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Pathways to Success Connecting Foster Youth to High School Career Development Opportunities October 28, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Pathways to Success Connecting Foster Youth to High School Career Development Opportunities October 28, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathways to Success Connecting Foster Youth to High School Career Development Opportunities October 28, 2009

2 WELCOME Hosted by New Ways to Work Co-Sponsored by Casey Family Programs California Youth Connection California Department of Education Child and Family Policy Institute of California Foster Youth Education and Career Network Foster Youth Career Development and Employment Task Force California Career Resource Network California Workforce Association Supported by Casey Family Programs, Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, and The San Francisco Foundation 2009 Foster Youth Forum

3 Today’s Agenda 10:00Welcome and Overview 10:15Career Development Opportunities and Resources 11:15Break 11:30Panel Discussion 12:30Lunch 1:00Strategy Session 2:30Report Out 2:45Next Steps 3:00Adjourn 2009 Foster Youth Forum

4 New Ways to Work Builds community connections that prepare youth for success 25 years building comprehensive youth-serving systems nationally Focuses on effectively targeting public resources to prepare youth for the future Connects efforts to economic development Pioneered the All Youth-One System approach Since 2004 a focus on foster youth transitions 2009 Foster Youth Forum

5 New Ways to Work Where New Ways Works Supporting connections between schools, community, and the workplace across the nation Building connected transition systems for all youth in California Building community capacity through customized technical assistance locally 2009 Foster Youth Forum

6 New Ways to Work Current and Former Initiatives Communities and Schools for Career Success Diploma Plus Intermediary Network Partners on the Breakthrough Series Collaborative on ILP Transformation Targeted Technical Assistance – New York City and Chicago Youth Council Institute Youth Transition Action Teams 2009 Foster Youth Forum

7 Youth Transition Action Teams YTAT Launched in the summer of 2004 with 18 counties participating by 2008 Addressing the issue of transition for youth aging out of foster care Consisting of leaders from child welfare, education, workforce development, and other local systems Improving outcomes for youth aging out of the foster care system in the following areas: Educational achievement and aspiration Workforce readiness Employment Support networks 2009 Foster Youth Forum

8 2009 Projects Foster Youth Career Development Access and Success Funded by the San Francisco Foundation to work within the Bay Area to increase the awareness and access of foster youth to existing career development opportunities. Foster Youth Summer Jobs Plus Funded by the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles to work in partnership with the LA YTAT to assist 100 foster youth in connecting their 2009 summer jobs experience to their career and educational goals 2009 Foster Youth Forum

9 Who’s in the Room? Which systems are represented? What you hope to get out of this session? 2009 Foster Youth Forum

10 Why Are We Here? The Need to Increase Awareness and Access California’s high schools offer an array of career development programs and services Foster youth participation in these programs is low Foster youth and those that work with them need to be aware of their options 2009 Foster Youth Forum

11 What is Career Development? A sequenced continuum of activities and experiences that address career and college awareness, exploration, and preparation. Includes a series of classroom activities, workplace exposures, and community experiences over time. Seek out programs and services that provide a range of opportunities for students to develop their interests and explore options for their future. 2009 Foster Youth Forum

12 Career Development Continuum 2009 Foster Youth Forum

13 What is Career Development? Key Principles The following key principles support a comprehensive career development system: Provide meaningful career development opportunities Develop youth-centered and developmentally appropriate experiences Engage parents, guardians, and caregivers Provide real world experiences Build a connected system Allow for flexibility and adaptability Measure success and solicit feedback 2009 Foster Youth Forum

14 An Overview of High School Options and Opportunities for Career Preparation Multiple Pathways Provide a variety of academic and career related choices Career Technical Education (CTE) Curriculum standards designed to address the needs of California’s 15 identified industry sectors Career Pathways Programs Includes a sequenced set of academic and hands-on course work 2009 Foster Youth Forum

15 Overview Continued Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROC/P) Career and technical education for high school students 16 years of age and older Academy Programs Small learning communities that provide college preparatory curriculum with a career theme 2009 Foster Youth Forum

16 Overview Continued Specialized Programs for Youth with Disabilities: WorkAbility A transition program designed to prepare special education students for the workplace and independent living Transition Partnership Programs (TPP) Funded by the California Department of Rehabilitation to prepare special education students in their last two years of high school to be competitive for the job market upon their transition from high school 2009 Foster Youth Forum

17 Other School Types and Programs Magnet Schools Alternative Schools of Choice Model Continuation High Schools Smaller Learning Communities Charter Schools Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) Program Service Learning Career and Technical Student Organizations 2009 Foster Youth Forum

18 Addressing the Information Gap 2009 Foster Youth Forum

19 Addressing the Information Gap The Guide to Career Development Opportunities in California’s High Schools Supported by the San Francisco Foundation and Casey Family Programs A resource for foster youth, social workers, caregivers, and others working with foster youth Can be found at 2009 Foster Youth Forum

20 Connecting to Employment Begin planning early (7 th or 8 th grade) Identify interests Determine whether or not college will be required Set short and long term goals Assess work maturity and employability skills Seek part-time employment or volunteer opportunities to gain skills and experience Create a resume Connect with existing programs that will assist with career and/or employment preparation 2009 Foster Youth Forum

21 Supporting Career Development California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) John Merris-Coots, Executive Director 2009 Foster Youth Forum

22 Other Opportunities that Support Career Development Workforce Investment Act Career Ladders Project The Gateway Project Career Advancement Academies Guardian Scholars Chafee Education and Training Vouchers California College Pathways Foster Youth Success Initiative Adult Education Programs California Connected by 25 Initiative Others? 2009 Foster Youth Forum

23 How We Can Support Foster Youth in Connecting to Next Steps Find out who and what they are connected to already: Caregivers Social Worker CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Mental Health Counselor Educational Liaison ILP Case Manager Case Plan Individual Education Plan Transitional Housing Program Transitional Independent Living Plan 2009 Foster Youth Forum

24 Local Strategies Our Panelists Catherine Giacalone Youth Development Services Manager, Contra Costa County Office of Education Maya Webb Foster Youth Services Coordinator, San Francisco Unified School District/Student Support Services Darnell Johnson and Emily Villas California Youth Connection 2009 Foster Youth Forum

25 Mapping Existing Career Development Opportunities and Challenges 2009 Foster Youth Forum Identify specific career development opportunities that already exist in your community Identify what gets in the way of foster youth getting connected to these opportunities Define what you can do or do differently to ensure that foster are connected

26 Next Steps What needs to be in place for effective career development in your community? What do you already know? What do you need to find out more about? How are you going to get the information? Who do you need to connect with? How will you engage and empower youth and caregivers? What is your strategy for getting information to foster youth, caregivers, social workers, education liaisons, ILP, and others working with foster youth? 2009 Foster Youth Forum

27 “We should dream of and plan for a day when fewer children require foster care. But until that day comes, we have a moral responsibility to prepare young people leaving foster care to become whole adults who can fulfill their potential and build bright promising futures.” President Jimmy Carter 2009 Foster Youth Forum

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