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Chapter 4 Show Me The Money Are you ready to lose your money?

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Show Me The Money Are you ready to lose your money?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 4 Show Me The Money Are you ready to lose your money?

3 What nearly doubled the size of the United States?

4 Answer: Louisiana Purchase

5 What is a ruler with absolute power called?

6 Answer: Dictator

7 What word means to approve or adopt something?

8 Answer: Ratify

9 Almost everyone agreed this man was the best choice for the 1 st President.

10 Answer: George Washington

11 What event occurred that took the French Monarchy out of power?

12 Answer: French Revolution

13 Who was the man that became the dictator of France after the Revolution?

14 Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

15 Who was the President during this time?

16 Answer: Thomas Jefferson

17 How did the Cherokees get their food?

18 Answer: Planting Crops

19 What is a dominant ruler, such as a king or queen?

20 Answer: Monarch

21 President Jefferson sent which 2 men to purchase the Port of New Orleans?

22 Answer: Robert Livingston and James Monroe

23 What event changed Napoleon’s mind into selling the Louisiana Territory?

24 Answer: Slave Revolt in St. Dominique

25 What is St. Dominique known as today?

26 Answer: Haiti (1 st independent black nation in the west)

27 What price did the U.S. pay for the LA Territory?

28 Answer: 15 Million Dollars

29 Which new invention did Lewis & Clark use to map longitude on their journey?

30 Answer: Chronometer

31 In a period of three weeks, how many flags flew over Arkansas Post?

32 Answer: 3

33 How many additional states were made out of the LA Purchase?

34 Answer: 15

35 Government expeditions had certain tasks to complete. What are they? Hint: There are two!

36 Answer: 1. Prepare maps & reports of land and resources 2. Document location & nature of Indians and white settlements

37 Who led the most famous expedition of the LA Purchase?

38 Answer: Meriweather Lewis & William Clark

39 What was the name of the Lewis & Clark Expedition?

40 Answer: Corps of Discovery

41 Who was the young Shoshoni Girl who helped the expedition?

42 Answer: Sacajawea

43 The Dunbar & Hunter expedition explored which area?

44 Answer: Ouachita River and Northern Louisiana

45 These explorers wrote the most specific scientific data than any other. Who were they?

46 Answer: Dunbar and Hunter

47 The site of Hunter & Dunbar’s experiments is now one of AR favorite tourist attractions. What is it called?

48 Answer: Hot Springs National Park

49 Who explored along the Red River?

50 Answer: Freeman & Custis

51 What is the 100 mile log jam on the Red River called?

52 Answer: The Great Raft

53 This person explored much of the Arkansas River from headwaters till where it drains into the Mississippi River

54 Answer: Albert Pike

55 This person documented travels up the Spring, Black and White Rivers in 1818

56 Answer: Henry Rowe Schoolcraft

57 This man traveled up the Arkansas River from Arkansas Post to Fort Smith in 1819

58 Answer: Thomas Nuttall

59 What was the main way to travel to Arkansas during the 1800’s?

60 Answer: Water

61 What is the name of the old Indian trail from St. Genevieve to Southeast Missouri?

62 Answer: Southwest Trail

63 What is the process of filling gaps with clay or mud mixture?

64 Answer: Chinking

65 This was the most severe & longest earthquake in US history

66 Answer: New Madrid Earthquake

67 The result that occurred when the British forced U.S. settlers into British service and encouraged Native Americans to attack

68 Answer: War of 1812

69 Where was the starting point of the surveying of the LA Purchase?

70 Answer: AR Post (LA Purchase Historical Park)

71 Townships were divided into how many sections?

72 Answer: 36

73 A section is how many square miles or acres?

74 Answer: 1 square mile or 640 acres

75 Who was given free land in Arkansas?

76 Answer: Veterans of the War of 1812 & People who lost land in New Madrid Earthquake

77 U.S. Army outpost near the western border of the frontier was named what?

78 Answer: Fort Smith

79 Education became important to the Arkansas Cherokee and with the help of Protestant Missionaries, they opened the first mission & school in Pope County. What was it called?

80 Answer: The Dwight Mission

81 Cherokee leader, who came to the mission and taught the students how to read and write in their own language using an alphabet system that he designed

82 Answer: Sequoyah

83 The 3 parts of this document are: 1. Maine would enter as a free state 2. Missouri would enter as a slave state 3. Slavery would not be allowed in any territories or states created out of the rest of the LA Purchase north of the 36 degree 30 latitude line. (border between AR and Missouri) The 3 parts of this document are: 1. Maine would enter as a free state 2. Missouri would enter as a slave state 3. Slavery would not be allowed in any territories or states created out of the rest of the LA Purchase north of the 36 degree 30 latitude line. (border between AR and Missouri)

84 Answer: Missouri Compromise

85 What event is happening Friday?

86 Answer: Chapter 4 Test!!!!

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