

4 Dates to Know Early Middle Ages Test: 3/29 Notebook Check: 3/29 End of Quarter: 3/30 – Any late work due by 3/28 Spring Break: 4/1-4/9 SSF Visuals Due: 4/13 Spring Break: 4/18-4/22 SOL Test/SOL Review Due: 5/8

5 Setting the Stage Western Roman Empire has just collapsed in 476 CE Germanic tribes are attacking and terrorizing all areas of Europe People are fleeing the cities to avoid the attacks of the Germanic tribes Power, learning and trade are all no longer as strong as they once were Only area where there is growth is in the Catholic church (Christian religion)

6 The Middle Ages Definition: medieval period in Europe leading from 500-1500 CE Took place as a result of the gradual decline of the Roman Empire and fragmentation of Europe Primary unifying force: Roman Catholic Church (AKA THE Church) – How? The Pope anointed Holy Roman Emperors Missionaries carried Christianity to the Germanic Tribes Church served social, political, and religious needs of the people


8 Foundation of Early Medieval Society 1.Classical heritage of Rome: Roman culture still important, even though in decline— giving way to Germanic culture 2.Christian Beliefs: most of Western Europe (including most Germanic tribes) 3.Customs of Germanic Tribes: i.e. oral tradition of song and language, no written language, violence, and warfare

9 Changes in Western Europe 1.Disruption of Trade: frequent invasions caused trade to break down, causing a decline in cities and a lack of money in Western Europe 2.Downfall of Cities: cities were abandoned, lack of leadership 3.Population shifts: people left cities for rural areas 4.Decline of learning: invaders!! Couldn’t read or write, Roman culture in decline, knowledge of Greek nearly disappeared, only literate people= monks and priests 5.Loss of a common language: different dialects of Latin gave rise to Romance languages—(ie French and Spanish)

10 Disruption of Trade

11 Influence of the Roman Catholic Church in the Early Middle Ages 1.Roman authority declined, while church authority grew 2.Monasteries preserved Greco-Roman cultural achievements 1.Monks were the few who could read and write=literate 3.Missionaries carried Christianity and the Latin alphabet to Germanic tribes 4.Pope Leo III anointed Charlemagne as the Holy Roman Emperor in 800 CE 5.Parish priests served religious and social needs of the people

12 Medieval Monks-Learning

13 Pope Leo III and Charlemagne

14 The Franks United by Clovis – Converted people to Christianity Other important leaders: – Charles Martel (came to power in 719) Why was he important? – Charlemagne (came to power in 771) Expanded his kingdom by attacking neighboring tribes Unified Europe for the 1 st time since the fall of the Roman Empire

15 Clovis—Baptism for Strategy

16 Charles the Hammer—Bane to Muslims

17 Charlemagne—Savior of the Holy Roman Empire

18 Frankish Kings and the Church 1.Frankish kings used military power to expand their territory to include most of Western Europe – Empire united by the building of churches, roads, and schools 2.Connection with the Church reestablished Roman culture in Western Europe 1.Charlemagne-crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire 2.Church power extended to political, or secular, affairs

19 Hmm… As Charlemagne’s authority breaks down…what do you think will happen next?

20 Tombstones for the Franks For each of the following events/individuals, create an epitaph for a tombstone heading that includes: – Their name – Their major accomplishments – a symbol to represent them (drawn) – It should be creative and memorable The Roman Empire Clovis Charlemagne Charles the Hammer Example Alexander the Great "A tomb now suffices him for whom the world was not enough“ MLK, Jr "Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty I'm Free At Last."

21 Feudalism

22 The Rise of Feudalism Background – Invaders destroyed Roman ability to protect the people of Western Europe – People, in response to this lack of protection, entered into feudal agreements with land-holding lords who promised them protection

23 Fief: piece of land Lord: landowner—granted land to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military service Vassal: one who received land from a lord, pledged loyalty and military service Serf: workers/peasants who were tied/bound to the land—worked to maintain the manor Feudal obligations: see above


25 Medieval Manor: lord’s estate—houses and land. Had its own: – Rigid class structure (social) – Self-sufficient economy (economic system)

26 Bellringer Place your SSF projects in the indicated location against the wall by the Promethean Board. Take out your outline for your outline quiz. BJOTD: How much does it cost for a pirate to get his ears pierced?

27 Agenda Bellringer (5 mins) Quiz (10 mins) Feudalism (30 mins) SOL Notes (15 mins) SSF Presentations (30 mins)

28 Debriefing Questions Describe the role of the: – King in feudalism – Lords in feudalism – Knights in feudalism – Serfs in feudalism Why did this system of feudalism develop? Where would the church be in this system? Do you think this is a good system? Why or why not?

29 Chivalry Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches, and shalt observe all its directions. Thou shalt defend the Church. Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them. Thou shalt love the country in the which thou wast born. Thou shalt not recoil before the enemy. Thou shalt make war against the Infidel without cessation, and without mercy. Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God. Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word. Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone. Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.

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