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February 2011. Chagrin Loam Proposed Method of Management French Drain Vertical “Pit” Drains ~2 Feet Wide 10 Feet Deep 120 Feet Long 1 Foot 8 Inches.

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1 February 2011


3 Chagrin Loam

4 Proposed Method of Management French Drain Vertical “Pit” Drains ~2 Feet Wide 10 Feet Deep 120 Feet Long 1 Foot 8 Inches Wide 10 Inches Deep 4” Corrugated Perforated Pipe Near Bottom of Ditch

5 Chagrin Loam Stats Cd—Chagrin loam, rarely flooded Map Unit Setting Elevation: 320 to 1,040 feet Mean annual precipitation: 32 to 48 inches Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 55 degrees F Frost-free period: 133 to 205 days Map Unit Composition Chagrin and similar soils: 90 percent Minor components: 10 percent Description of Chagrin Setting Landform: Flood plains Down-slope shape: Linear Across-slope shape: Linear Parent material: Fine-loamy alluvium Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class: Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.60 to 2.00 in/hr) Depth to water table: About 48 to 72 inches Frequency of flooding: Rare Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity: High (about 9.9 inches) Typical profile 0 to 9 inches: Loam 9 to 35 inches: Sandy clay loam 35 to 60 inches: Stratified fine sand to silt loam Minor Components Orrville Percent of map unit: 10 percent Landform: Oxbows Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Athens County, Ohio Survey Area Data: Version 13, Feb 9, 2010

6 Flood Management Project Sites Key ----: French Drain ----: Buildings ----: Vertical Pit Drain (Picture Provided By Google Maps)

7 Estimated Work Schedule TimeStep Pre-Project ConstructionOrder Materials. If materials are coming from a distance greater than ~20 miles, materials should be on site before project construction begins. Project Construction Start 10:00 A.MGravel Shipped to Site, if not beforehand. 10:00 A.MDitch and pits starts being dug. ~11:00 A.MPits filled with gravel, ditch layered with initial gravel. 12:00 NoonDitch completed and bottom layer of gravel is laid. Begin laying the pipe. 1:00 P.M to 2:00 P.MDitch filled the rest of the way with gravel. Turf applied where wanted.

8 Cost Assessment ItemEstimated Cost Perforated Corrugated Pipe$135 for 175’ ¾” or 57ths Gravel (Ditch)$180 total at $12 per ton Ohio Minimum Wage$29.60 per person per hour (estimate 4 hours with one laborer with proper equipment Sub Total:$345 ¾” or 57ths Gravel (Pit)~$24 per pit at 10’ deep by 2’ wide, Estimate 2 pits Total: $393

9 Total Estimated Cost for Repairs $10,000 per Building, minimum. Reasons: 1. Structural Damages (I.E. rotten wood) 2. Foundation Damages 3. Specialized Equipment 4. Specialized Personnel


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