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medical device + ATMP  combined ATMP

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0 Kehittyneen terapian lääkevalmisteiden (ATMP) myyntilupaprosessi ja CAT Fimea GLP-keskustelupäivä Paula Salmikangas CAT Chair

1 medical device + ATMP  combined ATMP
Gene Therapy Medicinal Products Somatic Cell Therapy Medicinal Products Tissue Engineering Products Genetically modified cells medical device + ATMP  combined ATMP

2 Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) and CAT Activities
Dedicated Scientific Committee for ATMPs at the European Medicines Agency Expertises specific to ATMPs (defined in legislation) 1 Member + 1 alternate per member state 5 Member nominated by CHMP (joint members) 2 Members + 2 alternates representing Patient Organisiation 2 Members + 2 alternates representing Doctors Set up by Regulation (EC) No. 1394/2007 Operational since January 2009 (monthly meetings)

3 EMA Committees for ATMPs
CAT Chair: P.Salmikangas CHMP Chair: Dr. T.Salmonsson 5 „double members“ 18 quality experts 12 non-clinical experts 21 clinical experts (including 4 members representing physicians) - 1 inspector 4 patient representatives 8 other (scientists, heads of departments etc.) Total 68 (5 nominations pending)

4 Tasks of the CAT Tasks of the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT)
Scientific Advice Support to PDCO Support to CHMP / COMP Interaction with stakeholders Publications, Guidelines Tasks of the CAT Tasks of the Committee for Advanced Therapies (CAT) EVALUATION CERTIFICATION CLASSIFICATION

5 ATMP Evaluation procedure
ATMPs will follow the Centralised procedure (mandatory scope)  single MA (marketing authorisation) for entire EU: 210 Day procedure Evaluation by two independent (Rapp/CoRapp) teams from CAT, includes CHMP-co-ordinators to ensure transparency between the two Committees All scientific discussion and adoption of key documents at CAT, followed by CHMP discussion CAT/CHMP opinion goes to the European Commission, which grants or refuses the MA

CHMP Co-ordinator (at CHMP level) + CAT Rapporteur (at CAT level) incl. Q/S/E Experts CHMP Co-ordinator (at CHMP level) + CAT Co-Rapporteur (at CAT level) incl. Q/S/E Experts CHMP CAT (Co)Rapp coordinate procedure & discussions at CAT + prepare draft opinions and assessment reports Peer review by 1 CHMP member 1 (or more) CAT member(s) CAT CHMP Co-ordinator responsible for flow of information between CAT & CHMP + discussion/adoption of opinion at CHMP

7 Marketing authorization applications / CAT 2009-2015 (July)
Total Approved Submitted GTMP SCTMP TEP Variations 1 14 6 7 15 5   3 Approved: ChondroCelect for cartilage repair, 2009 MACI for cartilage repair, 2012 (closure of EU manufacturing site 09/2014) Glybera for treatment of LPL deficiency, 2013 Provenge for treatment of advanced prostate cancer, 2013 (withdrawn 05/2015) Holoclar for treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency, 2015 5 ATMPs under evaluation, 3 GTMP, 1 CTMP, 1 TEP

8 Other CAT procedures (July 2015)

9 Certification procedure
Only for SMEs Scientific evaluation by CAT of (early) quality / development data (Module 3) (early) non-clinical data (Module 4) 90 day procedure Evaluation to the scientific standards of a marketing autorisation application The SME applicant will always received the evaluation report (and List of issue for future consideration) If positive evaluation: Certificate by EMA 6 Certification procedures finalised (July 2015) Bone marrow derived progenitor cells for cardiac repair Presentation C Schneider (13 February 2012)

10 Classification procedure for ATMPs
Incentive Open to all applicants Scientific Recommendation from CAT on the Regulatory Classification of their ATMP 60-day procedure (often shorter) Publication of summary information on classification 134 procedures finalised (July 2015)

11 Classification request by an Applicant
Regulation 1394/2007: CAT is responsible for classification of ATMPs Putative ATMP Classification request by an Applicant ATMP Not ATMP Medicinal product Tissue/cell preparation Blood Product DIR 2001/83 1394/2007 If a product is not considered an ATMP, it is not in CAT’s remit to classify this product

12 Introduced changes during the revision EMA/CAT/600280/2010
Substantial manipulation Enzymatic digestion Same essental function(s) in the recipient and the donor Homologous vs non-homologous use Additional changes to clarify the existing concepts e.g. the boundary between vaccines against infectious diseases and gene therapy medicinal products and criteria for combined ATMPs

13 Tissue dissociation by enzymatic digestion
22 April 2017 Tissue dissociation by enzymatic digestion Aim: Dissociate cells-cell contacts, i.e. epithelium Involve several steps including: Collagenase treatment to digest extracellular matrix and Protease (e.g. trypsin) to disperse tightly associated cells. Result: Disruption of stable cell-cell interactions (i.e. gap junctions, tight junctions, adherens junctions) which play a crucial role for the biological activity or structural characteristics of the cells and tissues Considered: Substantial manipulation

14 Tissue dissociation by enzymatic digestion
22 April 2017 Tissue dissociation by enzymatic digestion Aim: Dissociate cells and extracellular matrix, Ex: Islet preparation from pancreas Result: Only conjunctive tissue is digested and cell-cell contact is maintained. Considered: Non substantial manipulation

15 Same essential function in the recipient and the donor
Legislation: Cells or tissues that are not intended to be used for the same essential function(s) in the recipient and the donor The CAT classification is based on two different criteria: Location Function For stem cells (HSC and MSC), the function is not dependent on the histological location

16 Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) transplantation
Same essential function in the recipient and the donor Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) transplantation Apheresis Cell therapy unit Non substantial manipulations Thawing and washing Administration

