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Hosted by Mr. Wolf 100 200 400 300 400 WOLF 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Mr. Wolf

3 100 200 400 300 400 WOLF 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 The period in which simple stone tools were developed. What is the Paleolithic Era?

5 1,2 The literal meaning of the word Mesopotamia What is “the land between the rivers”?

6 1,3 The first complex civilization to arise in Mesopotamia. What is Sumer?

7 1,4 The type of government in Sumer What is a monarchy?

8 2,1 The people highest in Chinese society. Who are the Mandarins (educated bureaucrats)?

9 2,2 The Sumerian form of writing What is cuneiform?

10 2,3 Gilgamesh’s friend in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Who is Endiku?

11 2,4 The region where the Neolithic Revolution first occurred. What is the Middle East?

12 3,1 The name of the first written Legal code, developed in Sumer. What is Hammurabi’s Code?

13 3,2 The Chinese belief system that Emphasized harmony between Humans and nature. What is Daoism?

14 3,3 What is the most notable accomplishment of ancient Greece, particularly Athens? What is direct democracy?

15 3,4 The classical civilization that Declined solely because of external invaders. Who are the Guptas?

16 4,1 Prehistory is defined as the time period before the invention of __________. What is writing?

17 4,2 The name of the term for when Civilizations develop increasingly More complex political systems, and usually reach their artistic and intellectual peak? What is classicism?

18 4,3 The idea in Chinese culture that leaders are given power from a higher being, and that they also hold responsibility to Properly execute that power. What is Mandate of Heaven?

19 4,4 The term describing Alexander the Great’s legacy of spreading Greek culture throughout most of Europe and the Middle East. What is Hellenization?

20 5,1 The polis is most closely associated with which civilization? What is Greece?

21 5,2 Which Chinese belief system is Highly practical, emphasizing One’s duties and human Relationships? What is Confucianism?

22 5,3 The ancient Chinese used these To predict the future. What are oracle bones?

23 5,4 This civilization endured the most stability in their development, mostly because of their stable social and religious systems What is India?

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