17 Not same essential function(s) in the recipient and the donor
Bone marrow-derived autologous CD34 cells Intended for improvement of heart function in patients with refractory angina and chronic myocardial ischemia Majority of BM cells hematopoietic progenitors, role in hematopoiesis Considered: Not same essential function Classified: Tissue-engineered product Difficult to demonstrate efficacy; large clinical trials ongoing (BAMI, 3000 pts)

18 Degree of Manipulation Degree of Oversight* (1,2,3)
International Regulatory Perspectives: Degree of Regulatory Oversight for Eight Categories of Cell Therapy Products Category of Product Source Degree of Manipulation Intended Use Degree of Oversight* (1,2,3) Investigational Market Use Category A Autologous Minimal Homologous Category B Substantial Non-homologous Category C Category D Category E Allogeneic Category F Category G Category H

19 Changes in the EU legal regulatory framework impacting ATMPs
PhVig legislation Dir. 2010/84/EU Reg. 1235/2010 Tissues/Cells 2004/23/EC Other starting materials Blood 2002/98/EC Medical Devices 93/42/EC, 90/385/EC Clinical Trials 2001/20/EC Medicinal Products Community Code Dir. 2001/83/EC Medicinal Products Centralised procedure Reg. 726/2004 GMP 2003/94/EC Paediatrics 1901/2006 Orphans 141/2000 ‘Annex I’ 2003/63/EC 2009/120/EC Variations 1084(5)/2003 1234/2008 Advanced Therapy 1394/2007 Falsified Med. Dir. 2011/62/EU EC report from open consultation 4/2014

20 Changes in the regulatory framework impacting ATMPs
Clinical trial regulation 536/2014  need guidance for ATIMPs  Specific GMP requirements for ATIPMs Revision of the Device legislation  Combined ATMPs and borderline MP/ device cases? New T&C legislation on importation  CAT identified several problems for small ATMP developers and especially concerning cell-based products (short shelf-lives), e.g. concerning the request to import also ATMP starting materials through licensed tissue banks Revision of the ATMP Regulation 1394/2007 and correction all problematic points have been much awaited by the developers, but perhaps not amongst the ones to be opened soon…?  Commission has started to work on those points, that can be changed/improved without the need to change the legislation; CAT input required

21 Revision of the GMP framework for CT
GMP requirements GMP mandatory for all products entering clinical trials GMP or equivalent quality system for Hospital Exemption (Jacie standard for transplantation) Many trials from academic / hospital investigators Other quality systems in use in tissue banks Current requirements heavily critized during consultation Revision of the GMP framework for CT Special GMP guidance for all ATMPs (both CT and MA)  under public consultation Q3/2015

22 Guideline(s) on investigational ATMPs
EC has given the CAT the mandate to draft guideline(s) for investigational ATMPs (01/2015) No available IMP guideline for cell-based ATMPs, old GL on gene therapy IMPs  two separate documents will be drafted, maybe fused later on, if feasible  main focus on first in man studies, but will provide guidance also for later phases - IP meeting Q4/2015 – Q1/2016 on the IMP GLs

23 Several challenges in ATMP development
manufacturing constraints - GMP requirements for production - starting and raw materials; material supply - production technologies, comparability - variability and process validation characterisation, potency testing (related to clinical outcome) non-clinical challenges - availability of relevant animal models - proof of concept, safety aspects (species specificities) clinical aspects - possibilities for blinding, availability of compators, efficacy! - dose finding and biodistribution studies in humans, concomitantmedication/surgical procedures, economic constraints (funding, HTA negotiations), value of ATMPs in various indications not yet established, high production and testing costs per batch, differences on national level (classification, clinical trial requirements, hospital exemption…)

24 Risk-based approach Propectively planned strategy to justify the need for data in the MAA, not a traditional risk analysis Does not provide a rigid classification system of different risks of a product as whole (e.g. high-risk product vs. low-risk product) Is intended to provide flexibility to regulation of ATMPs Additional help or burden for developers? How to do the risk/risk factor profiling?  GL on risk-based approach (EMA/CAT/CPWP/686637/2011)  Q/A document on RBA under preparation  scientific advice

25 Adaptive pathways Prospectively planned approach for MA with conditions Based on existing procedures (conditional MA, MA with exceptional circumstances, joint EMA/HTA SA…) Pilot phase with 3 ATMPs ongoing Important to understand the impact of conditional MA  post-marketing obligations  impact on reimbursement negotiations

26 CAT participates to joint cross-committee objectives
- adaptive pathways (3 ATMPs in the pilot) - benefit/risk project - patient registries, …. CAT specific objectives - finalise the RP on classification and GL on GTMPs - draft a guideline for investigational ATMPs (EC task); - CAT/IP meeting Q3/4, in relation to the GL on investigational ATMPs - support EC in developing GMP guideline for ATMPs - provide training for assessor´s (2015, webinars) and developers (CAT workshop with learned societies with ISCT in Sevilla) - new survey of clinical trials and developers ( )

27 Where to find information
Further information from the CAT and it’s monthly reports  Committees  CAT Summaries of scientific recommendations on classification of ATMP Go to: Advanced therapies ATMP classification Summaries For general queries:

28 Thank you for your attention!
Colton And Abbygail Ainslie, Siblings With SCID, Among First Cured Of 'Bubble Boy Disease' (Photo: Facebook/Jessica Ainslie) B.Mellor, Nature 2008 Thank you for your attention! Special thanks to Margarida Menezes Ferreira (CAT) Patrick Celis (CAT) Rocio Salvador Roldan (EC) Marit Hystad (CAT) Nicolas Ferry (CAT) Egbert Flory (CAT)

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